HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-06-08; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutesr MINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: June 8, 1987 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Robertson called the meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairman Robertson, Commissioners Blackford, Howard-Jones and Swenson. Ex-Officio Member McBane arrived at 5:22 p.m. Absent: Commissioner Christiansen. Staff Present: Patricia Cratty, Senior Management Analyst/Redevelopment Brian Hunter, Associate Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes for May 11, 1987, will be continued until the July meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. H-7 ALT KARLSBAD/FRAZIER'S WELL This item was trailed to the end of the 2. H-8 TWIN INNS Applicant has requested continuation of determination of the Twin Inns as a His Agenda. public hearing on oric Landmark. Patty Cratty reported the applicant had requested this continuation because of the Village Faire project. Until he can determine how that might affect the Twin Inns building, he does not want to cause any delay in that newly proposed project. Chairman Robertson opened the public hearing at 5:09 p.m. Since there was no one present to speak on this item, the publ: hearing was closed. Commission discussion followed, as to why the applicant felt this could hold up the Village Faire project. Ms. Cratty said the applicant indicated there might be a physical connection to the existing building. He may re- submit the application for a historic site, or he may withdraw it. The item is to be continued until July 13, 1987. OLD BUSINESS: 34 HISTORIC POINT OF INTEREST To discuss amendment to Historic Preservation Ordinance clarifying point of interest designation. ...e MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION June 8, 1987 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS Chairman Robertson questioned the use of the words "historic landmark" on line 23 of the ordinance. Ms. Cratty explained it is a historic site until it is designated a historic landmark by City Council. Brian Hunter questioned whether this revised ordinance specified the procedures would be the same for a historic site, with the difference being the owner did not have to give permission. Ms. Cratty agreed some additional wording should be added to the ordinance to indicate the owners' consent is not required. Historic Preservation Commission approved the revised ordinanci to clarify historic point of interest designation, with the following words to be added: owners' consent not required". 'I 4. HISTORIC RESOURCE DESIGNATION To discuss various historic resources for possible landmark or point of interest designation. St. Michael's Church -- Commissioner Howard-Jones reported there was nothing new on this application. She will contact them again. Kelly Barn and Calavera Lake and Dam -- Commissioner Howard-Jones reported the research is underway on both of these sites Carlsbad Union Church/Gaus House -- Chairman Robertson reported this item will be on the Planning Commission Agenda on June 17. He called attention to Condition 824 of the resolution which requires the house to be re-located within 90 days of the approval of the project. The City could only require the applicant tl pay one-half of the cost of moving the house. This item was discussed by the Commission, with the final consensus to have the Chairman and/or Commissioner Howard-Jone appear at the Planning Commission meeting June 17, 1987, to explain this condition was not added to delay the project. Th, purpose was to allow time for the house to be saved. The condition indicated the applicant should show a reasonable attempt was made in that 90 days to move the house. This Commission should volunteer to help find someone to buy the house and move it onto another lot. Commissioner Howard-Jones inquired about the legal owner of the Kelly Barn property, and Ms. Cratty stated she would check on the status of the property at this time. Rancho Agua Hedionda Hacienda -- Chairman Robertson reported the answer was "no" as far as the owner agreeing to have this listed as a historic landmark. Hosp Grove -- The City now owns this property. Robertson Blackf ord Howard-Jones Swenson MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION June 8, 1987 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS At this point, Item 812 was taken out of order. INFORMATIONAL 12. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2627 RELATING TO PARKS Kip McBane distributed copies of the revised wording in the Resolution, noting the change in wording so when parks are planned in a master plan community, they will require a historic resource inventory. repeat of the situation that occurred at Calavera Hills. This will hopefully avoid a OLD BUSINESS 5. CARLSBAD SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICES/SENIOR CITIZEN'S CENTER Chairman Robertson reported he had gotten a copy of the RFP that had been mailed to 30 architectural firms. He also had gotten a copy of the list of firms responding to the RFP. The Commissioners felt a letter should be sent to the Selection Committee stating this Commission's concern with regard to the size of the building and the materials to be used. The Commissioners agreed it was important to retain the original flavor of this neighborhood in design as well as in types of materials used in the building. Certain types of modern design would not fit into that area and would destroy the historic flavor of an important part of Carlsbad. The Commissioners felt the scale of the building was very important, with the importance of size stressed to the architects. 6. JOINT MEETING WITH STATE COMMISSION To discuss possible meeting with State Preservation Commission. Patty Cratty reported the State Commission holds quarterly meetings, and they are booked well in advance. The Commission would like to invite the State Commission here for a meeting sometime in 1988. INFORMATIONAL 7. 3309 ROOSEVELT STREET To update Commission on status of 3309 Roosevelt photo- graphs and documentation. Patty Cratty reported the owners had agreed to allow the City to document the building. However, plans have changed, and it will be some time before a new structure is built there. 8. HERITAGE CELEBRATION To update Commission on Heritage Celebration Activities. Commissioner Howard-Jones reported on Heritage Celebration activities, stating the Historic Walk was held, with approximately 100 participants. Work is being done on 1987 Day, September 12. They are hoping to get the train to stop at the depot for the re-dedication of the depot. Commissioner Howard-Jones stated there is a need for groups to underwrite the activities of the celebration. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION June 8, 1987 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS 9. TRAINING MANUAL Informational Manual for Preservation Commissioners. Patty Cratty stated this manual was for the Commissioners to read and discuss at a future meeting. 10. CARRILLO RANCH/SANTA FE DEPOT GRANTS To update Commission on status of grant activity. Patty Cratty reported the memorandum from the State for the $90,000 should arrive by July 1. The State wants to work with the City to stabilize all of the buildings. Work should start early this coming fall at Carrillo Ranch. Plans and specs for the Santa Fe Depot were received last week, The depot needs to be completed by September. The State has requested the Santa Fe colors be used for painting the depot. Ms. Cratty added that additional funds are needed for the depot rehabilitation.. 11. PALENTOLOGICAL GUIDELINES To update Commission on current palentological guidelines used for developmental project review. The material from the Musuem of Man has been received, and the Planning Department will use the palentological and archaeological material. 12. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2627 RELATING TO PARKS IN PC ZONE This item was taken up earlier in the agenda. (See page 3) 13. JULY AGENDA To permit items to be added to the July 13, 1987 agenda. There was discussion about having someone speak to the Commission on archaeological sites. Connie Beardsley has suggested a Carrillo Ranch Advisory Committee, with Members of the Cultural Arts Commission and this Commission for future use planning for Carrillo Ranch wit1 a cultural arts flavor. Ms. Beardsley will be asked to come to the July meeting, if possible. Patty Cratty reported the video tape she has could be shown at the July meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. H-7 ALT KARLSBAD/FRAZIER'S WELL To determine if Alt Karlsbad/Frazier's Well meets criteria for designation as a Historic Landmark. Patty Cratty gave the staff report, stating the recommendation was to adopt Resolution No. 07. The letter of consent has beel signed. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION June 8, 1987 Page 5 COMMISSIONERS Historic Preservation Commission adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 07, RECOMMENDING ALT KARLSBAD/FRAZIER'S WELL AS A HISTORIC SITE. ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion, the Meeting of June 8, 1987, was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, PATRICIA CRATTY d' Senior Management Analyst Har r ie t t Babbitt Minutes Clerk Robertson Blackf ord Howard-Jone Swenson