HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-05-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: May 8, 1989 Place of Meeting: City Counci I Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Blackford called the Meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Blackford, Christiansen, Howard-Jones, Swenson and Ex-Officio Member Marcus. Absent: Commiss loner Robertson. Staff Member Present: Patty Cratty, Senior Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 10, 1989, were approved as amended to change wording on page 3 to read Tamsey House - Patty Cratty reported that the owners are not happy with a designation, but have promised to to leave the house intact." OLD BUSINESS: 1. REPORT ON GAGE HOUSE AND HART REAL ESTATE OFFICE. Patty Cratty reported that she wanted to get the consent form revised before proceeding with these two designations. She said there was a draft of the consent form in the packet, and this item on the Gage House and Hart Real Estate Office will be returned at the next meet i ng. 2. PRIORITIZATION OF PROJECTS AND CULTURAL RESOURCES. Patty Cratty distributed copies of the Historic Resource I nventory and the Commissioners agreed to bring back their own copies to eliminate re-printing this list each meet i ng. Ms. Cratty said that the Gage House and Hart Real Estate Office would be brought to the June Meeting for review as landmarks. The Commission discussed and recommended for review the Bungalow at 3309 Roosevelt Street as a point of interest and Number 18, the Bungalow at 3265 Highland Drive; and 3263 Highland wil I be included at the same time. This is the Robert Baird house. Ms. Cratty said if the information is not readily available on these projects, she will have the intern work on the hlstoric survey. Ms. Cratty announced that May 14 - 20 is National Preservation Week, and the SI ide show cou Id not be put together in time for showing on public television at that time. The Mayor will issue a P roc 1 ama posslbi I but felt work now ion and the Commission discussed the ty of having any other activities th the time was too short and they shou on videos for next year. s year, d start B lackford Chr istiansen Howard-Jones Swenson \ \ ,/-. MINUTES 1 May 8, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION CQMMI SSION Page 2 - The sample press release shown in the packet was referred to and the consensus of the Commission was to have this appear in the local papers. Chairman Blackford suggested a joint video with the surroundlng cities in the County for public television. Commissioner Swenson felt there should be a video just on what has been done in Carlsbad. If another video were made jointly, that would be all right, but he fe t one for Car Isbad, alone, was necessary. Commiss loner Howard-Jones suggested ask i ng the cablevision to show the two videos that are available on preservation, and to show these during National Preservation Week. Commissioners Howard-Jones and Christiansen did two tours for the school children at Magnolia and Kelly Schools. This was on the depot, St. Michael's Church, the Magee House and A It-Kar Isbad. The Commissioners agreed to gather the memorabelia on May 19, 1989, for the display case at Calavera Hills center. Chairman Blackford asked the Commissioners to think of articles they would want to give to Commissioner Robertson for the news letter. 3. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS. The Commission asked staff to write a letter from Commisslon to the framer of the material for the d case at Calavera Hi I Is to thank him for his work. he SP lay Chairman Blackford met with the other Chalrpersons and the Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem on April 27, 1989, with eleven Commissioners in attendance. He said that absenteeism was the main concern of the chairpersons. One of the Cornmissions felt they should ask for a replacement if a member missed three consecutive meetings wlthout a good reason. he had mentioned that this Commisslon had found some hesitation on the part of some Commissions to work jointly on certain matters, where mre than one Commission was Involved. Chairman Blackford said 4. SITE MARKERS AND REVISED CONSENT FORM. Patty Cratty called attention to the revised consent form contained in the packet, stating there is now a place for the recorder, the sentence mak i ng th is des i gnat ion b i ndi ng on "a I I heirs, successors and assigns", and the plaque to remain the property of the City. was raised as to who wou Id pay for the recording, and Ms. Cratty wl I I check to see whether the Commission could pay this fee. The question Ms. Cratty suggested deleting the reference to landmark and using the same form for a point of interest. The Commission consensus was to place plaques at the Depot, Magee House and Alt Karlsbad. Cha aP rman B lackford proposed pursu aque at the P ine Street Schoo ng the installation of s i te. t\ \ MINUTES May 8, 1989 H I STOR I C PRE SERV AT I ON OMM I SS I ON Page 3 COMMISSIONERS The Kelly Barn was discussed, and it was suggested that the Owners be informed that there would be a plaque placed there on a temporary basis, whi le the barn is sti I I standing. The Commission discussed adding an accessory plaque at the bottom of existing plaques at Magee House and Alt Karlsbad. Also the consensus of the Commission was to start a numbering system. The suggestion was made to have press coverage whenever a plaque goes onto a site. There was a discussion about the pediment saved from the Pine Street School, and Patty Cratty wi I I arrange for the Commissioners to view this. She had pictures she had taken of the pediment, and Chairman Blackford suggested it either be restored and installed; thrown away or made into a piece of sculpture out of the remains of the pediment. 5. CARRILLO RANCH/GRANT. Patty Cratty reported that a grant of $400,000 had been received for the stabilization of the buildings on Carrillo Ranch. Chairman Blackford recommended reviewing Mr. Donaldson's final report with the intent of coming up wIth recommendations of how to establish priorities for that stabilization. He recommended that Mr. Donaldson present his report to this Commission for comments. After a discussion about the Ranch, the consensus of the Commission was to visit the Ranch at the June meet I ng. NEW BUSINESS: 6. REPORT ON 14th ANNUAL PRESERVATION CONFERENCE. Commissioner Swenson and Patty Cratty reported on the Conference he I d i n Los Ange 1 es, and Commi ss loner Swenson stated he would have a packet to distribute to the Commissioners at the next meeting. Patty Cratty showed the Resolution for the Certified Local Government and said It would be framed. She also distributed a list of the cassette tapes she purchased at the Conference. The Commission asked staff to send a letter of thanks to the Building Department employee who attended the Conference. 7. WORKSHOP FOR COMMISSION. There will be a Workshop for the Commlssion, July 6, 1989, at 3:OO p.m., with more details to be supplied I ater . 8. DRAFT EIR FOR ARROYO LA COSTA MASTER PLAN. Patty Cratty referred to the correspondence contained in the packet, and she will check with the Planning Department to ascertal n whether cop 1 es of the f I na I reports are kept there. The suggestion was made to have a copy aval lable at the library. Ms. Cratty wi I I ask for clarlf ication of the term "deep f i I I". I\ \ /4 MINUTES May 8, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION yi\ $ - Page 4 COMMISSIONERS 9. LOCATOR MAPS. Patty Cratty explained that locator maps are planned for the downtown area, wIth a general map on one side and historic information on the bottom of the map, and a focus point on the other side. been ldentified for these maps and they wlll be Installed as part of the streetscape. Eleven sltes have INFORMATIONAL: 10. CITY COUNCIL GOALS. Patty Cratty explained that this was Included in the packet for the Commlssloners' InformatIon. There 1s an update each quarter and these are on file in the Redevelopment Office. 11. SUMMARIES OF MEETINGS. ThIs was an Informatlon item only. 12. JUNE CALENDAR. Acquisitlons Policy ADJOURNMENT: By proper motlon, the Meeting of May 8, 1989, was adjourned at 7:31 p.m., to Tuesday, June 13, 1989, 3:OO p.m., In the Councll Conference Room. Respectfully submitted, A Sen I or PATTY ~ATTY Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk