HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-02-09; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION lime of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: February 9, 1987 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers \ COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Robertson called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Robertson, Commissioners Blackford, Christiansen and Howard-Jones. Absent - Commissioner Swenson. Staff Present: Patricia Cratty, Senior Management Analyst/Redevelopmen Brian Hunter, Associate Planner Kip McBane, Ex-Officio Member APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the January 12, 1987, meeting were approved as presented. OLD BUSINESS/CONTINUED ITEMS: 1. Carlsbad Theater This item was trailed until later in the meeting. 2. H-I Carlsbad School District Office Patty Cratty reported that at Friday's meeting with the School District, the structural engineers report determined the structures are not worth salvaging and should be vacated immediately. The proposal was to have the City buy the property, build the buildings, with the City to pay for property later. blend in with the neighborhood, and it is hoped that some of the facade could be saved to help maintain the flavor of the original structures. Chairman Robertson stated all of the Commissioners wished to keep in touch with the negotiations between the School District and the City. The architecture is to Commissioner Christiansen requested ongoing information be supplied to this Comission with regard to plans and design. ' John Cahill is the Project Manager, and Ms. Cratty will send a letter to him and Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen to keep this Commission informed. The site should be marked as a Historic Point of Interest. Ms. Cratty said the same documentation is done for a Point of Interest as for Historic Sites. Staff has interpreted the Ordinance that way and would hope to have video, photographs and any written history before the site is destroyed. Commissioner Howard-3ones suggested Ms. Cratty write a letter to the School Board. Chairman Robertson stated the Planning Department should be informed as far as making this a part of the EIR. Robert son Blackford Christiansen Howard-Jones MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION February 9, 1987 Page 2 - COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS/CONTINUED ITEMS: (continued) Commissioner Blackford stated he would like the documentation on sites to be as complete as possible. The Commissioners felt a memorandum to Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen should express the appreciation of this Commission for the decision-making on this project being done in a thorough manner by obtaining a structural analysis. The Commission would like to encourage that in the future. Ms. Cratty stated the action at the next meeting would be to adopt the Resolution recommending the Pine Street school site a Historic Point of Interest. 3. Archeological Site - Confidentiality Agreement Patty Cratty reported the Confidentiality Agreement had been discussed and a copy of that form was included in the packet. This form has been sent to the City Attorney for his perusal and he had no problem with the agreement. Chairman Robertson inquired who would keep the file, and staff stated it would be kept in the Planning Department. Brian Hunter stated he could speak for the Planning Department, and he had discussed this with the Assistant Planning Director and the Planning Director. problem with keeping this confidential file. They had no Kip McBane stated a letter should be sent to the Planning Department stating this Commission is in favor of initiating this file as soon as possible. Brian Hunter said the Planning Department's concern was the legality of a public body having information that was not available to the public. The method of the file being kept in the Planning Department is the method to be used. Staff will refer to the files before anyone is issued a grading permit. The Confidentiality Agreement is to satisfy the City Attorney and this Commission. When a development comes in for processing, this agreement will be kept in mind and will be checked against the confidential records. Patty Cratty was directed to write the memorandum as mentioned above. In answer to query as to whether there was a cost to obtain these confidential records, staff indicated there was a charge, and it was possible they might have to wait until after 3uly 1 for money to be included in the budget. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 , COMMISSIONERS February 9, 1987 OLD BUSINESS/CONTINUED ITEMS: (continued 4. Paleontological and Archeological Site Procedures Brian Hunter called attention to the CEQA Process flowchart, the Environmental Impact Assessment Form, the Environmental Impact Analysis and the existing paleontological and archeological limits of what the Planning Department can ask for under the California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. attached to the agenda item. Mr. Hunter stated he would add one thing. By adopting the list of known California sites from San Diego State, we can apply mitigation for archeological sites easier. The applicants, when they file these papers, just automatically check the boxes. Not all employees on staff have the expertise to be aware of the known sites and the guidelines. paleontological condition is all right, but it does not say when to apply it. Mr. Hunter would like to add a sentence already approved by Charles Grim, the Assistant Planning Director. If the Commission agreed, he would add prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, whichever comes first, a soils report would be prepared and submitted to the City of Carlsbad. If this report indicated there was any potential fossil material, then there would be a two-phase program. Mr. Hunter stated he would like to make some kind of immediate fix. If it was felt forms and material were needed from other cities, this could be added as the Commission determines. He felt through the grading and building permits, this condition These forms were The would be picked up by the Planning Department. Chairman Robertson stated he felt the Commission shou look at what other cities had done and those could be incorporated into the present conditions. Patty Cratty suggested a subcommittee might be formed gather this material and study it. This subcommittee could work with staff, and together they could outline what they felt was necessary for this program. It was suggested Mr. Roeder and Mr. Demere would certainly be helpful in working with this information. d to The Committee determined that Member Swenson should work with staff to develop paleontological guidelines for Carlsbad. At this point the Commission returned to Item No. 1 for discussion. 