HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-03-14; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutes/. MINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meetin : 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: March 14, 1988 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Robertson called the Meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Chairman Robertson, Commissioners Blackford, Christiansen and Swenson. Commissioner Howard- 3ones arrived at 5:03 p.m. Absent - Ex-Officio Member McBane Staff Member Present: Lynn Fitzgerald, Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the February 8, 1988, Meeting were approved as presented. PUBLIC HEARING: 1. CALAVERA LAKE AND DAM Lynn Fitzgerald reported staff had requested this item be continued until April 11, 1988, to allow time for more research on the issue. INFORMATIONAL: lynn Fitzgerald reported that the ammonite presesntation will be made by Tom Demere at Council Meeting tomorrow night. The fossils will be installed in display sites in March 16, one by the City Manager's office and one at the Planning Department at Las Palmas. CHAIRPERSON REPORT Chairman Robertson reported the seminar for this Commission will be held Friday, March 18, 1988, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:OO p.m., in the EOC Room at the Safety Center. Mr. Parker, from UCLA, will conduct the seminar and all Commissioners are invited to attend. 2. DEPOT PRESERVATION AWARD APPLICATION Lynn Fitzgerald stated that Patty Cratty, upon direction from this Commission, would prepare an application for the Preservation Honor Award for the work done on the Carlsbad depot. Commissioner Howard-3ones questioned whether the interior of the depot was ready for photographs to be taken for the award, and felt perhaps the application should wait until next year. Ms. Fitzgerald stated the deadline was in May, and perhaps the interior would be ready by then. Robertson Blackf ord Christiansen Swenson \ \ MINUTES -. March 14, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Swenson stated he would like to know the names of others applying for this award, and Ms. Fitzgerald will check with Patty Cratty to get those names. Historic Preservation Commission recommended an application be made to the National Trust for Historic Preservation for a Preservation Honor Award for the Carlsbad Depot. 3. HISTORIC PRESERVATION CONFERENCES Lynn Fitzgerald reported the Local Government status has a requirement that all Commissioners must go to at least one approved conference every year. two approved conferences and asked any Commissioners who were interested to let her know. One conference is to he held in Huntington Beach and one in Palo Alto. She had included notices of Chairman Robertson asked the Commissioners to let Ms. Fitzgerald know within the next two weeks whether or not they planned to attend one of the conferences. 4. RAMSAY HOUSE Commissioner Howard-Jones stated the information on this item is included in the packet. and yard with the owner and they are interested in having the house become a Historic Landmark. was that there was to be no public traffic through the house. Commissioner Howard-3ones would direct staff to bring this forward as a Historic Landmark. She went through the house The only stipulation Chairman Robertson announced llOld Business" would be taken up following Item 13. NDN BUSINESS: 13. ALLEN KELLY PRESENTATION Allen Kelly described the artifacts he has collected from the Carlsbad area and all over the world. examples of Indian pottery, cobblestones and arrowpoints, stating this was only a small portion of his collection. He displayed OLD BUSINESS: 5. "TOOTSIE K" RANCH SIGN Lynn Fitzgerald reported this Commission had stated it wanted the llTootsie KI1 Ranch sign to be placed in Rotary Park at the Village Faire project. This item will be before the Parks & Recreation Commission on March 21. Chairman Robertson left the meeting at this time and Commissioner Howard-Jones chaired the meeting. Robertson Blackford Christiansen Howard-Jones Swenson \ ! .- MINUTES March 14, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 \y MEMBERS \ 6. GAUS HOUSEAJNION CHURCH Lynn FitzGerald stated Mr. Herring is going to come to their offices and discuss the relocation of the Gaus House. She said the deadline of April 4, will probably be extended. This Commission will choose the most appropriate site for the house to be placed. It must be advertised in the newspaper for four consecutive weeks, and a suggestion was made to change the wording of the ad to state "cottagell. 7. CARRID RANCH UPDATE Lynn FitzGerald reported there was a letter from Joan Kindle regarding the burial site of Leo Carrillols horse. Department is aware of this site with regard to the building of the Melrose Avenue extension. She stated the Planning Ms. FitzGerald recommended this burial site be placed on the site list and a letter issued to the Planning Department to have this information available at the counter. Mr. and Mrs. Kindle stated they felt the site should be acknowledged as it had been mentioned in Leo Carrillo's book, where he stated I'The tall cross on the hill at my rancho marks the resting place of my greatly-beloved Palomino horse, Conquistador. I do not consider it strange that I thus hallow the grave of a horse." The consensus of the Commission was to save this site if possible, and if not, to save the cross and move it to another location. Historic Preservation Commission recommended adding the grave site of Leo Carrillo's horse, Conquistador, to the Historic Inventory. 8. CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT CERTIFICATION Lynn FitzGerald stated Carlsbad is a Certified Local Government City. She read the list of other cities, as follows: Alameda, Glendale, Napa, Oakland, Pasadena, San Diego, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz County. Commissioner Swenson questioned whether this would supersede the authority of the City of Carlsbad in appointing Members of this Commission, and felt the Council should be alerted to the wording in this Certification. 9. CARLSBAD SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICE/SENIOR CENTER Lynn FitzGerald reported this Commission had requested perhaps salvaging some of the architectural details from the District Office, and engineering had informed her that this would be all right within a certain time period. She was further informed by Wayne Donaldson that no contractor would do this, as the pieces saved would probably not be usable on any new building projects. Howard-Jones Blackf ord Christ iansen Swenson h \ MINUTES - MEMBERS \1 Ms. FitzGerald stated the CUP for the Senior Center has to go before the Planning Commission, and the architecture will be discussed at that time. 10. LIBRARY DISPLAY CASE Commissioner Howard-Jones reported she had telephone call from Larry Clemens' Secretary, and the Hunt project is preparing for their Coastal Commission appearance at this time. 11. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION WORKSHOP Lynn FitzGerald reported all Departments must set goals for the City Manager's office. She felt this Commission should have a workshop to develop goals for the future and methods of operating. Commission discussion determined the time for the preferred date. 4:OO p.m. and adjourn when the agenda was completed. for this workshop to the next meeting. The meeting would start at The Commissioners are to bring ideas 12. AGENDA BILL ACTIVITY UPDATE Lynn FitzGerald stated there were three agenda bills being prepared to go to Council, covering one site for Historic Landmark and four sites for Points of Interest. 13. ALLEN KELLY PRESENTATION This item was taken up out of order. (See page 2) 14. ARCHEOLOGICAL SURVEY FOR A ROAD DETOUR AND STORM DRAIN ON A PORTION OF PAIDMAR AIRPORT ROAD. Lynn FitzGerald reported that before the EIR Assessment form was filled out, there was a survey by WESTEC stating that basically there was one significant archaeological site, PAR-1, and additional tests are to be done so mitigation measures can be taken. One form of mitigation would be a data recovery plan, and another would be site avoidance, with one or the other being done. The planners felt that WESTEC's recommendation should be followed. Before the area is disturbed, the testing must be done. The Commission directed staff to write a letter of that effect to Planning and Engineering. Commissioner Swenson requested the Planning Department Environmental Impact Assessment Form - Part 11, be changed on page 6, Item #20, to read: Archeoloaical/Paleontolosical/Historical, and the item to read: Will the proposal have significant results in the alteration of a significant archeological, paleontological or historical site, structure, object or building? Lynn FitzGerald suggested that the Commission might request to review a data recovery plan, if the site survey reveals this is a necessary step. ...* MINUTES March 14, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 !> COMMISSIONERS $ - 15. THE NEWSPAPER FILE Lynn Fitzgerald reported City Council would present the San Diego Society of Natural History with a Certificate of Appreciation. The Society will be presenting Ammonite fossils to the City at Council on Tuesday evening, March 15, 1988. one in the lobby area of City Hall. One will be displayed at the Las Palmas facility and 16. APRIL CALENDAR Carrillo Arboretum Update on Workshop Meeting Review of Seminar Gaus House AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of March 14, 1988, was adjourned at 7:OO p.m., to the Seminar, March 18, 1988, at 8:OO a.m., in the EOC Room of the Safety Center. Respectfully submitted, Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk \ \