HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-11-14; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutesn \- .. MINUTES Meetlng of! HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: November 14, 1988 City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER --- Chairman Blackford called the Meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. ROLL CALL -- Present: Chairman Blackford, Commissioners Christiansen, Howard-Jones, and Swenson. Commissioner Robertson arrived at 5:23 p.m. Absent: Ex-Officio Member Marcus. Staff Members Present: Patty Cratty, Senior Management Analyst Dee Landers, Associate Planner Mike Howes, Senjor Planner Chris DeCerbo, Associate Planner Keith Reverly, Senior Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Special Meeting held October 17, 1988, were approved as amended. 1. PRESENTATION Mrs. 3oan Kindle, 2622 El Aguila Lane, read a statement to the Commission regarding the gift from Maria Halker and Mrs. Kindle which she presented to the Commission. The gift was a framed picture of Leo Carrillo. Kindle distributed artifacts to the Commissioners for their perusal, but asked that they be returned to her for safe-keeping. She stated these artifacts were examples of what was available to the City and represented the types of donations that would be forthcoming to the City when people realized the Ranch would be preserved. Mrs. The Commission thanked Mrs. Kindle for her gift and the work she is doing gathering artifacts for Carrillo Ranch. There was a discussion about how she could convey to the public that she was authentic and was doing this with the consent and support of this Commission. Patty Cratty suggested Mrs. Kindle carry Ms. Cratty's business card and have anyone wishing to check this call her. Also, the Commissioners' names could be used and they could be contacted by the public. Commissioner Howard-Jones sugaested a letter of authorization, and Ms. Cratty will check into that to see if that is possible. Historic Preservation Commission recommended written confirmation be given to 3oan Kindle for authorization to solicit artifacts/data for the Carrillo Ranch. Black f ord Christiansen Howard-3ones Swenson Blackf ord Chri stiansen Howard-Jones Swenson X X X X X X X X MINUTES November 14, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 2. PACIFIC RIM ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES Patty Cratty reported this item was continued from the October meeting for a status report. DeCerbo from staff was present and Dale Cleever Hunter, the Archaeologist on-site. She said that Chris Chris DeCerbo stated the EIR was prepared by YtESTEC and recommended mitigation measures. to implement the data recovery, which verified the area should be re-surveyed. expertise and no process has been established for checking the reports. Consultants were hired There is no staff mmher with Dale Hunter continued the report, stating she had worked for YtESTEC and was now employed by RECON, who had been hired to do the data recovery program for the sites on this property. and the problems encountered, which included damage from agriculture and off-road recreational activity in the area. She gave a complete report on the program There was a discussion about finding storage places for collections, with others present agreeing this was a national problem. At this time, San Diego State is no longer interested in accepting collections, and RESTEC and RECON both store collections at their own expense. The consensus of everyone present was that a large museum was needed to accommodate the archaeological collections. The suggestion was made to write a letter to Hillman Properties asking to have copies of the report on the archaeological sites for a permanent record; also, suggest to them that a place was needed to store the findings. space to store the collection temporarily. Mike Howes stated the new library might have This item was continued to the December meeting. Item 84 was taken out of order at this time. 4. LEO CARRILLO RANCH/GRANT Patty Cratty reported that money will be forthcoming to restore the buildings at Carrillo Ranch, and the project is underway at this time. Keith Beverly, Parks and Recreation Department, continued the report, stating there was concern over the re- classification of Carrillo Ranch from a special resource area to a community park. and was made for several reasons. The revision of the Parks Element de-emphasized privatization of any park areas. Quimby Act as park land for park purposes. There are three classifications of park land; community parks, special use areas and special resource areas. However, special resource areas do not apply to the acreage needed for park standards. The Parks and Recreation Commission voted to re-classify Carrillo Ranch as a community park site and have it apply to the park standards in the southeast quadrant. There is an additional ten-acre piece next to this parcel, which would make an 18-acre park. This was a staff recommendation Carrillo Ranch was dedicated to the City under the MINUTES November 14, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Paae 3 COMMISSIONERS ' Mr. Beverly stated the historical atmosphere of the Ranch would be preserved, no matter what it was designated. Thc Ranch is in the CIP for 1992-97 for financing. Commissioner Howard-Jones stated this Commission's concerr was to retain the integrity of the historic site and they wanted to ascertain how it was possible to ensure that. She suggested a sub-committee from Arts, Historic Preservation and Parks and Recreation Commissions. Mr. Beverly stated their Department would be happy to have a representative available for such a committee. The suggestion was made to address a letter to the Planning Department to ask for provisions to be made in the master plan for the preserving of the historic site. The Commissioners stressed the need for commmunication between this Commission and Parks and Recreation to keep this Commission well-informed on any action on the Carrillo Ranch area. Item #IO was taken out of order at this time. NEH. BUSINESS : IO. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE MITIGATION Patty Cratty reported there was concern about an archaeological site that would not be identified per se, because of the sensitivity of the site. Dennis Gallegos, WESTEC Services, gave a brief over view of this site, using slides to indicate the approximate area involved. the two different time elements, with one site dating to 5,500 years ago and a re-occupation 500 years ago, defining two periods of occupation on the site. present time, the developer wants to cut the hill down anc build houses. However, if the site were retained, it would be a high mound surrounded by houses and would probably be destroyed. to be protected. He said the importance of this site was At the Mr. Gallegos said the site needs Commissioner Robertson left the meeting at 7:50 p.m. Dee Landers, Planning Department, stated the project for this site has not been approved and is under review. study will be made and a mitigation program will be recommended. A Mr. Gallegos stated this site should supply diet information and many artifacts, and displayed a map of the site plan for the Commissioners. Commissioner Swenson inquired whether the City was set up properly to go ahead with this type of project, and Mike Howes stated that if the area is small, the City does an archaeological study. If it is a large parcel, the City does an EIR. Commissioner Swenson stated the need for guidelines. MINUTES November 14, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS The consensus of the Commission was to defer this item to the next meeting to formulate a letter to the Planning Department. Dee Landers stated she would send a copy of the archaeological conditions to Patty Cratty before the next meeting. 3. PRESERVATION CONFERENCE Patty Cratty announced this conference had been cancelled and would be part of a meeting to be held next April in Los Angeles. this. She will keep the Commission informed on 4. LEO CARRILLO RANCH/GRANT This item was taken out of order. (See page 2) 5. HISTORIC RESOURCES/SITE DESIGNATION This item was continued to the December meeting. 6. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT This item was continued to the December meeting. Commissioner Christiansen reported she had talked with the people at the stonecutter's cottage about a walk-through. She further reported Steve Densham was not ready to commit to a historic landmark designation at this time. 7. - RULES AND PROCEDURES This item was continued to the December meeting. 8. REDEVELOPMENT STAFF/BUILDING CODE Patty Cratty reported one person had been hired for the Housing staff, to start in December. Ms. Cratty stated the State Historic Code is not adopted as a separate item, but as a policy, and must be followed on designated landmarks. 9. PARKS AND RECREATION AGENDA Patty Cratty was asked to scan the Agenda and if there is anything on there of interest to this Commission, to mail it to the Commissioners. map of land dedicated for parks overlaid with historic resources so that the Preservation Commission might determine where sites might conflict or be impacted by park development. The Commissioners requested a NEW BUSINESS : 10. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE MITIGATION This item was taken out of order. (See Page 3) MINUTES November 14, 1988 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 COMMISSIONERS 11. DECEMBER CALENDAR 1. All continued items from this Agenda will be on the December Agenda 2. The Carlsbad Theatre Commissioner Howard-Jones will represent this Commission on the Historic/Arts/Parks Sub-committee. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of November 14, 1988, was adjourned at 8:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, PATRICIA CRATTY Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk