HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-03-09; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutes- -. I MINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: March 9, 1987 Place of Meeting: Santa Fe Depot COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Robertson called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Robertson, Commissioners Blackford, Christiansen and Swenson. Commissioner Howard-3ones arrived at 5:06 p.m. (Ex-officio) McBane arrived at 5:15 p.m. Absent - None. Staff Present: Patricia Cratty, Senior Management AnalystlRedevelopmenI Brian Hunter, Associate Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The second paragraph under Santa Fe Depot, Item No. 11, page 5, is to be moved to Carrillo Ranch, Item No. 10. The Minutes of the February 9, 1987, meeting were approved as amended. OLD BUSINESS/CONTINUED ITEMS: 1. H-1 Carlsbad School District Offices Historic Preservation Commission adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 05, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE CARLSBAD SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICES AS A HISTORIC POINT OF INTEREST. 2. Carlsbad Theater Michael Normandin, co-owner of the Carlsbad Theater, gave an update on the restoration of the theater. He presentel, a photograph album containing pictures of the murals. He also showed the Commissioners photographs of the old seats in the theater and told of other possible discoveries in the theater, including another mural above the stage. He explained any areas where the murals have not been damaged will be subject to restoration. painted over will need to be considered for reconstruction. Anything that has been Mr. Normandin spoke of the pipe organ that was in the theater at one time and expressed his desire to replace that organ. have been located, the keyboard and the bellows. He showed photographs where the organ could Mr. Normandin stated he felt the murals were probably only available two years before they were covered over to provide acoustics for sound motion pictures. He estimated it would take approximately six months to restore and reconstruct the murals. I Robert son Blackf ord Christiansen Swenson Robert son Blackf ord Christiansen Swenson Howard Jones MINUTES h HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION !\)\ x - March 9, 1987 Page * COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS/CONTINUED ITEMS: (continued) 3. Guest Speaker: Geoff Armour Assistant Library Director This item was trailed. 4. Batiquitos Lagoon Video Commissioner Swenson presented a video on the Batiquitos Lagoon. presentation are now kept out of the Lagoon area. He commented the bikers shown in the video 3. Guest Speaker: Geoff Armour Assistant Library Director Geoff Armour distributed an outline of materials in the Library relating to the history of Carlsbad and then discussed that list in detail. He stated there is no staff devoted to the collection of local history and no specific space at the present time. is built, there will be a room devoted to local history materials. When the new library After Mr. Armour had completed reviewing the list he distributed to the Commissioners, he then showed copies of different materials available in the library. Mr. Armour stated the book Seekers of the Spring by Commissioner Howard-3ones was one of the best sources available. Mr. Armour stated there are video tapes, films, oral history tapes, slides and maps available of the area. Also, there is a large collection of photographs. Mr. Armour concluded his presentation, stating the library needs a long-range plan to decide what is to be collected as far as historical items, where they are to be kept and how they are to be stored and displayed. 6. Plaques for Historic Sites This item was taken out of sequence at this time. Gary Nessim was present to show a proposed plaque for historical site marking. Commission and the City should work with the Historic Society on getting plaques made. cost with the plaques being cast bronze. The rough draft presented was 16 x 20 and showed a raised line around the edge and a raised lip at the top where ceramic tiles could be fitted into the plaque. handpainted or a decal could be used. City could be used in color, one tile for a number and one for the donor, if there was a donor. The consensus was this This would be a one time These tiles would be The logo of the The possibility of vandalism of plaques was discussed and Mr. Nessim stated the plaques that would be put through a wall of a building would be practically vandal-proof. However, the placement of plaques should insure their safety and discourage vandalism. He stated the tiles are unique in that they can show different types of logos and wording in order to describe that particular plaque. The cost would be approximately $1,000 for each plaque. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS March 9, 1987 OLD WSINESS/CONTINUED ITEMS: (continued) Chairman Robertson stated there is a funding problem, and he felt the City Council should be asked to pay for the plaques needed for the Centennial celebration. is needed by May 2, for the Magee House, and the Historic Society does not have enough funds to pay for the entire cost of that plaque. One plaque Chairman Robertson stated the citizens want plaques on historical structures and this Commission should inform the City what the citizens want. be asked to fund the plaques needed for this coming summer, which would be approximately five plaques. He felt the City should Historic Preservation Commission recommended the purchasing of five plaques at the cost of approximately $4,000 for historic site marking during 1987. 5. Paleontological and Archeological Site Procedures Commissioner Swenson reported he had met with Mark Roeder and Brian Hunter and the materials regarding paleontological requirements is in the process of being put into the guidelines to alert builders. There will be a line added to the present form. Also Mr. Roeder did the first cut in terms of the City map as far as including the paleontological sites. Letters are being received from the Natural History Museum on the sites that have been noted recently. Commissioner Swenson stated Mr. Demere is the person the City and this Commission should consult. there be a contract with the Museum of Natural History to be the curator of the material and do the storing of the material found in the Carlsbad area. This would also include the screening process as part of the curator duties. Otherwise, there is no screening, and many small items are lost. Comissioner Swenson stated the San Diego Museum of Natural History is the best candidate for this contract. In answer to query, it was stated there would be access to this material and would provide a mechanism for displaying the material. He has suggested Commissioner Swenson added the suggestion had been made for a natural resource surtax. Brian Hunter suggested, with a recommendation from this Commission, the possibility of a surtax could be considered by the Planning Department. of the mitigation for the impact and Commissioner Swenson thought the mitigation should also be part of the guidelines. This would be part Brian Hunter stated the adoption of the guidelines is an important item and stated the curator could also be included as part of the mitigation requirement. Robert son Blackf ord Christiansen Swenson Howard -Jones MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION March 9, 1987 Page 4 - COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: 7. Twelfth Annual State Preservation Conference Patty Cratty stated Brian Robertson and she would be attending this conference. attend and Commissioner Swenson volunteered She suggested one Commissioner 8. National Preservation Week Patty Cratty reported National Preservation 10-16. Commission discussed possible activ Week is May ties. Item continued to April 13 meeting for further discussion 9. Twin Inns-Wadsworth House Commissioner Christiansen reported the items she had brouqht to the Commission meeting were not from the win Inns-or Wadsworth House but were- from the original hotel, the Carlsbad Mineral Springs Hotel. bowl, a square nail, a silver bell and one whole plate. She stated eventually this might be designated a historic point of interest. She had a brass sugar IO. Patty Cratty reported Commissioner Blackford had suggested these plans be placed in the Library and also passed around to the different businesses for display. Display of Original Santa Fe Depot Plans Commissioner Blackford felt it would be advantageous to make these drawings available to the public. He felt the more the plans for the Depot could be displayed, the more interest generated. INFORMATIONAL: 11. Santa Fe Depot Patty Cratty gave an update on the Depot plans, stating they will need additional money for the restoration. said the State was leaning toward going back to the original colors of Colonial yellow, Bronze green trim with Venitian red roof. of these colors for the Depot Committees review. Commissioner Christiansen stated California Southern Railroad built this station and the original colors were green and cream. She The architect may paint a trial strip Ms. Cratty stated she would check further on this and report back to the Commission. 12. Carrillo Ranch Patty Cratty had talked with the State office today and they are still reviewing applications. will be a decision by the 16th. It is hoped there 13. Correspondence Patty Cratty referred to copies of letters she had written since the last meeting. .. . MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION March 9, 1987 Page COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (continued) 14. Historic Resource Designation Chairman Robertson reported on the Union Church site, stating he felt they were bent on destruction of both buildings. Brian Hunter stated the Planning Department staff is asking for a list of things to be noted and documented, particularly for buildings that are due to be destroyed. As in the case of the Union Church, the owners are saying those buildings are not significant. However, there is a difference of opinion on whether such buildings are significant, and that is why standards should be adopted with a list of what is being considered as historic. If the Commission list is adopted and made known to all people involved in doing any demolition or new development, they will be aware of what is on that list and whether or not it is considered a historic site. Historic Preservation Commission agreed to send a set of standard conditions to the Planning Department for all persons requesting demolition permits of existing buildings. AD30URNMENT : By proper motion, the Meeting of March 9, 1987, was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, n PATRICIA CRATTY Senior Management Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB: tb Robertson Blackford Christiansen Swenson Howard-3ones X X X X X