HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-04-10; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Tlme of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: Aprll 10, 1989 Place of Meeting: City Councll Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Vlce Chairperson Howard-Jones called the Meeting to order at 5:08 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissloners Blackford, Howard-Jones, Robertson, Swenson and Ex-Officlo Member Marcus. Commissloner Chrlstiansen arrived at 5:12 p.m. Absent: None. Staff Members Present: Patty Cratty, Senlor Management Analyst Ron Ral I, Asslstant City Attorney Lance Schu I te, Associate P lanner APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 13, 1989, were approved as presented. CONTINUED ITEMS: 1. SITE MARKERS, CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP ON DESIGNATED SITES AND CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT PROGRAM. Assistant Clty Attorney Ron Ball was present to answer questions from the Commlssioners about the above top ics. Commlssloner Robertson stated the Commission wanted to place bronze plaques on designated sltes and did not know the legalities involved ln placing plaques on private property or on the City property; also the questlon of who Owns the plaque once it is placed on prlvate property or 1s placed in the sidewalk. Ron Ball said that an agreement 1s needed with private property Owners, and that should be contalned In the consent form used by thls Commission, stating that the property owner does grant the right to the City of Carlsbad to place a certain plaque in a certaln place In vlew of the publlc. A sentence could be added stating thls plaque remains the property of the City; otherw lse, it wou 1 d become the property of the owner. Mr. Ball added that the more speclflc the statements are concernlng the plaques, the better. In response to Commisslon query regarding a poInt of lnterest plaque, Mr. Ball said any time anyone does any work ln the public right-of-way, an encroachment permit 1s needed, and this would include placement of a p I aque. Howard-Jones Blackford Robertson Swenson /4 MINUTES 1 y\\ 4 Q $ Aprll 10, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION - Page 2 COMMISSIONERS The next ltem for discussion was change of ownershlp on designated sltes, and Ron Ball suggested wording to the effect that the Owner certlfied he was the legal owner of the property described above and dld by consent to the Historic Preservation Commission and City of Carlsbad intend that the designated site be preserved forever. Mr. Ball said that the present consent form requires that the person present a legal description of the property and an additlonal way to ensure the preservation would be to requlre the form to be recorded as a part of the deed. In answer to Cornmisslon query regarding whether a new buyer of a property could get released from the hlstoric designation, Mr. Ball said that lt would be difficult to do just because they did not want the designatlon. The new owner would have to present evidence that somethlng had changed and the property did not meet the criterla for the designation. The Certified Local Government Program was the next item to be discussed wlth Mr. Ball, and Commissioner Swenson stated that because of the Certified Local Government defsgnation, more informatlon should be coming to thls Commisslon and there is a higher stake In what is being approved or changes contemplated in the environment. Patty Cratty stated that this Cmmlssion is now being lncluded in the process at an early stage and this should prove to be a help in provlding Input. Commissloner Blackford stated that the CLG encouraged everyone to create and maintain an ordlnance that stated that a site could be designated a landmark without the owner's permisslon. That is not in Carlsbad's ordinance, but the CLG urged that be done, and Commlssloner Blackford asked whether the Commission should consider that aspect. Ron Ball said that the State Department of Historic Preservatlon approved the ordinance passed by Carlsbad, and he would like information on how that change in the ordlnance could be accomplished wlthout creating a legal problem. He asked whether the CLG had lnferred local governments had that right, and Commissioner Blackford stated they had. Mr. Ball asked to see all written information on thls. Vice-Chalrperson Howard-Jones inqulred whether the other City Departments were aware of the CLG designation, and Mr. Bal 1 said this affected the ab1 I ity to apply for grants and all Departments and City Council were aware of the designatlon. 2. DRAFT EIR FOR ARROYO LA COSTA. Lance Schulte reported that thls project has been a long- ongoing project and in answer to Commlsslon query regarding the lnformation regarding sensltive sites, stated that information is on a "need to know" basis and a very guarded source of lnformatfon by the cultural resource professionals. The professionals prepare the documents and their work is reviewed by thelr peers. The draft EIR is for citizen and peer review and to make changes and recommendations. P MINUTES I Commissioner Blackford asked whether it would be posslble at thls stage for the Engineering Deparmtment to participate in a modification of the gradlng plan to a1 low some sites to be capped, if they proved to be significant. that option. report that was signlficant enough that would require excavatlon of ten square feet and the applicant has agreed to do that mitigation. That report will be brought before this Commlssion for review. Lance Schulte answered they could explore He said there was only one slte in the Commissioner Blackford added that lt mlght be better to cap some of the sites untll a future time when there might be better storage available and more knowledge on the preservation of the slte. Lance Schulte commented that there Is a point where the amount of money that can be spent on cultural resource preservation becomes lmportant to the developer. In this case, the developer has an archeologist on reta 1 ner. The suggestion was made for a copy of the final report on the cultural resource preservation mitigatlon to be provlded to Patty Cratty for the beglnning of a llbrary of that type of information. Lance Schulte stated he would draft a condition for this, and Patty Cratty added that this will be lncluded in the guidelines of this Commlssion. The library Ms. Cratty Is to maintaln will contain the disposltion of the materlals so this Commlssion will be aware of where the objects went. This will be a cultural resources bank. Mr. Schulte sald that the computerized data base for land parcels in the City could descrlbe the sites wlth hlstorlc significance, and Ms. Cratty sald she would supply parcel numbers in order for that to be done. 3. PRIORITIZATION OF PROJECTS AND CULTURAL RESOURCES. Designation of Resources. Ramsey House - Patty Cratty reported that the Owners do not want a designation, but have promised to leave the house 1 ntact. O'Hara owns toward Sunny any designat documents on Patty Cratty Kelly Home - Commissioner Robertson reported that Mike he property on El Camino that goes down Creek and has a option and won't talk about on. He will ask for photographs and the property. suggested that the intern in their department research projects. The two sltes selected were: Hart Real Estate Offlce, 2950 State Street, and the Gage House, 3080 Lincoln Street. Educational Displays/lnformation and Calavera Display Case. Commissioner Robertson suggested a slide presentatlon be prepared to be given to history classes in the schools for educatlon as to the hlstorlc preservation program. MINUTES April 10, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS Cornmissloner Robertson felt that the display case at Calavera Hi I Is Park shou Id be a priority of the Comrnisslon to lnform Robin Bettin that the contents of the case wlll be changed every two months. National Preservation Week. Patty Cratty stated she had not recelved notlce of when thls would be, and the suggestlon was made to perhaps have a slide show put together for public television durlng that week. propose the joint Council Meetlng durlng that week, if possible. The suggestion was also made to 4. SOHO BROCHURE. Commissioner Blackford suggested Issue a shorter version of this, newsletter. hat this Cornmisslon n the form of a Cornmissloner Robertson volunteered to edit a newsletter six tlmes a year. The Commlssloners were rernlnded that SOHO also wants news items and the Commlssloners could send any ltems to them. 5. SUMMARIES OF MEETINGS. The City Manager's Newsletter was dlscussed, wlth the consensus of the Commisslon being that unless there was somethlng of interest, they should not be sent to Cornmlssioners, as they always arrive too late for Cornmlssioners to attend any meetlngs llsted there. Commlssloner Swenson questioned some of the ltems listed in the surnmarles and Patty Cratty explalned those items and also explalned that Mr. Swenson could contact the City departments for explanations. 6. CITY COUNCIL GOALS. Patty Cratty explalned that the City Council sets the Goals and staff then provides the objectlves to attain those goals, with updates throughout the year. OLD BUSINESS: 7. CARR I LLO RANCH/GRANT. Patty Cratty reported the current grant is belng worked on, and sketches of the bulldlngs are belng made. 8. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS. Commlssioner Robertson asked for all memorabe ia for the depot to be gathered together and on May 0 at 9:15 a.m. In Patty Cratty's office, the material w 11 be gathered to take to Calavera Hills for the di play case. Cornmissloner Howard-Jones will asslst in thls project. MINUTES April 10, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVAT ON COMMI SS Page 5 ON COMMISSIONERS Comml ss loner Robertson distr i buted cop les of the Historlc Preservatlon Commission brochure and asked for comments. Commlssioner Blackford asked whether the Commlsslon needed permlssion to have thls brochure printed, and Ms. Cratty stated she would check on this. Commissioner Blackford stated that if permlsslon was not needed, he was in favor of having thls prlnted and distributed. Patty Cratty reported there was nothing new on the workshop, but would try to see if it were possible durlng the National Preservation Week. NEW BUSINESS: 9. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT. Patty Cratty explalned this was the 15th year for the block grant program. Previously, this was for capital projects, but now includes social programs. She sald that 60 percent of the money must go to low/moderate i ncome peop I e. Comment was made that the Magee House needs painting, and it was the consensus of the Commlsslon that this should be called to the Clty's attention, partlcularly slnce the Certlfled Local Government program requlres historic sites to be maintained. Also, it was commented that the bushes around the Magee House need to be trimmed to avoid damaging the house. INFORMATIONAL: 10. CURRENT SUMMARIES OF MEETINGS. Commlssioner Swenson reiterated his feeling that these summaries ralsed flags that this Commlsslon needs more information. MAY AGENDAkALENDAR. Agenda 1 terns: Display Case - to devise a Display Case Plan for the year Report on the two sites for designation Revlsion of consent form Progress report on priorities Work shop h MINUTES \\\\\ April 10, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 6 COMMISSIONERS ADJOURNMENT: By proper mot ion, the Meeting of Apri I 10, 1989, was adjourned at 7:31 p.m. Respectfuly submltted, m C Harrlett Babbitt MI nutes C 1 erk