HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-05-09; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutes- h ,. MINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: May 9, 1988 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS \i CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Robertson called the Meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Chairman Robertson, Commissioners Blackford, Christiansen, Howard-3ones and Swenson. Absent - Ex-Officio Member Kip McBane. Staff Members Present: Chris Salomone, Director, Housing & Lynn Fitzgerald, Management Analyst Patty Cratty, Senior Management Analyst Mike Howes, Senior Planner Dave Bradstreet, Director, Parks & Redevelopment Recreation APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held April 11, 1988, were approved as presented. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING: 1. H-14 - CALAVERA LAKE AND DAM To approve the Resolution for Calavera Lake and Dam Historic Point of Interest. Chairman Robertson reported the landmark designation was not possible at this time and a Resolution has been drawn up for a Historic Point of Interest. A transparency was used to show the site. Chairman Robertson opened the public hearing at 5:05 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this matter, the public hearing was closed. Dave Bradstreet, Parks & Recreation Director, reported this property contains 250 acres, and the dam was built in the 1940's and the water was used for irrigation until in the 1960's. water entity and there is an agreement that if the property is sold or leased, the money would go to the rehabilitation of the downtown Carlsbad water system. The property is owned by the City of Carlsbad Mr. Bradstreet reported the possibility of a golf course in that area was before the Parks & Recreation Commission and they directed staff to put the RFP on hold until after the 3une election to see what happened on the TOT vote. Robertson Blackford Christiansen Howard-3ones Swenson MINUTES May 9, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS Historic Preservation Commission adopted the following Resolution : RESOLUTION NO. 13, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF CALAVERA LAKE AND DAM AS A HISTORIC POINT OF INTEREST. PUBLIC HEARING: 2. H-15 RAMSAY HOUSE Determine if the Ramsay House meets criteria for designation as a Historic Landmark. Lynn Fitzgerald gave the staff report as contained in the packet, using a transparency to show the site. She distributed photographs taken of the Ramsay House. Chairman Robertson opened the public hearing at 5:15 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. speak on this item, the public hearing was closed. Since no one wished to Commissioner Howard-Jones commented the Commission needed to be aware that the windows in the dining room had been replaced, but the original windows were still there and perhaps they should be saved. Historic Preservation Commission adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 14, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE RAMSAY HOUSE AS A HISTORIC LANDMARK DESIGNATION. INFORMATIONAL: CHAIRMAN REPORT Chairman Robertson stated he had no report at this time. OLD BUSINESS: 3. CARRILLO RANCH/ARBORETUM UPDATE Dave Bradstreet gave the initial report on this item, using a transparency to show the site and a wall map to show the park master plan. be installed to Carrillo Ranch, through Carrillo Way and Melrose, and he designated the proposed open space corridor on the master plan, which would include the Carrillo Ranch area and/or arboretum, and the La Costa Ranch area by Alga Norte, on through to the lagoon. He explained how access would probably Mr. Bradstreet reported Mrs. Daugherty had indicated they wanted the Carrillo Ranch as part of the arboretum. At the time the Parks & Recreation Commission discussed this proposal, there was discussion about the liability problem and questions regarding maintenance and operation. The question arose whether the area would be private or open to the general public. Robe rt son Black ford Christiansen Howard-Jones Swenson Robertson Blackford Christiansen Howard-Jones Swenson X X X X X x x X x x MINUTES May 9, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS The Parks 8 Recreation Commission voted 4 to 1 to accept the arboretum proposal in concept, with the recommendation that the Planning Department consider the proposal during the master plan process for Carrillo Estates. He stated the main problem was acquiring the land. The property owners in the area proposed for the arboretum were willing to listen to the proposal, but wanted to be given credit for park land dedication. That was a problem that would have to be worked out. Mr. Bradstreet stated the Carrillo Master Plan is due for funding in the 1992-97 CIP, with two million dollars in the budget for restoration at that time. He stressed the fact that Carrillo Ranch was not to be an active park--only for special resources. Mike Howes continued the report, stating no work could be done on this plan until Zone 18 Local Facilities Management Plan had been completed. He said more details were necessary to make certain the foundation was somethina that would succeed and not fall by the wayside. Mr. Howes stated the City would like to get the parcel that was to be a school site, and add that to the Carrillo Ranch parcel, for a community park. If the City had that 17-acre parcel, they would prefer that to a 45-acre parcel for Alga Norte Park. Mr. Bradstreet stated the Carrillo Ranch parcel is part of the Quimby Act, and was deeded to the City. There is no legal access to the property at this time, with only an easement available for maintenance. He said the Parks & Recreation Commission wants to control the Carrillo Ranch property and the people proposing the arboretum want to control it. The Commission felt there might be other proposals available that would be more favorable to the City. The City does not want to lose control of the Ranch as far as a Historic Landmark. The Commissioners expressed concern about being informed as to what was being done about the Ranch and asked Mr. Bradstreet to keep this Commission informed of any activity as far as this property. Patty Cratty continued the report, stating a grant had been obtained for this property and the State indicated the City was to maintain and operate the structures. State approval was necessary for any alterations to be made at Carrillo Ranch, and if it were not kept as a historic structure, it might be necessary to repay the State the amount of the grant. Mr. Bradstreet stated the Parks & Recreation Commission was studying the Element and looking at the word "privatization" as they now feel the City of Carlsbad is a unique place and perhaps would like to build parks themselves and contract out the operations rather than have private industry develop the parks. . F h MINUTES May 9, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 WJ\ 9 x - COMMISSIONERS 4. GAUS HOUSE APPLICATIONS Appointment of Gaus House Sub-committee. Chairman Robertson asked Commissioners Howard-Jones and Christiansen to be appointed as the Sub-committee to study the applications for the Gaus House. 5. TOOTSIE K RANCH SIGN Report on the status of the relocation of the Tootsie K Ranch Sign. Lynn Fitzgerald gave the report on this item, stating this is to go before the Design Review Board and the Risk Manager. Mr. & Mrs. Grosse, the owners of the Tootsie K Ranch, are willing to remove the debris from in front of the sign at the time the sign is to be moved. They feel this provides some protection for the sign at this time. 6. CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT Report on the extended classification of the Certified Local Government status. Lynn Fitzgerald reported the expanded status could be requested and activated at any time the City could handle this in-house. 7. CONCRETE CURB DATES Report and discussion of the concrete curb date preservation. Chairman Robertson reported that Parks & Recreation Department and Austin, Hansen and Fehlman, the firm responsible for the streetscape improvements, have been informed that this Commission would like to have any date stampings on curbs taken out, saved and re-inserted in the new sidewalks at the same location. Mr. Robertson requested staff to contact these people again if there has been no response within ten days. Commissioner Swenson stated that at the Alliance Meeting a change in the wording of the California Historic Building Code Guidelines from "may" to "shall" had been mentioned in the section that related to landscapes and sidewalk preservation. He suggested this be checked to see what the wording now says with regard to sidewalks. 8. 3UNE WORKSHOP Discussion of the June Workshop. Chairman Robertson announced there would be a Workshop before the 3une meeting. The consensus of the Commission was to hold the Workshop at 3:30 p.m., and the regular meeting at 5:OO p.m., on 3une 13, 1988. He requested the Commissioners submit a proposed agenda either now or later to Ms. Fitzgerald. One topic proposed was how to get better communication among the various Commissions. The San Diego Alliance Meeting items were suggested as topics for the Workshop. Ms. Fitzgerald stated she has compiled a packet of accomplishments of the Commission and this is gprt gf the program to be presented to Council in support a udget. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 /)l\ $ May 9, 1988 - COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: 9. CHAIRMAN APPOINTMENT To appoint a new Chairman to the Historic Preservation Commission. Commissioner Blackford was appointed Chairman for the coming year. Commissioner Robertson will act as President- Pro Tem for the coming year and Commissioner Howard-3ones volunteered to assist the new Chairman. Commissioner Robertson was re-appointed to the Historic Preservation Commission for a four-year term. IO. DEPOT AWARD Report on a S.O.H.O. Award for the Santa Fe Depot. Lynn Fitzgerald reported that Carlsbad had been awarded the 1988 People in Presentation Award by S.O.H.O. Save Our Heritage Organization of San Diego. The awards dinner will be May IO, 1988, and a copy of the newspaper article regarding this award was circulated to the Commissioners for their perusal. attend the dinner. the Historical Society received a copy of any certificate or award, as they initiated the rehabilitation of the Depot. Commissioner Christiansen stated she would The suggestion was made to make certain 11. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT NOTIFICATION Review and discussion of the E.I.R. Notification. Lynn Fitzgerald reported this packet was received three weeks ago in response to this Commission's request to be included in the E.I.R. process on the southwest portion of the existing La Costa Master Plan. There was Commission query regarding what this Commission should be looking for and what information they should be aware of, and staff indicated the Commission should ask any questions they feel pertinent during the review, as this Commission will be included in that and their comments will be included. This is notification for a draft E.I.R. report, and before the final report is written, this Commission should make certain all of its questions have been answered. 12. HISTORIC INVENTORY LIST Commission may wish to discuss sites for further designation. Chairman Robertson suugested the following sites be studied for a report: Schutte house - Twin Inns - Mr. Densham should be contacted with regard to Historic Landmark designation. Bungalow - 3309 Roosevelt Street games Kelly Home - Sunny Creek Road Hart Real Estate Office - 2950 State Street Grave Site - Leo Carrillo's Horse "Conquistador" MINUTES May 9, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 6 yy R - COMMISSIONERS Chairman Robertson requested staff to write a letter to Planning to find out whether the cross on the horse's grave could be moved and whether the owner was willing to have that done, if it is not on City property. 13. JUNE MEETING AGENDA Discussion regarding items to be on the June Agenda. The 3une Agenda will include: Twin Inns games Kelly Home Bungalow at 3309 Roosevelt Street Hart Real Estate Office Grave Site - Leo Carrillo's Horse "Conquistador" Sub-committee will bring their selection for Gaus House Chairman's report on Conference Poster for Triathlon AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of May 9, 1988, was adjourned at 7:05 p.m., to Monday, 3une 13, 1988, at 3:30 p.m., City Council Chambers, for a Workshop prior to the regular meeting at 5:OO p.m. Respectfully submitted, LYNN FITZGERALD Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk