HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-03-13; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutes. .,, MINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: March 13, 1989 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Blackford called the Meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chalrman Blackford, Commlssloners Chrlstiansen, Howard-Jones, Robertson, Swenson and Ex-Officio Member Marcus. Absent: None. Staff Members Present: Patty Cratty, Senior Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 16, 1989, were approved as presented. PRESENTATION: 1. LEO CARRILLO INFORMATION FROM MRS. KINDLE. Mrs. Joan Kindle read a prepared statement to the Commisslon listing the additional informatlon she has gathered on Leo Carrillo, and she presented those items to Patty Cratty to be kept by staff untll there Is a permanent storage area. OLD BUSINESS: 2. CARRILLO RANCH GRANT. Patty Cratty reported that word will be recelved after the middle of March as to the amount of the grant, but since this Is an on-going project there will be some money granted. Ms. Cratty referred to the draft report from Wayne Donaldson included ln the packet and stated there would be a final report next month. Keith Beverly of the Parks and Recreation Department met with Wayne Donaldson and will be In constant contact with them. Chalrman Blackford stated that lt was important that this Commission's concerns be addressed before any report goes to the Parks and Recreation Commission and that report should come before this Commlssion first. 3.. STUDENT INTERN. Patty Cratty reported that Mrs. Linda Holmes was worklng as an lntern part-time In the Houslng and Redevelopment Department. B lackford Christiansen Howard-Jones Robertson Swenson Y Y Y x MINUTES March 13, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS \ 4. CHANGES IN MEETING DATE. ThTs item was removed from the Agenda. 5. CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT WORKSHOP. Patty Cratty referred to the Agenda for the CertTfied Local Government Workshop held March 2, 1989, in Sacramento. CommissToner Swenson stated he felt the Workshop was geared more toward staff than CommissToners. He saTd that now that Carlsbad is a Certified Local Government, they have certain requirements to meet. Chairman Blackford dTscussed the Point of Interest District concept and asked staff to pursue thls further to see If thls were possible in Carlsbad. CommTssioner Swenson commented that a dTstrTct follows property I ines and not street I ines, and must be contTguous, with 2/3 of the property Owners agreeing to the district. The comment was made that between Grand and Elm on State Street would be an excellent area to start such a district, and the recommendatTon was made to have the intern talk with those property Owners and explaln the dlstrict to them. Patty Cratty stated she would send a letter to the CTty Attorney to ask hlm to attend the upcoming conference in Los Angeles. 6. ARCHEOLOGICAL GUIDELINES. Patty Cratty reported that an Agenda Bill would go to Council tomorrow night (and was approved) requesting approval to hlre a consultant to prepare archeological guidel Tnes. During CommissTon discussion, it was determined that an archeologist from San DTego State had said he felt there might be important remains underneath an area between Neb1 Tna and Park near the lagoon. Patty Cratty stated she would research that and bring back a report. The suggestion was made to meet with the consultant and Ms. Patty suggested bringlng them to a Commission meeting and then discusslng all specific issues that are considered to be important. It was felt that the gu idel Tnes need to spel I out "when is enough enough", and when a sTte needs to be capped or made open space and utilTzed. Sites need to be evaluated early and that needs to be in the guidel i nes also. 7. SITE MARKERS. Patty Cratty reported on the sTte markers and the CommissTon again discussed ordering markers for the points of Interest and landmarks, and how to anchor them in a substantial manner. MINUTES March 13, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS Patty Cratty will write a letter to the Assistant City Attorney to invite hlm to the April meet ng to discuss the placement of plaques on property and also dlscuss the Certiffed Local Government with him. 8. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS. Brochure Commissioner Robertson reported on the brochure, stating it 1s partially finished at this time. Calavera School DisDlav Chairman Blackford stated that Cornmissloner Robertson had gone beyond the call of duty on the Calavera School Display and that the Commisslon thanked him for his excel lent job. Commissioner Robertson stated that the Commission was given a large display case and it was necessary to get material to flll it within a day’s time. Mr. Robertson stated he thanked everyone for the case at the park dedication. Joint Workshop with Clty Council Chairman Blackford reported on a meeting w th Cornmissloner Howard-Jones and Patty Cratty and stated they want to put a slide show together for the workshop-- showing who the Commission ls, what it has been doing and what the plans for the future are--and asking for direction from Council. A list of topics was included in the packet. 9. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION LIAISON. Chairman Blackford reported on the Parks and RecreatIon CommIssion meeting he and Ms. Cratty attended, stating that Commission voted not to provide this Commission with an Ex-Officio Member. The comment was made that if this Commission wanted something, they should attend a Parks and Recreation Commission and ask for it. Chairman Blackford suggested that important items be prlorltized and then taken before the Parks and Recreation Commission, one at a time. He felt this would point out to them that the Commissions do have joi nt concerns. Commlssion discussion centered on the grave of Conquistador at Carrlllo Ranch and the Calavera point of interest, and the consensus of the Commlssion was to take these two items before the Parks and Recreation Commlsslon--one at a time. Chairman Blackford stated he would contact the Arts Commission again for response on forming a joint committee. MINUTES March 13, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS 10. RECOMMENDATION FOR POINT OF INTEREST DESIGNATION. Historic Preservatlon Commission adopted the following Resolutlons, as amended. (one motion) RESOLUTION NO. 15, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE GA HOUSE AS A HISTORIC POINT OF INTEREST. RESOLUTION NO. 16, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE SH WARD HOUSE AS A HISTORIC POINT OF INTEREST. RESOLUTION NO. 17, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE UN CHURCH AS A HISTORIC POINT OF INTEREST. S PLEY- ON NEW BUS I NESS/ I NFORMAT I ONAL: Historic Preservation Cornmission continued the following ltems to the April Meeting: 11. PRlORlTlZAlON OF PROJECTS AND CULTURAL RESOURCES. 12. CITY COUNCIL GOALS. 14. SOH0 BROCHURE. 15. SUMMARIES OF MEETINGS. This item was taken out of order. 16. DRAFT EIR FOR ARROYO LA COSTA. The Commlsslon discussed this draft EIR at length, stating thelr concerns about the archeological sites. Ms. Cratty explained the EIR Is in the comment period at this time and Ex Officio Member Marcus explained that those comments will be Tncluded in the EIR when it goes before the Planning Commission and would be lncluded In any mitigation that would be there. Ms. Cratty explained that this Is the Master Plan, and 1s a long way from any project. This is the first EIR that has come before this Commission in a draft stage, and the Commlssions expressed thelr pleasure at having accomplished this. They all expressed their concern about not having an opportunity for input, but felt this was a good beginning. Chairman Blackford asked staff to ask the Planning and Egnineerlng Departments the relationshlp of the site to the project itself and If any consideration has been glven to grading mitigation measures ln the preliminary workup of the project and ask for the wrlteup. The suggestion was made to do a survey and rank the sltes this Commission feels are lmportant as far as archeological sites. The Commlsslon requested Lance Schulte from the Planning Department be invited to the next meeting, as he Is the Project Planner on this item. Blackford Christiansen Howard- J ones Robertson Swenson Blackford Chrlstiansen Howard-Jones Robertson Swenson X X X X X X X X X X MINUTES March 13, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 COMMISSIONERS Commissloner Swenson left the rneetlng at 7:40 p.m. 13. STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION CONFERENCE. The Conference is to be held In Los Angeles, Apr 23, 1989, and Commlssioner Swenson wTI1 attend. Cratty reminded the Commlssioners that the dead1 registration is March 30. I 20 - Ms. ne for 17. MARCH/APRIL CALENDAR. The ltems continued from tonight's agenda wlll be on the April Agenda. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meetlng of March 13, 1989, was adjourned at 7:48 p.m. Respectfuly submitted, - bk$k Senlo Management Analyst Harrlett Babbitt Minutes Clerk