1. Carlsbad Theater Michael Normandin, Co-owner of the Carlsbad Theater, discussed his plans for the rennovation and operation of the theater. He had photographs taken in the theater and blueprints which the Members of the Commission viewed. Mr. Normandin told of the panels in the theater where the murals are contained. He called attention to the newspaper articles telling of the formal opening of the Carlsbad Theater in February of 1927. The panels containing the murals have been covered with paint, and it is not certain whether the murals can be restored or whether removing the paint will remove the murals. If the murals cannot be restored, Mr. Normandin would like to duplicate them. He stated there are ten panels with murals. MINUTES Paae 4 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION February 9. 1987 - COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS/CONTINUED ITEMS: (continued) Shawn 3ones, History teacher at Valley 3r. High, has spent a great deal of time researching the murals and the people involved. He told of the artist, Alexander William MacRae. Mr. Jones has now located his granddaughter, who lives in Poway. She has some of Mr. MacRae's works and artifacts. Mr. MacRae had been left-handed and had lost his left arm. He then learned to paint using his right hand. It is estimated that the oldest paint on the murals is 55 years old. It was determined the theater was designed for silent movies, and when sound movies came in, the theater was not properly equipped. sacrificed and covered over with paint and material to help the acoustics. The murals were Mr. Normandin feels this is an architectural historic discovery. He stated he will need financial help to restore the murals and the theater to the way it was at its opening in 1927. He hoped to get this theater onto the National Register, if possible. He felt this could be a very significant historical site for the City of Carlsbad. He spoke of perhaps selling some of the artifacts of the building in order to fund the restoration. 5. Speakers for Future Meetings Patty Cratty reported she would invite Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director, to speak at the March 9, meeting . 6. Batiquitos Lagoon Video This item was continued to the March meeting. 7. Plaques for Historic Sites 987 , Patty Cratty stated the Commission needed to discuss the type of plaques they would like to have for the designation of historic sites. described a glass-type plaque. using different materials were discussed, with the Commission consensus being they would prefer going with the cast bronze markers that would be more permanent. They felt a quality plaque would be more economical in the long run. Commissioner Howard-3ones Several types of plaques Chairman Robertson volunteered to contact members of the Historic Society who have worked on purchasing plaques. He will report back to the Commission. MINUTES \\\\\ HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION v Page 5 COMMISSIONERS February 9, 1987 NEW BUSINESS: 8. Bicentennial of U.S. Constitution San Diego is going to hold their celebration September 26th. Ms. Cratty questioned whether the Commission would like to combine this Bicentennial of the United Stated Constitution with the Carlsbad Centennial Celebration. The comments made by the Commissioners indicated the school system should take the responsibility for the U.S. Constitution Bicentennial Celebration. to have the City Manager write a letter to the schools suggesting they organize this celebration. The suggestion was DISCUSSION INFORMATIONAL: 9. The Members reported on the three sites for applications and Patty Cratty reported the owner of the Carlsbad Theater would be submitting an application for the Theater. Site Applications for Proposed Designation IO. Carrillo Ranch Patty Cratty gave an update on Carrillo Ranch, stating the State is still reviewing applications. At the time Carlsbad had written letters to lobby for the Carrillo Ranch, the State Director of Parks and Recreation had resigned. The State does feel this is a worthwhile application. Chairman Robertson suggested Patty Cratty send a letter to Andrew Richter in Houston, Texas, giving him a report on the status of the grant for Carrillo Ranch and encourage his interest. Mr. Richter should be asked for any information he may have regarding Carrillo Ranch. 11. Santa Fe Depot Patty Cratty gave an update on the Depot, stating an architect had been hired and the restoration will be starting soon. 12. Village Voice Newsletter Patty Cratty called attention to the article in the Village Voice Newsletter entitled Yarlsbad--Its Beginning", written by Commissioner Christiansen. P- A MINUTES COMMISSIONERS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION February 9, 1987 Paqe 6 AD30URNMENT : By proper motion, the Meeting of February 9, 1987, was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Preservation Commission will be held at the Safety Center. The next meeting of the Historic Respectfully submitted, PATRICIA CRATTY Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB: tb h \ z