HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01-18; Design Review Board; Minutes.-
Meeting of: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD (Regular Meeting)
Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m.
Date of Meeting: 3anuary 18, 1989 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
Chairman Hall called the Meeting to order at 5:OO p.m.
Present: Chairman Hall, Board Members McCoy, McFadden,
Rombotis and Schramm.
Absent: None.
Staff Present: Chris Salomone, Housing & Redevelopment
Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney
Lance Schulte, Planning Department
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairman Hall.
A transparency listing the Design Review Board
Procedures was shown for the audience.
There were no requests to address the Board.
Chairman Hall announced that Board Member Rombotis had
requested a change in the order of the Agenda due to
another meeting at 6:OO p.m.
Chairman Hall said that he would like to move the
Village Faire to #I, and Halverson to #2, and then the
selection of a Chairperson. However, he said he would
like to have the election before Member Rombotis had to
Design Review Board changed the order of the Agenda to
proceed with Item 84.
Board Member Schramm was unanimously elected
Chairperson for the coming year.
Board Member McCoy was unanimously elected Vice-
Chairperson for the coming year.
Request to be continued.
Hal 1
Rombot is
\ \
January 18, 1989 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Page 2
Chris Salomone stated staff had presented a staff
report at the last meeting and the Board gave direction
to the applicant and continued the Public Hearing to
this date. All problems have been worked out and there
will be a recommendation of approval at a future
meeting. The applicant requested that the Public
Hearing be continued to the next meeting.
Chairman Hall opened the Public Hearing at 5:05 p.m.,
and asked for testimony from anyone not able to attend
the February 1, 1989 meeting. Since there was no one
requesting to speak, the public testimony portion was
closed at 5:06 p.m.
Design Review Board continued this item to February 1,
Request for a Minor Redevelopment Permit and Coastal
Development Permit to renovate an existing residential
structure and detached garage at 3050 Madison Street for
use as an office in Subarea 1 of the Village
Redevelopment Area.
Lance Schulte gave the staff presentation as contained
in the Staff Report, using an overhead to show the site
and slides showing the house. He concluded his report
stating that staff recommended denial of the request,
because the quality of the improvements did not appear
to achieve Carlsbad's redevelopment goals.
to the plans on the walls, showing that the applicant
intended to paint the exterior and make some
modifications to the interior; with none of the exterior
design modifications to accommodate an office use.
Onsite parking is provided by the applicant, but with no
high amenity level; therefore staff's recommendation for
denial was for Redevelopment Permit as well as the
Coastal Permit.
He referred
Board Member Rombotis inquired whether staff had
discussed with the applicant the criteria and amenities
to be added to make this project up to standard
Mr. Schulte replied they had been close to approval;
however, the applicant removed the exhibits and wanted
to go forward with the proposal as shown now.
Chairman Hall opened the Public Hearing at 5:11 p.m.,
and issued the invitation to speak.
Me1 Halverson, 1151 Luneta, Del Mar, the applicant,
stated he didnot feel it was cost effective to put in
all the amenities staff had asked for; the building
would be better to look at than before. He said
everything was covered in his letter to staff dated
December 12, 1988.
Mr. Halverson requested approval of the project as
submitted, as that would be an enhancement to the area.
McF adde n
Rombot is
L \ ; -
3anuary 18, 1989 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Page 3
Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the
public testimony was closed at 5:15 p.m.
There was a discussion about which subarea this property
was located in, and staff used a transparency to show
the subareas, and this property is located on the edge
of subareas 1 and 7. However, this use would be allowed
in both areas.
Design Review Board adopted the following Resolutions:
(one motion)
3. RP 87-11(A)/CDP 88-1 VILLAGE FAIRE.
Board Members McCoy and Rombotis left the dais, as they
own property within 300 feet of this property and want
to avoid a conflict of interest.
Assistant City Attorney Ron Ball stated that it
appeared the applicant was denied an opportunity to
respond to a condition which was placed on the project
after the close of the public testimony. Mr. Ball
stated as he looked back at that meeting, that could be
the decision of a reviewing court. The condition
should be one that is fully and fairly argued and
evidence is presented so that it should not be a
surprise to the applicant.
Mr. Ball said that in this case, the issue of outdoor
table service was addressed, but the additional
condition, itself, was not contained in notices or in
the preliminary staff report or any other written
documents. That is reason the matter is back before the
Design Review Board.
The Redevelopment Commission, which desires this
Board's serious consideration and deliberation of each
item before you before it makes a recommendation,
would have rcommended, in this case, at a hearing
before them for the first time, that this item be
returned to you for review.
Mr. Ball continued, stating that the original resolution
and any amendment this Board would make would be the
recommendation to go forward to the Commission.
Mr. Ball said that the recommendation from another
Commission over another issue, is not binding on this
Board. There was a reference made in the staff report
to a decision by the Planning Commission, and that is a
separate body with separate facts, and each project is
considered unique. Each Commission or Board applies
the facts as they pertain to the project as a unique
one and is not bound to follow a similar decision in
another area of the City which has a different factual setting .
McF adden
Rombot is
Sch ramm
3anuary 18, 1989 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Page 4
Chris Salomone stated that the intention of bring this
back was in no way meant to indicate that anything was
done improperly at all. It beame apparent following
the last meeting that the applicant was unaware of the
ordinances governing outdoor eating areas and staff had
written the report based on the applicant's request for
a 3,600 square foot restaurant. This Board dealt with
that request and approved it.
There was some misunderstanding or lack of knowledge,
for whatever reason, and when this item came before the
Redevelopment Commission, that item would be open for
discussion, as it was deemed very important to the
Attorney to ask whether there was a way to reconsider
this, as it will probably come right back to this Board.
It was determined that an amendment was the
way to bring this item back prior to forwarding it to
the Commis sion.
Chris Salomone stated he approached the
Ron Ball said it would not have been proper for a
motion to reconsider, because the project was, indeed,
The Board retains the jurisdiction and discretion to
reconsider its previous recommendation.
Member McFadden said she heard the Board was considering
an amendment--what were they considering--as the staff
report she had in front of her said the applicant had
withdrawn original the amendment. Is that true?
Chris Salomone said that what is being considered
tonight is an amendment to the amendment (RP87-A), to
consider outdoor eating only. He said the confusion
of the withdrawal of the application came because the
original letter from the application would be withdrawn.
The subsequent letter is included in the packet where
the applicant asked to address the outdoor eating area
only. As the Attorney said, this Board's recommendation
has already been made on the 3,600 square foot
restaurant fully enclosed on the site, which is
compatible with the original Village Faire approval.
This item tonight is dealing only with the outdoor
eating condition that no service be to that area.
Member McFadden said that when they considered the
original, it said in the applicant's memorandurn on page
2, paragraph 2, that this was for walk-up eating, and
that was what we considered. She said she didn't
understand what the Board was back here considering
tonight. She asked why they were amending and
Chris Salomone said simply because of the lack of
understanding of the ordinance by the applicant.
He said that it has been the idea to accommodate these
things in the Redevelopment and deal in a more
conscientious way than in other parts of the City.
This item would come back or the Redevelopment
Commission would uphold your hearing.
the applicant was genuinely unaware of the condition
that was placed on it, or unaware of the ordinances
that applied to that condition, and simply wanted to
discuss it with you.
In either case,
3anuary 18, 1989 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Page 5
Chris Salomone stated that staff wanted to bring the item back to the Board before sending it forward, and
did not expect it to be precedent-setting.
Mr. Salomone said the outdoor eating area as requested
by the applicant with walkup service was legitimate, without table service.
Member McFadden agreed that she hoped this would not be
Member Schramm said she was confused, as her
recollection was that when it passed, there would be no
waiter service to the tables; that the walk-up was to
be allowed. Mr. Salomone said "Absolutely."
Mrs. Schramm asked of Mr. Ball whether this is being
returned because the applicant did not understand or
have an opportunity to respond--as he agreed. Mr. Ball
said the first reference to service in the patio was
during the public testimony portion with the applicant
explaining what that would be with a 10 or 15 percent
portion of the inside seating.
was closed and an added condition was added that no
outside table service be allowed outside, and he felt
the applicant should have been allowed to address that
prohibition at the time it was an added condition.
That did not appear in the resolutions or staff report. It was discussed in a way that a court could say was
not due process, allowing an applicant an opportunity
to discuss or present evidence or arguments regarding a new condition presented at the conclusion of the public
testimony. If there is a question about that type of
thing, the applicant could ask for a continuance or
present arguments. Mr. Ball said that was why he
reommended to Mr. Salomone that this Board could hear
the matter as an amendment.
The Public Testimony
There is no legal reason for not allowing a multitude
of amendments to an application. Mr. Ball said this
was not precedent-setting, because if the prohibition
had been described in the staff report or in the
resolution, it would not be reconsidered.
Member Schramm said even though he accepted it, and Mr.
Ball said that he did not recollect whether that
condition was accepted and the Minutes did not reflect
Member McFadden asked for the Minutes to be corrected
and Mr. Ball concurred. She said she had listened to
the tape and felt the matter should be continued until
the Minutes are re-typed. Also, the exhibits and
information could be properly given to the Board rather
presented to them verbally at the meeting. recommended continuing the matter.
Mr. Ball said the Minutes would be redone for review by
the Board. Member McFadden recommended having the
Clerk listen to the tapes to re-type the Minutes.
Chris said only the original exhibits and overhead were
available, with no seating diaqram for the outside
seating area, as the applicant wished to discuss that.
3anuary 18, 1989 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Page 6
Chairman Hall opened the Public Hearing at 5:37 p.m.,
and issued the invitation to speak. He asked whether
the applicant, Mr. Densham, wished to make any
comments .
Steve Densham, 3965 Monroe, General Partner, Village
Faire Project, said that there was no threatened court
action by any of his partners, and no drawing that he
could put before the Board would show what was
anticipated, as the construction is not far along
enough at this time.
Mr. Densham said he was painfully aware of the
ordinances and what they say, and it was a major mis-
communication between himself and staff and staff and
himself as to the usage of the common areas of the
Village Faire as a whole. There were many hours of
discussion spent on the importance of outdoor eating
areas to the Faire; specifically the area of Grand and
Washington, which staff felt needed to be opened up more
for more outside eating and gathering areas to be
there. Consequently, one of the buildings was cut
back. Coming out of those meetings was the idea, as he
said in his second letter in the amendment to the
amendment, was the European-type of atmosphere, which
the Village Faire is supposed to be all about. Mr.
Densham said this is apparently not the case. He felt
this was a case of mis-communication.
Mr. Densham stated if anyone had asked him, he would
have indicated at the last meeting that the condition
was not acceptable and they would talk about it some
more. He felt it was an error of omission rather than
Mr. Densham referred to the walk-up area, and said that
was an additional amenity to that, where there was a
full-service operation, and in addition to that, a walk-
up window where a shopper could avail himself of a very
limited menu. He said that hecould have made that
clearer in his letter, and would have that evening, if
he had more opportunity and thought it would be an
Mr. Densham was prepared to present other options and
in no way did he represent that this Board should do
anything just because some other City body had done
Member McFadden stated she would like to see those
things in writing; those options; in the staff report,
so the Members can think about them before they come to
the meeting, instead of just getting verbal input by
the applicant.
Mr. Densham said he thought he had done that, and asked
what additional information she wanted.
Member McFadden said the alternatives he mentioned.
Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the
Public Hearing was closed at 5:43.
3anuary 18, 1989 DESIGN REVIEW ROARD Page 7
Design Review Board continued the Village Faire item to
the February 1, 1989, meeting.
Minutes of the December 21, 1988, meeting were
continued to the next meeting.
Member Schramm inquired if the December 21, 1988, Minutes
are approved, that will complete what was passed December
21, 1988? She added that the applicant is now asking
for a change, and would that be based on a CUP?
Member McFadden said that is not what he is asking for;
he is asking for an amendment.
Chris Salornone said the applicant is asking for the
ability to offer alternatives in order to somehow allow
table service to the outdoor eating areas in the Village
Faire. He will present alternatives to allow this.
Member Schramm asked if this would be part of the
Redevelopment Permit, and Mr. Salomone said it would be.
Mrs. Schramm said she would be in Hawaii from the 24th
to the 30th. She said it might be difficult to lead
that Meeting, depending upon when she received the .
By proper motion, the Meeting of January 18, 1989, was
adjourned at 5 : 47 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
Housing and Redevelopment Director
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk
Hal 1
McF adden
Rombot is
Hal 1
Rombot is