HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-02-01; Design Review Board; MinutesMINUTES
Meeting of: DESIGN REVIEW Board
Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m.
Date of Meeting: February 1, 1989
Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
- (Regular Meeting)
Chairperson Schramm called meeting to order at
5:OO p.m.
Present: Chairperson Schramm, Board Members,
McCoy, McFadden, Rombotis and Hall.
Absen t : None.
Staff Present: Chris Salomone, Housing and
Redevelopment Director
Management Analyst
Patricia A. Cratty, Senior
Ron Ball, Assistant City
Lance Schulte, City Planning
Bob Wojcik, City Engineering
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairperson
Sc hramm .
Chairperson Schramm read Design Review Board
meeting Procedures as a transparency was used to
show them for the audience.
There were no requests to address the Board.
Minutes of December 21, 1988, approved with
Members Rombotis and McCoy abstaining on item 1
(RP 87-ll(A) CDP 88-1(A) Village Faire).
Item trailed to allow staff to display exhibits.
ITEM 3. RP 87-ll(A)CDP 88-l(fi) VILLAGE FCSIRE
Members Rombotis and McCoy excused themselves
from the platform to sit in audience due to
conflict with this project.
Chris Salomone, Housing and Redevelopment
Director, gave report explaining project and
giving chronology of events leading to request.
Staff stated that the project was returned to
discuss the 3,600 square restaurant proposal
Design Review Board February 1 1989 Page 2
which was approved at a prior meeting but
conditioned with regard to outdoor eating area.
Staff reported that the applicant asked that the
Board consider three options with a fourth which
staff must bring to Board's attention. Staff
stated that the applicant was available to
discuss options. Options to be considered and
explained by staff were as follows:
1. Remove the condition that addresses
outdoor eating area table service and
allow it to be. done with the approval of
the Redevelopment Director. Mr.
Salomone suggested that the ordinance
and Local Coastal Plan in relation to
how restaurants and outdoor eating areas
are treated can be reviewed and perhaps
make some recommendations prior to the
occupancy of the restaurant. This could
be something that could be done as part
of the review of the master plan for the
Redevelopment Area.
Staff stated that if Board were to recommend
this option tonight that the Local Coastal
Plan would need to be amended because it does
not conform. Amendment to the Parking
Ordinance and Local Coastal Plan could be
'done over the future months.
2. Option 2 was recommended in the original
outdoor eating package which was to use the
"Crazy Burro" approach in that the inside
eating area equivalent to the outside eating
area is closed off when used. This was done
with the Crazy Burro restaurant and is
reviewed annually. This gave the operator of
the Crazy Burro the option of using the
outdoor eating area.
3. Staff stated that this consideration is
proposed by the applicant and was not in the
original packet. To allow outside eating
area the same parking ratio a5 the inside
area, 1 to 250 and to allow the total excess
spaces to go toward any outdoor area as
designated on exhibit. Basis for this
rational, is the original project was parked
at 1 to 250 which would allow an unlimited
amount of 2,000 square foot restaurant areas
which basically this is saying use the
additional parking spaces to allow 1 to 250
Design Review Board February 1, 1989 Page 3
for additional eating areas. The applicant has
shown a new eating area on the southwest corner
of the project deck adjacent to the Twin Inns
4. Staff stated that the fourth implied option
which is not spelled out in the applicants
letter is that it be parked 1 to 100 as per
Staff stated that the applicant ha5 provided a
new parking breakdown for Board consideration.
It states that the project as built has shrunk
from original approved project. Actual
construction is 1500 square feet smaller than
that which was approved and parked. Restaurant
would actually be 400 square feet smaller.
Total excess spaces totaled a little over
thirteen for the whole project. Adding 15%
reduction total would actually be 15 spaces for
overall project which are unobligated. Staff is
in the process of verifying this calculation and
would get this data from Senior Building
Inspec tor.
Member Hall had a question on project size.
Staff stated that project size was 69,900.
Member Hall felt project should be continued
until Board had actual figures.
Member McFadden stated that on Resolution #133 ,
#3 finding is actually a condition. Staff
stated that this had been corrected. Also
wanted to be sure that Board is not deleting
condition 23 and it remain in place, 2,000 limit
hold other than this restaurant. Member
McFadden dl50 asked for a total review of the
parking situation. Concerned on how conditions
are to be implemented, for example; employee
parking was to be north of Grand and signage.
Thirty public parking places on east side of
Washington credited to project and would like to
see them usable and not park and ride facility
perhaps could have hour limit, three hour for
Staff asked if there would be any value in
discussing this contingent. Member McFadden
objected to discussion without the numbers.
Assistant City Attorney, Ron Ball, commented
that the business license application in
solution number 1 is not a discretionary permit
that it waswministerial permit and conditions
cannot be placed on it. Stating that the
Redevelopment Permit could be conditioned not
Design Revier Board February 1, 1989 Page 4
the business license. Also that parking in the
public parking area could be handled in the
three hour limit separate and apart from this
Member McFadden also requested that staff bring
in information on what it means when the term
"common usage" is used.
No one wished to speak. Public hearing closed.
Member McFadden suggested that the item be
continued to February 15th.
Chris Salomone presented staff report stating
this item was brought before the Board at their
previous meeting with a recommendation for
denial. Staff was able to give clear direction
to applicant for the drive up window at the
southeast corner of Madison and Elm Clvenue.
Staff continued stating that issues were access
to project off of Elm Avenue and Madison Avenue
and exit out onto Elm Avenue this caused on site
circulation problems. Other issue was parking,
however enough direction was given that
applicant was able to work with staff to resolve
issues. Staff is proposing and recommending
approval that Elm Avenue entrance be completely
blocked off and additional exit be created on
alley way which would allow better circulation.
Staff noted that the handicapped space has been
relocated on the northern edge where exit used
to be allowing the handicapped persons to exit
and enter on a pedestrian walkway and never
having to conflict with on site circulation.
The actual drive up window has been reduced to
comply with all ordinances and is parked at 1 to
200 square feet. Additional landscaping was
also created. Overall building reduced, solved
majority of pedestrian and vehicle problems and
also able to increase landscaping. Staff has
recommended approval of project with these
changes .
Member McFadden stated staff report doesn't
reflect plan. Staff explained difference and
matter resolved. Member McFadden also had
question regarding trash enclosure and driveway.
(Juestion on distance of wall from driveway.
Staff member Bob Wojcik stated that wall would
be removed or reduced to a height of 32 inches
to increase the site distance down the alley
way. So there would be a minimum of 24 feet
Design Review Board February 1, 1989 Page 5
with a 32 inch high wall or remove wall
completely in which case there would be an
additional width on driveway. Or wall can be
eliminated and cars kept.
Member McCoy had question on condition 31
wording. Staff member Bob Wojcik stated that
the only triggering mechanism was a building
permit to insure repair to the sidewalk. Member
McCoy felt it was something the City should take
care of. Mr. Wojcik stated that condition can
be changed to match other requirements.
Applicant Jim Landry, representing Kentucky
Fried Chicken addressed Board. Stated they were
in the process of incorporating all the items as
Board suggested. Mr. Landry had concern
regarding the alley and wanted assurance that it
would always be open.
Staff member Wojcik answered query about alley
stating that it is currently being used by the
other businesses and residences both along
Madison and Jefferson Streets so there was
already established use of the alley. Rny
vacation of any public property has to go to the
City Council and it would be engineering’s
recommendation that a vacation not be granted
because it is a vital circulation in the area.
Staff cannot guarantee that it would never be
closed off, recommendation would be to not
vacate alley.
Since no one else wished to speak public
testimony closed.
Member Schramm had questions in regarding to
mention that there would be a crosswalk so cars
going past would recognize handicapped space,
maybe a cross hatch, she did not see on the plan
would like to see that on the plan.
Condition 31 was referred to and suggestion made
to incorporate sidewalk repair with Elm Street
driveway improvement and incorporate with other
public improvements. When building permits are
issued, that is the time to fix sidewalk.
Assistant City Attorney Ron Ball also cited that
the City retain legal power to vacate or abandon
alley way by proper procedures.
Member McFadden moved to approve Resolutions 124
approving Negative Declaration and 136 and 137
with the following conditions:
Design Review Board February 1, 1989 Page 6
Approval to include 32 inch wall going north
from the trash enclosure to the beginning of the
24 foot driveway down the alley. Condition 31
be corrected to say that work will commence with
the issuance of building permit. Striping be
shown on the site plan.
Staff member Chris Salomone stated this was a
preliminary review of a proposed project.
Staff stated that two schemes of an office
building on Oak and State are provided. Staff
is asking for some guidance on the direction
applicant is going to take in order save time in
process. Staff wanted to address some obvious
conditions for this site.
Qpplicant Michael Straub, 542 Oak Street
addressed Board stating he would present both
schemes. First being a building approximately
9,500-10,000 square feet and the second being
14,000 square feet. Question applicant had was
concerning parking and intensity of development
City wanted to have in the area.
Member Rombotis stated scheme one parking under
building - too close to corner and would like to
open up an entry feature and have it step back
from State.
Member Hall stated he has met with Mr. Straub
and discussed this project. Member Hall stated
he liked under the building type parking but had
concern with it being architecturally pleasing;
not be just straight walls, some sort of facade
hung to the walls and that it have roof lines,
for example a balcony.
Member McFadden asked staff about cottages north
of site. Wanted to know if anything was going
on there. Staff responded that there was no
known change going on there. As far as other
sites in vicinity, there may be some minor
Member Schramm stated she liked the idea of
underground parking.
Applicant spoke on parking plan issues and
maximum amount of parking. Member Rombotis
Design Review Board February 1, 1989 Page 7
stated he would rely on engineering
Member McFadden stated she had concern with 40%
Member McCoy stated concern with intensity and
2nd story set back. 1st story on property line
is acceptable. Also that medical uses would not
be allowed at this parking ratio.
Chris Salomone stated that they do allow parking
to back onto an alley with 24' back up
requirement which complies.
Since there was no further items for discussion
meeting adjourned at 5:58 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Red eve 1 o pmen t
Acting Minutes Clerk