HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-01-12; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: January 12, 1987 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Robertson called the meeting to order at 5:08 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Chairman Robertson. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Robertson, Commissioners Blackford, Christiansen, Howard-Jones and Swenson. Absent - None. Staff Present: Patricia Cratty, Senior Management AnalystIRedevelopmen Brian Hunter, Associate Planner Kip McBane, Ex-officio Member Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the December 8, 1986, meeting were approved as presented. GUEST SPEAKERS: 1. Mark A. Roeder and Tom Demere, Paleontologists Tom Demere and Mark Roeder jointly gave a slide presentation on procedures on paleontological sites, stating the Carlsbad area has the best marine fossils in California. They brought samples of fossils, screens and a microscope to view some of the small specimens. At the close of their presentation the Commission Members all viewed these exhibits. 4 palentological map that had been prepared by these gentlemen was placed on the board and referred to. They indicated this map could be simplified and color coded. Mr. Roeder proposed Carlsbad set up guidelines for paleontological surveys and preserving the fossils retrieved from the sites. good system and even Vista had listed such sites. material was left with the Commission for their use in trying to set up guidelines for Carlsbad. paleontological survey port ion as well as archeological site preservation has been really a hit and miss situation in Carlsbad to date. set up these guidelines for the City of Carlsbad. Adrienne Landers helped generate the palentological map that was shown on the wall. He stated Orange County has a This The These two gentlemen offered to help Discussion determined a condition of permit should be to have a paleontological survey made by a qualified paleontologist. After this is done, the monitoring needs to be done as the grading proceeds on a site. inspectors for a development can check to see if there is need for a paleontologist to do what was called for in the permit condition. The Roberts on Blackf ord Christiansen Howard-Jones Swenson L \ MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Pane ., 3anuarv 12. 1987 COMMISSIONERS GUEST SPEAKERS: (continued) It was suggested that staff needed to be alerted by a letter from this Commission when a paleontological site is to be developed, particularly if the EIR did not cover this. Brian Hunter stated the proposed map could be used to show the sensitive areas and the soils report from the geological testing should show what is in the area. A qualified paleontologist should make the survey, and it was noted this should also include one who is aware of the danger arid qualified to be around heavy equipment. It was stressed this is a dangerous job. The Commission directed Patty Cratty write the Planning Director to have his department watch for any paleontological sites in proposed developments. a letter to Chairman Robertson stated the goals of this Commission were to create some kind of guidelines for paleontology in Carlsbad, review the archeological and geological standards and bring them all to the same level. Brian Hunter stated there was a need to go beyond the EIR. Grading permits are asked for every day that do not require EIRs. Also, applicants prepare documents and if the planner has no indication that there is an archeological site there, the project would be approved. There needs to be a built in checkpoint for the archeological as well as paleontological sites. However, the paleontological mitigation cannot be done until the grading is done. At the grading point, the paleontologists follow the graders and inspect the large pieces of earth or rock, as well as smaller pieces for smaller fossils. Every request that comes into the Building/Planning Departments should be compared to this map. There needs to be identification of the critical areas, with follow-up of those areas. The Planning Department would retain this map and check on the map for any developing area. Brian Hunter stated he would bring the outline of the steps, procedures and existing policies that are followed in walking any project through the City. include paleontological, as well as archeological. This will OLD BUSINESS CONTINUED ITEMS 2. H-I - Carlsbad School District Offices Patty Cratty reported there was nothing new, with the next meeting to be held February 5, 1987. The alternative layouts, analysis, structural evaluation and appraisal of property are all being considered at the present time. This item was continued to the February 9, 1987, meeting. MINUTES page 3anuarv 12. 1987 OLD BUSINESS CONTINUED ITEMS 3. Archeological Sites Ron Ball, Assistant City Attorney, stated he had read the minutes of the December 8, 1986, meeting and this stated the problem with the confidential information given out by the Museum of Man and San Diego State University on archeological sites. That information would be confidential and could not be discussed in a public meeting. There are no exceptions for a map of a local agency of archeological sites, and that is public information. There are exceptions if it is a Native American site or is maintained by the Office of Historic Preservation. agreement would be signed by you and you would agree to keep any information they send to you confidential. This information would be on a "need to know'' basis and there would be a list of the sites provided by either San Diego State or the Museum of Man. Staff would maintain that list and keep it confidential. If there was a developement planned for any area listed in that confidential information, then it would be open for discussion and would no longer be secret. there is no development planned on a site, there is no need to discuss it. At the time a development is planned or proposed for that particular site, the information can no longer remain confidential. There would be other people involved, and there would be a need to have something done about the archeological site by many different agencies. An As long as This list would be in staff's hands, and any time an archeological site was involved, staff would check the confidential list. Ron Ball stated further the Commission could not go into a closed session to discuss this type of confidential information but they could keep the confidential list with staff. Brian Hunter stated this list would be confidential as far as the public and would be given to the Planning staff for their use. Ron Ball, in answer to Commission query, stated it is now necessary for final permits to be issued within a year and 90 days of the time the EIR was submitted. This should prevent out of date EIRs being used that could possibly have missed an archeological site. The discussion disclosed the archeological sites should be checked before the issuance of any negative declaration. The suggestion was made that perhaps this Commission should review any negative declarations. Mr. Hunter stated there are only 21 days for a review period, and this could happen between Commission meetings. Staff should follow the procedure set out and check for any archeological sites. Brian Hunter stated he would get a copy of the agreement and the existing archeological procedures and bring these to the next meeting. h \ 9 MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION 3anuary 12, 1987 Paae 4 - OLD BUSINESS CONTINUED ITEMS: (continued) Item No. 3 will be placed on the agenda for the February meeting. DISCUSSION/INFORMATIONAL: 4. Brown Act Reauirements Assistant City Attorney Ron Ball stated the Brown Act is not clear, and there will be amendments to clear up the present questions. cannot be discussed, unless there is an emergency. Items that are not on the agenda Any action that would be taken on an item not on the agenda would be considered null and void. Also, the agenda must be posted 72 hours prior to the meeting. In answer to Commission query regarding discussing a topic, but taking no action, Mr. Ball stated if there were an injured party because of discussion at one meeting and action taken at the next meeting with no chance for discussion, that party would have the ability to sue. 5. Environmental Review for Historic Resources Brian Hunter reported he had talked with Chris De Cerbo regarding the Gaus House. Commission's input as to what information they wished to have on historic structures. At the present time, only a picture and history is required, but the planners want to go further than this and require site plans, elevation plans, as well as history, before any discretionary action can be taken. Also, there will be a video tape, construction techniques and materials. He stated he wanted this The question was asked whether is was possible to make a Condition of Approval to keep the Gaus House from being demolished before proper determination of the site could be made. The condition would be to require building permits for the new building prior to the demolition permit issuance. 6. Speakers for Future Meetings This item was continued. 7. TV Show - This Old House Patty Cratty reported on an interesting TV show on Channel 15 which is entitled This Old House. 8. Granarv Dedication Patty Cratty suggested there be a dedication for the Granary building, and this could be done at the same time the Magee House plaque is installed. Kip McBane suggested these be a part of the Centennial celebration. h \ 9 MINUTES HIS ORIC PRESERVA DISCUSSION/ INFORMATIONAL : (continued ) 9. Dedication for Historic Sites Patty Cratty suggested the Commission consider dedication for all designated historic sites. The consensus of the Commissioners was this was a very good idea and would be good public relations. done during the Centennial, with perhaps a dedication each day. The suggestion was made this be IO. Carrillo Ranch Grant Patty Cratty reported there was nothing new at the present time, they are still lobbying for the grant for the ranch. Commissioner Howard-3ones distributed photographs taken at Carrillo Ranch. 11. Depot Grant Patty Cratty said the architect will meet with the Depot Committee and the restoration should be under way soon. 12. FY 87-88 Proposed Budget Patty Cratty distributed copies of the proposed budget to Commissioners. which specifies the needs of the Commission. She stated $10,700 is being requested, 13. News Article on Historic Point of Interest - Calavera School Site Patty Cratty referred to the article entitled "Carlsbad Folks Recall Hourse and Burro Days" by Lola Sherman. 14. Carlsbad Theatre Patty Cratty reported the new owners of the Carlsbad Theatre want to rennovate the theatre and would like to give this Commission a tour of the project before it is complete, to show what they are doing. They want to be involved in the Centennial Celebration. The suggestion was made to invite the new owners to the February meeting. PROPOSED SITE REVIEW: 15. ADDlication Submittal for ProDosed Sites The Commission added the Carlsbad Theatre to their list of sites for review. This had been number 11 on the B list. The application for St. Michael's Church was given to Commissioner Howard-Jones; the application for Carlsbad Union Church-Gaus House was given to Chairman Robertson; the Carlsbad Theatre application was given to Kip McBane. The request was made to ask the owners whether they would like to share in this application submittal. \ \ MINUTES VIDEO PRESENTATION: 16. Video of Batiquitos Lagoon This item was continued until the February meeting. AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of 3anuary 12, 1987, was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, PATRICIA CRATTY Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB: tb \