HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-09-14; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: September 14, 1987 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Robertson called the Meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Chairman Robertson, Commissioners Blackford, Christiansen and Swenson. Ex-Officio Member McBane arrived at 5:06 p.m. Absent - Commissioner Howard-3ones. Staff Present: Patty Cratty, Senior Management Analyst Brian Hunter, Associate Planner Lynn Fitzgerald, Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held August IO, 1987, were approved as amended to show the correct spelling of Christoferson on page 3, Item 6. PUBLIC HEARING: 1. H-9 KELLY BARN To determine if the Kelly Barn meets criteria for designation as a Historic Point of Interest. Doug Avis, representing Irwin Kelly, addressed the Commission, stating when the barn was to be designated as a historic site, there was concern about complying with the terms of the escrow on the property. With the change to a historic point of interest, those concerns were met and the owner supports this request. Mr. Avis stated the primary concern of the Kelly's had been access. Mr. Kelly's health, it would not be wise to have too much visitation of the site. Due to Mr. Avis stated something will be done with the barn within the next year, including moving it to another location. He further stated if this Commission felt that was something they wished to pursue, the owners would be happy to cooperate. He added that it would probably be worthwhile to have someone spend some time with Irwin Kelly to video tape his recollections of the history of the area. Historical Preservation Commission adopted Resolution 08 recommending that City Council designate the Kelly Barn as a Historic Point of Interest. Robertson Blackford Christiansen Swenson Robertson Blackf ord Christiansen Swenson MINUTES September 14. 1987 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS The Commission requested the Stagecoach Stop building be placed on the next Agenda for action. Patty Cratty suggested Joe Skymba be asked to video tape Mr. Kelly's comments sometime in November. The suggestion was made to have staff investigate the possibility of holding a Commission meeting at the Kelly barn site. OLD BUSINESS: 2. CARRILLO RANCH SUB-COMMITTEE PROPOSAL To appoint two members for sub-committee to address Carrillo Ranch uses. Commissioners Blackford and Swenson will represent the Historic Preservation Commission on the Carrillo Ranch Sub- committee. Commission discussion determined the consensus of the Commissioners was to have a written form with a statement of what this Commission felt was important with regard to Carrillo Ranch. utilization of the Ranch and the preservation of the history. to use the barn as a theatre for showing movies made by Leo Carrillo. A permanent archeological museum could be placed in one of the buildings, and it had been suggested to use college students to help work at the Ranch. Patty Cratty was directed to compile a list of the expectations of this Commission with regard to the preservation of the Ranch. This would be with regard to the One suggestion by Commisssioner Christiansen was 3. PROTECTION OF TREES To discuss draft ordinance for preservation of trees. Patty Cratty called attention to a memorandum from Marty Orenyak regarding an ordinance. He suggested the proper action would be to request the City Council to direct staff to initiate and develop an appropriate ordinance. Council concurs, direction would be given to either the Parks & Recreation Department or the Planning Department to formulate the ordinance. If Staff was directed to submit the above request to Council. The Commissioners discussed the importance of trees to a historic site, citing Carrillo Ranch as an example. 4. CARLSBAD SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICES/SENIOR CENTER Discussion on School District Office site and the proposed Senior Center. Chairman Robertson reported on the recent meeting and stated there will be meetings every other Wednesday morning, 8:30 a.m., at the Pine Street school. MINUTES September 14, 1987 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS The Architect had requested a shopping list from the various Commissions. This Commission would be interested in preserving the flavor of the neighborhood and the existing architecture. banding on the buildings, the window styles copied, the siting of the buildings, and a showcase prominently placed with memorabilia from the old school building. Also, a mural was suggested of the site, and placement of the Historic Point of Interest plaque. It was thought the trellis could be saved, Chairman Robertson stated there will be a tour of senior centers in the area on September 24, 1987, at 8:15 a.m. He invited any Commissioners who were interested to take the tour. 5. ARCHEOLOGICAL SITES To discuss archeological sites in Carlsbad. Brian Hunter reported there is a list of sites and maps in the Planning Department. Also, there are some archeological projects going on in the City, and preparations for digs. 6. HISTORIC RESOURCE DESIGNATION To discuss various historic resources for possible landmark or point of interest designation. Patty Cratty distributed copies of the amendment adopted by Council clarifying a Historic Point of Interest. The Commission added El Camino Real to the C list as having historic significance to the entire State of California, with a suggestion to mark the road at the boundaries of Carlsbad. The Stagecoach Stop building at Kelly’s was added to the A list. The Commission determined Rancho Aqua Hedionda Hacienda should be designated as a Point of Interest at the next meeting . Patty Cratty reported on the Gaus House, stating the people at the Union Church did not want a tour of the buildings at this time, as there are tenants at the present time. will allow the Commission to see the house before it is moved. They 7. PLAQUE PROCEDURES To review written procedures for style, size and placement of plaques on historic resources. The Commission by consensus agreed to leave the plaque letter style as flat face Roman. r' '? MINUTES y A h September 14, 1987 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 - COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS : 8. CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT To consider if the Commission should recommend that Carlsbad apply for Certified Local Government status. Patty Cratty reported there are certain State regulations the City would have to follow under the Certified Local Government status, and one requirement is an educational program. The Historic Preservation Commission by consensus agreed to recommend to City Council the City apply for the expanded status of the Certified Local Government program. INFORMATIONAL: 9. PUBLIC ACCESS TO BOARD AND COMMISSION MEETINGS Commission will review recently adopted ordinance requiring open public meetings. Patty Cratty referred to the Ordinance adopted by Council, stating all meetings are open to the public. IO. .SANTA FE DEPOT UPDATE To update Comission on status of Santa Fe Depot Rehabilitation. Patty Cratty reported on the celebration last Saturday for the depot, stating the rehabilitation is almost finished. Some memorabilia has been found to be placed in the station. II..CARRILLO RANCH GRANT AND ADOBE MEETING Chairman Robertson referred to the folder telling about the procedure for restoring adobe. item, and the grant funds are for stabilization of the buildings. This would be an expensive Patty Cratty distributed copies of the portion of the Parks & Recreation Element relating to Carrillo Ranch. 12. OCTOBER AGENDA To discuss a date for October Meeting. Patty Cratty stated October 12, 1987, is a Holiday, and asked for suggested alternative dates for the October Commission Meeting. The October Meeting will be held October 5, 1987, at 5:OO p.m., in the Council Chambers. ,- MINUTES September 14, 1987 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 \) COMMISSIONERS AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of September 14, 1987, was adjourned at 7:03 p.m. Respqctfully submitted, Senior Management A R alyst/Redevelopment PATRICIA A. CRATTY Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk \ \