HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-02-15; Design Review Board; Minutes. MINUTES
Meeting of:
Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m.
Date of Meeting: February 15, 1989
Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers
Chairperson Schramm called the Meeting to order at
5:08 p.m.
Present: Chairperson Schramm, Board Members Hall and
Absent: Board Members McFadden and Rombotis.
Staff Present: Chris Salomone, Housing & Redevelopment
Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney
Lance Schulte, Planning Department
Marty Orenyak, Community Development '
Direct or
Bob Wojcik, Developmment Processing
Serv ices
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairperson Schramm.
Chairperson Schramm read the Procedures as a transparency
was used to show them for the audience.
There were no requests to address the Board.
1. RP 87-11(A)/CDP 88-1 VILLAGE FAIRE.
Board Member McCoy left the room to abstain from the
discussion and voting on this item, to avoid a conflict
of interest, as he owns property within 300 feet of this
Assistant City Attorney Ron Ball stated that there were
two Members present who could take part in the
discussion and voting on this item. Two Members of the
Board were disqualified due to the conflict of interest
rule, and the other Member of the Board was absent
Inasmuch as there were two Members present to discuss
the item, that constituted a quorum for this item. At
the conclusion of the discussion on this item, the other
Member of the Board could return to the dais.
Mr. Ball stated that if the vote resulted in a tie, no
action would be taken and the item would have to be
continued until the third Member was present.
Member Hall asked how the third Member would be able to
vote, not having heard the presentation tonight. Mr.
Ball stated that if that Member listened to the tape and
reviewed the Minutes and was fully informed on the
matter, then that Member would be allowed to
participate in voting on that matter.
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Feburary 15, 1989 Page 2
Chairperson Schramm reiterated that the third Member
could vote if it were stated that the tapes of the
meeting had been reviewed, and Mr. Ball said the only
thing missing would be the demeanor of the applicant arid
the other Members. He added that all evidence,
including diagrams, charts, etc., should be made
available to the absent Member.
Chairperson Schramm said if the two Members present
tonight disagreed, the third party could make the
decision, and Mr. Ball said there would be no action
taken, and the third person would be the deciding vote.
Chairperson Schramm asked to review the February 1,
1989, Minutes at this time, as they reflect on the first
part of the Public Hearing, and the latter part of the
Minutes would include Member McCoy.
Minutes of the February 1, 19889, Meeting were approved
as amended, as follows:
Item 83 - Members Rombotis arid McCoy excused themselves
from the room and did not sit in the audience. Page 4,
the Board voted to continue this matter, and the Minutes
did not show that. The matter was continued to February 15, 1989, and following that Members Rombotis and McCoy
returned to the room. (Since this meeting was taped,
and no Minutes Clerk present, the person transcribing
would not have access to the above information).
Member McCoy left the room for discussion of Item #I.
1. RP 87-11(A)/CDP 88-1 VILLAGE FAIRE.
Chris Salomone gave the staff report, using a
transparency to show the site at Carlsbad Boulevard and
Elm Avenue. He said that most of staff's input has
been heard at previous meetings on this amendment.
However, for the benefit of the Board, Mr. Salomone
stated he would reflect on the entire project and focus
on the restaurant and outdoor eating area the applicant
has requested.
Mr. Salomone referred to a transparency showing the
site plan for the entire project and said the project
was truly a redevelopment project, incorporating some
non-traditional ideas, notably the parking, which is
arund a retail center with access from all four sides
of the site. On the inside of the site, there are 30
to 31 parking spaces adjacent to Rotary Park, in the
public right-of-way and partially in the railroad right-
of way.
Mr. Salomone stated that directly on the western side
of the Twin Inns building is Neiman's Restaurant.
There were 9 parking spaces in front of the building
there, and the Design Review Board felt to improve the
project, it would be best to remove those spaces and
increase the amount of landscaping on that side along
Carlsbad Boulevard. As those were important parking
spaces to the operation of the restaurant, the Design
Review Board eliminated those from the calculations for
the parking on the site.
Hal 1
OESIGN REVIEW BOARD February 15, 1989 Page 3
On the right, to the north of the project, there is
an off-site parking lot. That lot is a leased parcel,
with a 49-year lease, and staff negotiated the lease
between the property owners and the applicant and this
was reviewed by the City Attorney. City staff felt it
would more than adequately meet the needs of the
project, and was determined to be acceptable in counting
toward the parking for this project.
Mr. Salomone said that these were the areas that unique
on this project. Also, with the 15 percent mixed use
credit given, this made a reduction in the over-all
parking requirements.
project of this size and is done throughout the City.
This was granted on this project and it was parked at a
ratio of 1 to 250 square feet. This was a hybrid ratio,
and the reason was to allow the applicant to have
flexibility in putting food uses into the center and not
have to park as if it were all food service and not as
though there was to be no food service. Parking at 1
to 300 square feet allows no food, and 1 to 200 allows
unlimited food service--a compromise of 1 to 250 was
reached, and the project conditioned that no food
service was to be over 2,000 square feet.
This was very typical on a
Mr. Salomone used a transparency of the Village Fiare
Parking as Provided chart included in the packet,
showing 324 stalls provided for the project, and
actually 327 will be built on the site, with 3 extra
parking spaces at this time.
Mr. Salomone said that in December a request was made
by the applicant for a 3,600 square foot restaurant in
the center, and the Board approved that request,
finding that there would be adequate parking with the
off-site parking lot. That parking lot had two
versions; one that would barely meet the needs for the
site, and a larger one, and the larger one with excess
parking was the one conditioned.
Before the previous request went forward to the
Redevelopment Commission, an issue of service to
outdoor eating areas arose, and it was deemed the item
should come back before the Design Review Board for
clarification to determine the issue of outdoor eating
area and how it should be parked. Several options were
presented over the last two meetings.
At the last meeting, staff was directed to do research
on verifying the square footage as submitted by the
applicant, which was a reduced riumber than approved,
arid the Engineering Department was to determine the
square footage at this time.
The other issue was common usage areas, and how they
are dealt with typically throughout the City.
Mr. Salomone stated he would discuss the common usage
areas first. Common areas are areas that open to the
populus and are considered amenities when they come
throuqh the Planning Department. Retail projects, such
as the one before the Board, have common areas. The
issue comes when those common areas may be used as an
enclosed area or leasable area, or areas that would
normally be parked. Then staff has to deal with a
condition or address the use of common areas.
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD February 15, 1989 Page 4
Mr. Salomone said the request for a common area to have
table service from an adjacent restaurant is a typical
use, This Design Review Board has dealt with that
several times recently. Mr. Salomone read a condition
that had been placed on the Von Der Ahe project:
No food or beverage service outside of an approved
building pad or building shall be allowed on this site.
Outdoor cafes or seating in conjunction with an
established food or beverage service building are
allowed upon review by the Planning Director. In such
instances, no employees are allowed to serve customers
outside of an approved building or building pad.
Mr. Salomone said they were trying to strike a middle
ground, where it is possible to have benches and outdoor
common areas where employees can take their lunches or
even food from an adjacent food area. This is an
amenity, and is encouraged in the Redevelopment Area.
However, some restrictions have to be put on this to
keep it from being unlimited.
Mr. Salomone said he would read a condition on a project
that would be coming before this Roard involving an
outdoor eating area on a flower stand:
No food or beverage service outside of the restaurant
shall be allowed on the site. (The restaurant abuts the
flower stand that this Board will be approving.)
Outdoor seating in the area between the flower stand and
the restaurant and in conjunction with the restaurant
operation is allowed upon review and approval by the
Redevelopment Director. In such instances, no employees
are allowed to serve customers outside of the
restaurant. Customers must pick up and dispose of food
arid beverage items themselves.
Mr. Salomone stated that typically outdoor areas where
it is self-serve are not considered restaurants, and
sometimes not parked at all, but certainly not parked at
1 to 100 square feet.
Mr. Salomone said that addressed the common area; that
staff sees that the same as landscaping or open space as
an amenity, and often is conditioned as being larger than
the applicant would like in order to provide an amenity
to the public.
Mr. Salomone continued, stating the next issue was
parking, and the applicant, in his requested amendment
for the 3,600 square foot restaurant, proposed to the
Design Review Board a parking scheme and several
options. A transparency was used to show the Village
Faire Parking as provided by the applicant.
The applicant contends that the
the project is actually smaller than the approved project
that was parked; that is is 68,355, some 1,500 square
feet less than the original design. Staff was directed
to verify the numbers submitted, and it was difficult,
but the Engineering Department did measurements and they
will verify that the building is 69,540 square feet.
The Engineering Department feels that number is
believable, making the project 360 square feet less than
it was parked originally.
as-built condition of
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD February 15, 1989 Page 5
Mr. Salomone stated that there was a situation where
there were 3 extra spaces (verified when the parking lot
across the street was configured) and the 360 square
feet that is parked but not built. Then, the restaurant
approved by this Board has been reduced from 3,600
square feet to 3,200 square feet, aiving 400 square feet
parked at 1 to 100. Mr. Salomone stated that staff felt
there were 6 spaces excess on the entire project,
based on the plan check and information staff has and
with the confirmation that the restaurant is reduced 400
square feet.
In an.swer to query regarding the 400 square feet
reduction in the restaurant, Mr. Salomone stated he
wanted the applicant to address that, because if the
area was then retail, it would qo back in to the parking
at 1 to 250. He reiterated that the 6 spaces came from
the 360 square feet not built and the original 3 extra
spaces. Also, if the 400 feet is not a retail store,
then that would also be valid to be applied to the
Member Hall inquired about the traffic area by the
proposed eating area and dsked what the standard was for
the walkway. Engineering replied 44 inches, which is
the handicapped standard, and that recently the Planning
Commission had placed a condition on a mixed-use center
that required six feet of clear pedestrian space along
any pedestrian corridor, and that seemed to work for
that project.
Chairperson Schramm inquired of staff whether the 360
square feet was being parked at 1 to 100, arid Mr.
Salomone said that was up to this Board. There is 360
square feet difference in the size of the center; three
spaces that are not committed and the 400 square feet
difference in the restaurant size to be discussed. He
added it would depend on how this Board chose to park
the area--whether at 1 to 100 or 1 to 250. In answer to
query, Mr. Salomone stated the traditional parking for a
restaurant is 1 to 100.
Steve Densham, 3965 Monroe Street, General Partner of
the Village Faire Project, stated he would like to
comment about some of the things mentioned in previous
Mr. Densham stated that the makeup of the Design Review
Board is such that there is Planning Commission input and
input from the Redevelopment Area representatives.
However, due to the interpretation of the law, all of
the Redevelopment input and thinking on this matter will
not be considered. He asked the remaining Board Members
to reflect on what the input of the Redevelopment arm of
this Board might be in this matter.
One issue Mr. Densham mentioned was that of precedent.
He stated he had presented an idea a couple of meetings
ago that was a way to address this matter from another
angle as suggested by the Planning Commission, and this
Board said it was not bound by precedent. Mr. Densham
said that is not an issue in the Redevelopment Area--as
what is done on one project does not and will not
necessarily follow. He said he would like to put
precedent aside. On the other hand, if it is the right
thing to do, then it becomes a precedent--and that is what is being discussed here.
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD February 15, 1989 Page 6
Mr. Densham said that this Roard had before it in
November or December of last year a way to handle
outdoor eating areas, which was in the form of 10
percent of the inside area of seating would be allowed
outside without being parked. This was never put in the
ordinance and he asked what happened to that.
Mr. Densham said the Board discussed that there needed to
be a different look in the villaqe and the Redevelopment
Area and a different way to address these outdoor eating
areas. Mr. Densham felt there is confusion about the
whole thing, and that he would not like to see this
project and the entire Redevelopment Area suffer because
of this. He asked the Board to look at this and set it
up in a realistic way to deal with this or any other
project, or redo the ordinance, if necessary, as the
Board needs to change its policy on outside eating
Mr. Densham stated that a patio area is not an inside,
contained building, and in their other operations in
Carlsbad they find that 41 percent of the time is when
outside eating areas are used---with weather and demand
determining the use. A patio cannot be enclosed and is
not an extension of the restaurant.
Self-service and waiter-served was discussed next by Mr.
Densham, saying that self-service promotes a disposable
lifestyle, and the village atmosphere is not to be a
paper.cup or plate type of area. This is in Subarea 5
of the Redevelopment Area and the Village Design Manual
says this is a major tourist, commercial-related center
for the Redevelopment projects area. Land uses include
bona fide restaurants--not self-service delis, walk-up
to the window or drive-through type of thing.
Mr. Densham said there had been comments about the leased
parking and he read from the Manual, stating that
innovative methods of providing off-street parking
through a combination of public and private efforts
should be encouraged. The lease he has is for 49 years
and the parking lot is already finished and is being used
by the construction workers to avoid creating an impact
on downtown parking. Many hours were spent in obtaining
this parking lot and Mr. Densham felt it should not be a
negative thing.
Mr. Densham continued, stating that the Redevelopment
manual it says that the feeling of village townness is a
prerequisite to order, amenity and sound City planning
and must be actively promoted by City officials.
Mr. Densham stated he would ask that the condition on
outside table service be removed and that outside table
service be allowed without additional parking in the
Redevelopment Area as a whole, and especially at Village
Faire. This would be subject to review by the
Redevelopment Director.
Mr. Densham commented that the Housing and Redevelopment
Advisory Committee is studying the parking, traffic and
general master plan for the downtown area at this time.
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD February 15, 1989 Page 7
Another suggestion by Mr. Densham was to compromise and
use the Crazy Burro Plan of having to close inside table
service on a corresponding number of tables being served
outside. That plan could be used until input is
received on actual experience and observation.
Mr. Densham stated that in answer to the questions as to
the measurement of the center, his own engineers and
contractor had measured and it contains 68,355 square
feet, measuring the way leasable space is properly
Mr. Densham added that with the streetscaping project,
there will be an improved flow in traffic and
circulation and an increase in public parking--as there
already is--with an additional 500 projected parking
spaces in the area.
The third solution suggested by Mr. Densham was that
outside eating areas are different from inside
restaurants and should not be parked as such, which
would jusify parking such an area at 1 to 250 square
feet--as that area outside with waiter/waitress service
is really an extension of the square footage of the
center, which is parked at 1 to 250.
Mr. Densham concluded, stating he would like to be
permitted to answer any questions.
Member Hall inquired about the seating number for the
restaurant, and Mr. Densham answered he did not know
that. Mr. Hall continued, stating a year or so ago the
Members thought this should be a restaurant, and they.
were trying to work toward that end at that time. He
said it was not that the Members did not foresee this
sometime ago and they have tried to work out a remedy
for this. He then asked how many tables would be in
that outside corner area and Mr. Densham said 8 to 10 of
varying sizes -- two to four chairs per table, with
mostly two chairs.
Elr. Densham used a wall map to indicate where the fire
pits were located and the other sitting areas.
they were not far enough along on the design to know
just what the seating area would be--as in designing
restaurants, the first area is the production area, and
then the seating is worked out. In answer to Mr.
Hall's question as to the total distance along the east
side, Mr. Densham said it was approximately 25 feet.
He said
At this point, Marty Orenyak, Community Development
Director, stated that he would like to clarify the 44
inches space between tables. He indicated on the map
there was an exit required of approximately 7 feet, with
a clear pathway. The 44 inches was between tables, but
did not include the access required by the fire and
building codes. Mr. Densham added that this was an open
area and not one that was walled in like a courtyard.
Mr. Hall said he was concerned about pedestrians trying
to pass through the area while people were being seated
and served by waiters or waitresses. Mr. Densham stated
he hoped that would be a problem--but that seriously,
the people coming through that area would be coming from
the corners. Mr. Hall added that people from the
parking lot across the street would be entering that way.
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD February 15, 1989 Page 8
Mr. Densham said there had been an incorrect statement
made at the last meeting with regard to the parking lot
and that it was edicted to be employee parking.
that was not true, and the CUP says nothing like that.
The employees and tenants are being told that they WILL
park in that lot; freeing up the parking in the center
itself for customers. The lot is lighted and controlled
and close by, and if the employees do not park there,
they could possibly have their cars towed.
He said
In answer to query regarding the square footage for the
tables, Mr. Densham stated when he had talked about the
restaurant and this outside table service reared its
ugly head, he had been talking about the entire center
as a whole. There were two potential areas where there
would be outside seating and waiterlwaitress service
could occur. However, there are other areas that might
become restaurants, and they might want to put some
tables outside, unless this one restaurant had already
used up all the allotted tables. He felt a fixed amount
of square footage should be approved, rather than saying
a certain area is the ONLY space where tables could be
designated to be used for that, then there would be
He added if 3,000 or 4,000 square feet were
In answer to Board query, Mr. Densham stated these two
areas contained approximately 3,800 square feet--each
one 1,900 square feet.
Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the
public testimony was closed at 5:58 p.m.
Chairperson Schramm inquired about the verification of
the square footage of the center and Mr. Salomone stated
that he would have to abide by the figures of the
Engineering Department.
Member Hall said he felt this project would be highly
successful and the outside seating makes sense. He had
concern with the intensity of the use and the safety of
people coming around the side of the building.
if there is an access of 7 feet, that should be
adequate. His other thought was the parking and how
intense it might become.
spaces, that would be 10 spaces for the 1,000 square
feet--using the restaurant code. Mr. Hall added that is
a long way from the 3,800 square feet. However, he said
he could support that for one year.
If credit was given for the
Mr. Hall commented he would feel more comfortable if the
entire Board were voting on this issue and wished the
law were different.
Chairperson Schramm stated if the patio area were used
and served, it would have to be parked at the restaurant
standard. She liked the outdoor seating, but was
concerned with the parking in the Redevelopment Area and
leased parking in other areas--not just this one. She
said she could only approve the request if the area were
parked to meet code requirements.
DESIGN REVIEW BOARD February 15, 1989 Page 9
Uesign Keview Board approved RP 87 -11(A)/CDP 88-1
Village Faire with 1,000 square feet allowed for
outside served seating. This action is approved
specifically as indicated on Exhibit 4 showing a
restaurant of 3,200 square feet and this proposal
approved for a period of five years, but shall be
reviewed by the Redevelopment Director annually and
returned to the Design Review Board at any time they
deem necessary.
listed as verified by staff.
The square footage of the Center to be
Member Hall inquired what would happen if in one year
there was a parking district or there were no problems,
and what options did the applicant have. Mr. Salomone
answered he could present an amendment and go through
the same discussion.
Chairperson Schramm stated she would like a staff
report in a year to see how the project is proceeding.
Assistant City Attorney Ball sugggested the report be
one year from the opening date.
Member Hall passed the gavel to incoming Chairperson
Schramm for the coming year.
By proper motion, the Meeting of February 15, 1989, was
adjourned at 6:06 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, A
Housing and Redevelopment Director
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk
Schr amm