HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-11-09; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meetinq of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 2:30 p.m. Date of Meetinq: November 9, 1987 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS \z CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Robertson called the Meetlng to order at 2-37 p.m. ROLL CALL: --- Present - Chairman Robertson, Commissioners Blackford, Howard-Jones and Ex-Officio Member McBane. Commissioner Christiansen arrived at 2:43 p.m., Commissioner Swenson arrived at 2:55 p.m. Absent - None. Staff Present: Patty Cratty, Senior Management Analyst Lynn Fitzgerald, Management Analyst Cliff Lange, Library Director Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held October 5, 1987, were approved as amended to read under Item 11: could be a Point of Interest, etc. everything INFORMATIONAL: 1. UPDATE ON HISTORIC PRESERVATION PRESENTATION MATERIAL. Chairman Robertson presented a plaque to Patty Cratty for her work with the Historic Preservation Commission and an encased piece of adobe for her work in writing the grant for Carrillo Ranch. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2. H-13 - ST. MICHAEL'S BY-THE-SEA. Lynn Fitzgerald gave the report on this item, stating the site is not the original one and the building has been chanaed and expanded. Interest for the building only. This would be desiqnated a Point of Chairman Robertson opened the public hearing at 2:48 p.m., and since no one wished to speak on this item, the public testimony portion was closed. Historic Preservation Commission adopted the following Resolution : RESOLUTION NO. 12, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE ST. OF INTEREST. MICHAEL'S BY-THE-SEA EPISCOPAL CHURCH AS A HISTORIC POINT 3. H-12 - HOSP GROVE, Lynn Fitzgerald reported on the coorected resolution and referred to a map showing the City-owned portions of Hosp Grove. She stated the Planning Commission, on Thursday, would act on changing Hosp Grove to open space. Robert son Blackf ord Howard-Jones Robert son Blackford Christians en Howard-Jones \ \ n MINUTES November 9, 1987 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS Chairman Robertson opened the public hearing at 2:53 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed. Since no one wished Historic Preservation Commission adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 11, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE CITY-OWNED PORTION OF HOSP GROVE AS A HISTORIC LANDMARK. ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONAL: 4. CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT UPDATE. Lynn Fitzgerald stated the Certified Local Government application had been mailed to Sacramento. The Commissioners were given a list of items eligible for a grant. She added the money is to be spent for administrative or educational projects, with no money for restoration projects. Ms. Fitzgerald read the four recommendations as listed in the staff report. The consensus of the Commission was to recommend all four projects, as follows: Hire additional staff support to Historic Preservation Commission -- i.e. - Research Technician Hire a consultant to make National Register application - i.e. - Santa Fe Depot Add money to the Historic Survey fund. Community Development Block Grant project) (A 13th Year Set aside funds to compile and develop educational and resource files, displays and brochures. 5. PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB AND RESORT. Chairman Robertson referred to the letters in the packet indicating this Commission's concern on this project with regard to the archeological and paleontological sites. Staff's position was this was a missed opportunity because the 45 days review period of the EIR was in August of 1986. However, 14 sites have been identified, and three are very significant . The applicant declined having any historic sites listed. Chairman Robertson stated an ordinance is needed to identify archeological and paleontological sites. It was felt by the Commissioners that the City should be pressed to do something for control, as this is critical to this Commission and to the entire scientific world. The consensus of the Commission was to request Council to direct staff to draw up an ordinance addressing some of these problems. Kip McBane suggested staff be asked to improve its presentation to Council, with perhaps a slide presentation of what has been found on that site and have some experts give an explanation of the importance of the finds. Robert son Blackf ord Chris tiansen Howard-3ones Swenson r'. MINUTES November 9, 1987 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS Ms. Fitzgerald stated she would contact some of the experts to see whether they would be willing to help make the presentation to Council. Ms. Fitzgerald will send an update to the Commissioners. 6. RAMIREZ BUNGALOW - 3309 ROOSEVELT STREET. Lynn Fitzgerald reported the owners have applied for a demolition permit and she asked for direction from the Commission. pictures and a video at the site. The Commission suggested getting still Commissioner Howard-3ones suggested a letter be prepared to hand out to the public to let them know what the historic designations involve as far as responsibilities and listing the ordinance. The Planners could give that letter to people when they come in to discuss their property. 7. A. LA VIELLE LAWBAUGH COLLECTION. Lynn Fitzgerald reported the Mayor had been approached by Mr. Lawbaugh regarding the donation of American art objects and antiques. Mr. Lawbaugh wants the City to build him a museum to house these artifacts. The consensus of the Commission was there needs to be an appraisal of the objects before any other action could be taken. OLD BUSINESS: 8. CARRILLO RANCH - UPDATE. This matter was continued to the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS: 9. DECEMBER AGENDA. The Commission commented that the following items are ready for City Council approval: Carrillo Ranch Pine Street School Site Batiquitos Lagoon Hosp Grove 10. HISTORIC INTERVIEW PROGRAM: IRWIN KELLY AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting of November 9, 1987, was adjourned at 4:OO p.m., to 4867 El Camino Real for a video interview by the Commission. Respectfully submitteb LYN~ FITZGERA~~~ Management An Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk