HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-08-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES h Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeti g: Date of Meeting: August 8, 1988 Place of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS ' CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Blackford called the Meeting to order at 5:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present - Chairman Blackford, Commissioners Christiansen, Robertson and Swenson. Marcus was present. Ex-Officio Member Mary Absent Commissioner Howard-3ones. Staff Members Present: Patty Cratty, Senior Management Analyst Dee Landers, Planning Department Clyde Wickham, Engineering Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held 3uly 11, 1988, were approved as amended to show Commissioner Howard- 3ones asking for the status of the Ward house under Item 87, Historic Inventory List. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: None. OLD BUSINESS: 1. ARBORETUM PROPOSAL Mrs. Catherine Daugherty gave an update of her arboretum proposal for Carrillo Ranch and the surrounding area, distributing a list of objectives and a map showing the area. She stated they had no plans to use the buildings on the Ranch, but would like to see them restored and preserved. Mrs. Daugherty stated the Foundation now has a tax- exempt status from the State of California and should soon have that same status from the IRS. would go out to get pledges on a contingency basis. The Members of the Foundation felt it was up to the City and the developers to negotiate on donation of the land. Mrs. Daugherty said the Parks & Recreation Commission endorsed the proposal, but not the Foundation in particular. The traffic circulation has not been discussed with the City at this time. She said they Mrs. Daugherty assured the Commission it was not the intent of the Foundation to "swallow up" the Ranch, but to preserve and restore the area. 2. CROSS AND GRAVE SITE/MELROSE AVENUE Dee Landers gave a brief history of the grave site and used transparencies and slides to show the site and the Local Zone Plan indicating the Ranch is in Zone 18. said that Melrose would divide the ranch area and indicated the cross which supposedly marks the grave of Leo Carrillo's horse, Conquistador. She Blackford Christians Robert son Swenson n r MINUTES y"\ August 8, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS 7 Ms. Landers said there were two alternatives with regard to the grave site--one, it could be left intact; two, it could be excavated and recovered. Ms. Landers continued the report, stating the Planning Department has several applications for that area; one being the Scripps Hospital and another a residential development. However, nothing can be built until the Zone Plan for Zone 18 is approved. Clyde Wickham continued the report, showing a slide of the proposed alignment of Melrose, stating it will be a prime arterial, and indicating the cut on the side of the road where the grave is located would be approximately six feet lower than the base of the grave site. Dee Landers stated it was hoped to leave the reparian area in a natural state and plant eucalyptus trees to serve as a buffer. Chairman Blackford asked whether a retaining wall could be built close to the bottom of the slope, and Mr. Wickham stated that was feasible. Chairman Blackford inquired about re-locating the site at that spot, but at a lower elevation. Ms. Landers stated the mitigation in the EIR was for relocation of the cross. She added the developer had agreed to relocate the grave to the Ranch site. Commissioner Robertson stated that when development occurs, the grave site should be investigated and moved onto the Ranch. Ms. Landers said that recommendation should be on file. Joan Kindle stated that in her opinion the grave should be removed to the Ranch site to be part of the story to be told about Leo Carrillo. She felt if the grave were left where it is, it would not be part of the story. Historic Preservation Commission recommended sending a letter to Mike Holzmiller, Planning Department Director, stating that this Commission desires that if and when Melrose goes through or a site plan is submitted on the property east of Melrose, that the developer be required to investigate the grave site and move it on to the Carrillo Ranch--either the entire thing or the cross and adobe base. The Commission discussed the choosing of a site for the relocation of the grave and Patty Cratty said that as soon as the architect is chosen, he should be told about the grave site and four or five sites should be selected. Chairman Blackford stated that Carrillo wanted the horse on high ground and it should be placed on a high spot near the Ranch and visible from the Ranch building . 3. SHIPLEY-WARD HOUSE Patty Cratty reported that St. Michael's Church owns the site and sold the building to the developer. was then remodeled and an addition made without permits. The house was red-tagged by the City and no further work has been done by that develo er. strucfure is unsafe. The house It would be very cost1 to try to repair the E ouse at this time, and the Rlackf ord Christia nsen Robertson Swe ns o n ?? \ MINUTES \?\ *$ 9 August 8, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 - COMMISSIONERS The consensus of the Commission was that this building was lost as far as preservation, but the site should be designated. Commissioner Swenson stated something needed to happen to ensure this not happening again. The decision of the Commission was to go to the church and document what they could for a point of interest. 4. LAKESIDE WORKSHOP Patty Cratty announced there would be a one-day workshop August 27, 1988. Commissioners Swenson and Christiansen will attend, and any other Commissioners that can attend, were invited to do so. 5. DEPOT INTERIOR RENOVATION Patty Cratty reported the Rotary Club has been working on the interior of the depot, particularly the freight room, to return it to the original state. 6. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS Chairman Blackford announced that Commissioner Howard- 3ones has a mock-up on the exhibit to be placed in Calavera Park and this will be presented at the September meeting. Patty Cratty stated that there are no plans for the workshop with Council at this time. The Commission needs to discuss the format for that meeting. Commissioner Robertson showed a layout of a tri-fold brochure and added he felt it should be 11 x 17 in size. This would be sent to property owners to get them to sign consent forms for Historic Preservation. Chairman Blackford stated he would work with the joint workshop committee and report back to the Commission in September. 7. HISTORIC RESOURCE/SITE DESIGNATION Stonecutter's House, 327 Beech Street - Commissioner Robertson stated he felt the Commission should be looking at the equipment and deciding where it could be placed. pursue getting this site designated as a point of interest and the donation of the equipment. Commissioner Christiansen stated she would Patty Cratty said Calavera Lake and the Ramsey House will go to Council August 23 or September 6 for designa tion. Commissioner Robertson is still working on the James Kelly site designation and will report in September. NEW BUSINESS: 8. HISTORIC AND ARCHEOLOGY GRANT PROGRAM Patty Cratty announced staff would ask for more money for the Carrillo Ranch project and the consensus of the Commission was to agree with this choice for grant funds. Ms. Cratty will check to see if there is possibly an archeological site on the Ranch. MINUTES August 8, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 The suggestion was made to request grant money for archeological and paleontological guidelines. 9. CARRILLO RANCH GRANT Patty Cratty announced that eight RFP's were sent out, and four had been received. Staff will evaluate the proposals and determine the proposal to accept. Commissioner Robertson read a letter from the student who had researched the Carrillo Ranch and she included a draft report. She felt someone should do more work on this, and stated the students donated their time free for this work. Commissioner Robertson volunteered to write to Tom Hatten to try to obtain more information about the Ranch. IO. HISTORIC PRESERVATION NEWSLETTER Patty Cratty called attention to the Small Town Conference to be held Sesptember 14 - 16, 1988, in La 3o11a. She suggested signing up one person and the Commissioners taking turns attending. Commissioner Robertson will attend the Thursday session and Commissioner Swenson will attend on Friday. 11. SEPTEMBER AGENDA Update on interior of depot Stonecutter's Cottage Brochure for Calavera Park Plans for Rotary Park (September or October) AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of August 8, 1988, was adjourned at 7:Ol p.m., to the workshop at Lakeside, August 27, 1988. Respectfully submitted, PATRICIA A. CRATTY Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk