HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-07-11; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesI h MINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: 3uly 11, 1988 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Blackford called the Meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Chairman Blackford, Commissioners Christiansen and Swenson. Cornmissioner Howard-3ones arrived 5:06 p.m. present. Ex-Officio Member Mary Marcus was Staff Members Present: Lynn Fitzgerald, Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held 3une 13, 1988, were approved as presented. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: Chairman Blackford deferred to Lynn Fitzgerald for a report on the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement project. notification was received late by Ms. Fitzgerald, as the public discussion was held on May 31. The time limit on the comment period has been waived for this Commission, and a letter was sent to in the name of this Commission asking for implementation of Item 20 on the archeological site. The Commissioner Howard-3ones commented that it was too bad the Commission was notified so late. Chairman Blackford reported on an article covering the ammonites and the related poster. INFORMATIONAL: Change in Staff Lynn Fitzgerald stated she would be leaving her position with the City July 19, 1988, to pursue her own business venture. OLD BUSINESS: 1. CARLSBAD SCHOOL. Lynn Fitzgerald reported the video taping had been done at the Pine Street School, with former students and employees taking part. The Commission watched the video tape. Commission comment was that they enjoyed the informal atmosphere with several people talking at once with recollections of old days in the school buildings. Commissioner Swenson stated he would also like an overlay of the building to show the layout of the rooms to enable anyone to understand where the group was standing and relate that to the building itself. Blackford C hri s t i a ns e n Swenson X X X MINUTES 3uly 11, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 COM M lSSl0 Lynn Fitzgerald stated the Senior Center project is before Council tomorrow night, 3uly 12, 1988. The comment was made that this Commission should have made its intent made known earlier in the process. The Commissioners all agreed the sign from the building must be placed on the property and Ms. Fitzgerald said that has been written into the contract and will be placed on the lawn with a plaque. check on saving the wisteria vine. Also, there will be some still shots and perhaps more video shots of the buildings . She will also Mary Marcus recommended a floor plan of the buildings be included in the video to help identify what the students and teachers were pointing to, with a voice overlay. Chairman Blackford asked the Commissiioners whether they wanted a video of this level on buildings to be demolished and the consensus of the Commission was that this was a necessary part of the history. Lynn Fitzgerald suggested a letter be written from this Commission asking to be kept informed on the progress of this project in a timely manner. 1. GAUS HOUSE. Lynn Fitzgerald reported that Mrs. Trejo had contacted staff and would like comment from this Commission on the possibility that the fireplace stack may not be movable, as it is too high for some of the wires under which the house must be moved. The family would like to construct a new garage, and if the Planning Department agrees, want to put another unit on top of the garage. Commissioner Christiansen said she had talked with Mrs. TreJo, and since the garage would be on the alley, if the zoning was all right, it would not tear down the image of the house itself. whether they had to go through the school fees and sewer fees again, inasmuch as there was a house on the lot where they are moving the Gaus House, and the house itself did already have those fees assessed. She said the family wanted to know Commissioner Howard-3ones stated she wanted the design for the changes submitted to this Commission, to make certain it would be compatible with the house. It was suggested the Trejo's be asked to submit a plan to the Commission. 3. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION BUDGET. Lynn Fitzgerald announced it was exciting that this Commission was granted a budget by Council of $10,500. Chairman Blackford thanked everyone who was involved in helping to obtain that budget request. Commissioner Swenson stated he would like to attend the Preservation Incentive Conference, and would like to know whether that would qualify as the requirement for Commissioners. MINUTES 3uly 11, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS 4. CROSS AND GRAVE SITE FOR CARRILLO IS HORSE, CONQUISTADOR. Lynn Fitzgerald reported that Phil Carter, Assistant to the City Manager, had stated that since this site was not listed in the original EIR, it would not be appropriate to include the preservation of the grave site in the Local Facilities Plan for Zone 18. However, if this Commission feels it would be significant to have the grave and cross preserved, they should direct a formal statement to the Planning Department, and that would be placed on a specific development at that site. Mrs. 3oan Kindle stated she was concerned about the preservation of the site and would watch the issue. She said Pacific Scene had offered to move the site onto the ranch at their expense. However, if the property were sold, that would not be binding on the next landowner . Lynn Fitzgerald stated that a directive would make it official and would go forward with the site development. Mrs. Kindle stated she was trying to find someone in the area who was here at the time the horse died and could have witnessed the burial. Ms. Fitzgerald agreed it would be helpful if there was verification of how deep the grave was and what actually had been placed there. Commissioner Howard-3ones stated she felt the cross should remain where it is, and if the roadbed was higher, the cross could be raised. Mrs. Kindle said the adobe at the base should really be saved as part of the preservation of the cross. The Commission, by consensus, agreed they would like a staff member from the Planning Department and/or Engineering Department to come to the August meeting to explain where the realignment of Melrose is planned and whether this site is affected. 5. HISTORIC PRESERVATION ALLIANCE UPDATE. Commissioner Swenson gave an overview of the Preservation Alliance meeting held at Stagecoach Park and distributed literature to the Commissioners for their perusal. He said that incentives are becoming a part of the historical preservation program in some cities, and that included tax incentives. He reported that the Historic Building Code says "you shall" instead of "may" with regard to historic preservation. Ms. Fitzgerald stated she had checked on that with the State and Planning Departments are being told they must use the updated version of the code. There was a discussion about passing information along to other cities with regard to historic sites in this area. Chairman Blackford commented that staff should clear this with the City Attorney before the Commission would take such action. A \ Fr . MINUTES 3uly 11, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS 6. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS. Calavera School Display Case - Commissioner Howard-3ones submitted a condensed version of the material submitted by Mr. Kelly and displayed a picture of the trees and the school house. It was suggested to give this to 3anell Cannon at the Library, for a mock-up of the material to be displayed. 3oint Workshop - Ms. Fitzgerald reported this has not been set. Brochure - Commissioner Howard-3ones volunteered to do the work on the brochure. 7. HISTORIC INVENTORY LIST. Lynn Fitzgerald asked the Commission whether they wished to add the following to the inventory list: Maxton Brown Park - By consensus the Commission agreed to Stagecoach Ruins - By consensus the Commission agreed to add this to the inventory list. add this to the inventory list. Commissioner Howard-Jones stated that it was felt the City had created problems for the Ward house on Carlsbad Boulevard, causing the applicant to run out of money and not complete the project. This is a historic site and is on the Commission's list and Mrs. Howard-3ones felt there should be some way to save this and asked staff to ascertain what happened and what this Commission could do to preserve it. Ms. Fitzgerald will check with staff to find what happened with this property and will also check with St. Michael's Church, the owner of the land. NEW BUSINESS: : 8. HISTORIC DESIGNATION WORKSHOP. Commissioners were asked to let staff know if they intended to attend this workshop on Saturday, August 27, 1988, at Lakeside. If the entire Commission is to attend, the August meeting will be adjourned to this workshop. 9. AUGUST AGENDA. Outline of Subcommittee action Mrs. Catherine Daugherty to update the Arboretum proposal Update on depot interior Melrose realignment and grave site AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of 3uly 11, 1988, was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, LYNN FITZGERALD Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk