HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-04-11; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: April 11, 1988 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS \I CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Robertson called the Meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Chairman Robertson, Commissioners Blackford, Howard-Jones, Swenson and Ex-Officio Member McBane. Commissioner Christiansen arrived at 5:05 p.m. Absent - None. Staff Members Present: Chris Salomone, Director, Housing & Lynn Fitzgerald, Management Analyst Redevelopment APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held March 14, 1988, were approved as presented. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: Chairman Robertson announced the California Historic Preservation Conference May 19 - 22, 1988, and asked any Commissioners interested in attending to call Lynn Fitzgerald. Chairman Robertson stated that his re-appointment to this Commission would be before Council tomorrow night and also the adopting of Resolutions designating the following historic points of interest: Offices, St. Michael's By-The-Sea Episcopal Church, Kelly Barn and Carlsbad Stage Coach Stop. Resolution designating Alt KarlsbadfFrazier's Well as a historic landmark. Carlsbad School District There will be a Chairman Robertson announced an application had been received from the office of the Historic Preservation for an award category for different projects. Patty Cratty will file the application for the depot rehabilitation, and if Carlsbad wins an award, it would be announced at the Conference. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: CALAVERA LAKE AND DAM Chairman Robertson stated he would recommend this item be tabled until more information is available and the issues regarding the property have been settled. The Commission discussed the property and their desire to have the area either a historic landmark or a point of interest. Staff indicated that at this time the site could not be designated a historic landmark. , Robert son Blackford Howard-Jones Swenson Y Y Y Y MINUTES A April 11, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS Historic Preservation Commission tabled the Calavera Lake and Dam item and directed staff to change Resolution 13 to request a point of interest designation. Staff was directed to pursue this matter and get some indication of the time factor involved in resolving the issues on the Calavera Lake and Dam site. OLD BUSINESS: 2. CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT HISTORIC PRESERVATION GRANT Lynn Fitzgerald reported the office of Historic Preservation had awarded the City of Carlsbad a grant of $7,000 from California's allocation for Certified Local Governments from the National Historic Preservation Fund. Staff recommended $3,500 of this fund be used for the Historic Survey and the other $3,500 be used to develop the Archeological and Paleontological Guidelines for the Historic Preservation Ordinance. She added that the expanded listing of CLG status would involve the City of Carlsbad doing the work now done by the Office of Historic Preservation, and since funds are very limited, staff felt the City should not look at the expanded listing. The City would inform the Historic Preservation office that they wished to be on the standard form at this time. Historic Preservation Commission recommended spending $3,500 for the Historic Survey and $3,500 for development of the Archeological and Paleontological Guidelines for the Historic Preservation Ordinance. Staff will investigate whether the City could request an expanded listing at a later date and bring that information to the next meeting. TOOTSIE K RANCH SIGN Lynn Fitzgerald gave the staff report, showing photographs taken of the Tootsie K Ranch Sign. She stated she had attended the Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting March 21, and the Commission voted five to one for relocation of the sign. They would like this item to go before the Design Review Board and the Risk Manager. Chris Salomone stated he would oversee taking this item before the Design Review Board. he wanted to be certain Steve Densham was in agreement to have the sign moved onto his property. Staff indicated there is a letter from Mrs. Grosse giving permission to the City to take the sign. However, the debris in front of the sign must be removed before the sign can be moved. Chris Salomone suggested perhaps the Grosses' would remove the debris and invoice the City. Chairman Robertson added that any restoration of the sign should be done at the same time the sign is moved. Chris Salomone stated the rehabilitation of Rotary Park is conditioned to be done as part of the Village Faire project, and the cost of the moving of the sign would be paid by the Redevelopment Agency. Chairman Robertson stated Robert son Blackford Christiansen Howard-3ones Swens on Robert son Blackf ord Christiansen Howard-3ones Swenson MINUTES April 11, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS The consensus of the Commission was that the sign itself was the important item, and if the spikes on the gate had to be changed, that could be done. The maintenance of the sign would be the responsibility of the Parks & Recreation Department. CARRILLO RANCH - ARBORETUM PROPOSAL Lynn Fitzgerald reported on the presentation made by Mrs. Catherine Daugherty and Dr. Andrew Wilson at the Parks & Recreation Commission March meeting. The Local Facilities Plan for Zone 18 must be approved before any action can take place on this proposal. Fitzgerald suggested a letter be written to Parks & Recreation about reforming the committee for input into Carrillo Ranch development. query regarding the status of the rehabilitation of the buildings, Ms. Fitzgerald stated the RFP is being re- written at this time. This commission will review the proposals and make recommendations. Ms. In answer to Commission Commissioner Blackford suggested it might be a waste of staff time to write a letter to Parks & Recreation at this time. three-Commission effort on Carrillo Ranch, and suggested a letter to both Commissions, Arts and Parks & Recreation, stating the interest of this Commission in re-activating the committee when action starts on this site. Carrillo Ranch might be "swallowed up" by the arboretum project and some of the historic value lost. The Commissioners agreed this Commission should also work with the Arboretum Foundation on any project they propose, and any group interested in using that site should be included in discussions. The Commission felt they wanted close communication with the Arboretum Foundation and Commissioner Howard-Jones stated she would ask them to keep this Commission informed. He felt there should be a way to develop Concern was expressed by Commissioners that GAUS HOUSE - UNION CHURCH RELOCATION PR03ECT Chairman Robertson referred to the information contained in the packet. had talked with Bob Herring and referred to the copies of the newspaper ads advertising the Gaus House. stated that two applications had been submitted and staff would like to have direction from the Commission as to the method of review for the applicants to determine who will receive the Gaus House. The question was brought up as to whether the applicants would be willing to have a historic landmark designation placed on the house, and Ms. Fitzgerald said that was not on the application form and the applicants would need to be informed of that requirement. The suggestion was made to send the applicants a copy of the Ordinance and say that was the criteria for receiving the house. The consensus of the Commission was that more information was needed than was requested on the form; specifically, what modifications the applicant deemed necessary to make this a suitable structure for them--interior and exterior, with a diagram showing what they proposed. Lynn Fitzgerald stated she She 5 MINUTES h April 11, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS \I Chris Salomone stated the applicant would have to provide an application for the house move to the Planning Department and that would have site plan, elevations, etc. The Commissioners agreed the short-range goal was to save the house and, hopefully, have it designated a historic landmark. Commissioner Christiansen stated the Historic Society suggested the building be moved to the property with the mseum on a temporary basis, as the sand castle does not qualify as a structure. The Commissioners reiterated their concerns about needing to review what modifications were recommended before the applicants come to the May meetinu. Historic Preservation Commission recommended sendina a copy of the Historic Preservation Element to any applicants for the Gaus House and a letter inviting them to the May 9 meeting, where they should be prepared to make a presentation telling of the modifications, if any, they plan for the house. The Element was to be for their information only. RECESS : Chairman Robertson declared Commission re-convened at 7 present. a Recess at 6:56 p.m., and the 09 p.m., with all Members HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION WORKSHOP Lynn Fitzgerald recommended that instead of a workshop that the Commission plan a joint meeting with City Council. There is no budget to allow for funding of a workshop. Chairman Robertson asked the Commissioners to call Council Members and lobby for a budget and inform them of the good things this Commission has accomplished. The Commission has gotten grants and brought money into the City, but has no budget. Ms. Fitzgera1.d suggested each Commissioner submit suggestions to her for items to be covered at the June meeting, and they will plan for the Commission workshop at that time. The Chairman will make up an agenda. CULTURAL RESOURCE SEMINAR Chairman Robertson reported he felt this was a good seminar. Engineering do not have all the information they need and this Commission needs to supply that to them. Commissioner Blackford said Planning and LANDMARK AND CULTURAL HERITAGE COMMISSIONS WORKSHOP AND CONSULTATION Commissioner Howard-Jones reported on the workshop, stating that most of the groups are trying to find an answer to the communication problem, which is as important as the education of the public. She stated she had some research items that should be discussed at the planninq session. She also felt the Commission should join SOHO. The suggestion was made to assess the demolition of dates on curb cuts when the survey is made, and decide whether there are other items that should be saved. Robert son Blackf ord Ch r i s t ianse n Howard-Jones Swenson h \ 9 s - Y Y Y Y 1. - -. MINUTES April 11, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 COMMISSIONERS MAY CALENDAR Sites List Calavera Lake and Dam Point of Interest CLG question whether status can be re-established at a later Choose a Date for 3oint Meeting with Council Commissioners Submit Additional Items for Workshop date AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of April 11, 1988, was adjourned at 8:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, LYNN FITZGERALD Management Analyst Harriet t Babbitt Minutes Clerkk