HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-10-27; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Carrillo Ranch Committee October 27, 1987 - 3:30 p.m. Present: Jim Popovich John Swenson Roy Blackford Staff: Lynn Fitzgerald Connie Beardsley Absent: Patra Straub Muriel Roston Initial discussion centered around the City's plans for Carrillo Ranch and the time frame for development. Connie mentioned that it is scheduled in the Capital Improvement Program for 1992-97 and thus is not a high priority with the City at this time. There is concern on the part of the City that planning at this stage will raise expectations which cannot be delivered now. The Historic Preservation Commmission is concerned that the State would see their $90,000 grant as not well spent if they fixed the roofs and stabilized the foundations now and nothing was done for over five years. The Committee concensus is to go ahead and plan now, that it is worth the time, with the understanding that the roads will have to come first. The first step was to list the expectations from each of the Commissions for what they would like to see happen at Carrillo Ranch (in general terms). The Arts Commission would like to see Carrillo Ranch be developed for artistic and cultural uses, recognizing multi-cultural possibilities. The Historic Commission's expectations are that development and uses of the Ranch be sensitive to history artifacts, landscaping and association with Leo Carrillo. The Parks and Recreation Commission will discuss their expectations at a future meeting and Jim will report back to the Committee. He did say that they were on record as wanting to privatize as much as they can. All the uses discussed including a recommendation from Katherine Daugherty for an arboretum were considered compatible by the Committee. The Committee asked Connie to call Katherine Daugherty and ask that she submit her proposal to the Committee in writing before the next meeting. John Swenson emphasized his concern for the landscaping and preservation of the existing plants. The Committee decided they would like to proceed, first with Commissions input and then to research what grants may be available for planning and related areas. A later step will be to get community input and to encourage fundraising events. One suggestion was to get Leo Carrillo movies and show them as a fundraising event. Lynn mentioned that Alan and Jane Kendall were on record as being opposed to any development in the area because it affected their home. The Committee requested that we ask Dave Bradstreet for a van to go out to the site. John Swenson and Jim Popovich will check at the UCSD Foundation Center on possible grants before the next meeting. The next meeting will be on January 19 at 3:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Conference Room. Meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Connie Beardsley