HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-06-13; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutesn MINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 3:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: June 13, 1989 Place of Meetlng: Council Conference Room (Ad Journed Regu I ar 1 COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Blackford called the Meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissloners Blackford, Christiansen, Gallegos, Howard-Jones and Ex-Officio Member Marcus. Absent: Commissioner Robertson. Staff Member Present: Patty Cratty, Senior Management Analyst PUBLIC COMMENT: A I an K i nd I e, represent i ng Joan K i nd le, addressed the Commisslon stating that Mrs. Kind le had appeared before Council asking them to accelerate the funding in the CIP for Carrlllo Ranch. Last year's budget had the flrst money to be aval lab le in 92-93 and the remalning fund lng in the five-year period following that. He said that Mrs. Kind le had found that in the present budget to be proposed June 27, 1989, the funding has been moved back one full year. Mrs. Kindle has contacted the Council Members and others interested ln Carri I lo Ranch, and Mr. Kind le jolns her in asklng anyone lnterested to come to the hearing to ask Councl I to make some changes in the funding timetable. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held May approved as presented. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: 8, 1989, were Chairperson Blackford read a reques from the Escondido Planning Department for items to be discussed at a one- day semlnar July 28, 1989. Suggest ons made Included, education and support in the commun ty; pre-hlstoric sites - to protect and locate them; restoration and preservation of old structures and communication wlth other department heads. Chalrperson Blackford asked the Commissions to think about whether they wanted to attend this seminar. 1. PRESENTATION AND INTRODUCTION. Chairperson Blackford said that former Cmmlssioner Swenson would receive a Certificate of Appreciation for his service to this Commission. This will be mailed to him. Chalrperson Blackford introduced the new Commlssloner, Dennis Gal legos. B 1 ack ford Christlansen Gal legos Howard -Jones s - X X X MINUTES June 13, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: 2. REPORT ON GAGE HOUSE, HART REAL ESTATE OFFICE, HIGHLAND BUNGALOWS AND 3309 ROOSEVELT STREET. Patty Cratty reported that staff was research ing these items, and she introduced Linda Holmes, who is doing that research. Ms. Cratty stated that the Real Estate Office and the Gage House wil I hopeful ly be ready for landmark designation in July. 3. PEDIMENT FROM CARLSBAD SCHUOL OFFICES AT 801 PINE AVENUE. Chairperson Blackford cal led attention to the model he had prepared showing approximately what remains of the school sign from the Pine Avenue site. He said the parts are very porous and tend to crumble. The parts would need to be sealed, as there are only portions of the letters still intact. Patty Cratty said she had asked for the cost to re-cast the entire sign, and that would cost between $2,500 and $3 , 000. Chairperson Blackford said there were several options, but he felt the best idea would be to have a bed of concrete in the lawn and slope it to create a smal I mound, with the parts and pieces of the letters in the concrete. The mound could have baby tears planted as shown in a photograph shown to the Commission. Commissioner Gallegos felt the mound would be an excellent way to preserve the letters. Commlssioner Howard-Jones said she would prefer a bench with the pieces in the concrete. Commissioner Christiansen said that would only attrach more graffiti, and the mound could be done to provide a place to sit on it. Patty Cratty wi I I pursue the cost of having the letters placed in a concrete base that would be sloped to form a mound. Commi ss loner Howard-Jones suggested the mound be placed in front of where the letters used to be on the old bui Iding. 4. JULY WORKSHOP. Patty Cratty reported that July 13, 1989, was the tentative date for the workshop, at3:OO p.m., here in the Council Chambers. Thursday, July 20, 1989, is an alternate date. 5. CARR I LLO RANCH/GRANT: Patty Cratty reported that the $400,000 grant money will be forthcoming. She said there had been a discussion about a sub-committee composed of Arts, Historic and Parks and Recreation to discuss the uses of the Ranch. The Historic Preservation Commission recommended that a sub-committee composed of members of the Arts Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and the Historic Preservation Commission be appointed to discuss the uses of Carrillo Ranch. B lackford Chr i st i ansen Gal legos Howard -Jones X X X X . # MINUTES June 13, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION \ COMMISSIONERS Patty Cratty said that Wayne Donaldson wanted someone to help determine what artifacts are historic and what is Junk and tag the items to create an inventory. She said that Kelth Beverly of the Parks and Recreation Department had I ived at Carri I lo Ranch for several years and could possibly help determine what belonged there. NEW BUSINESS: 6. ACQUISITIONS POLICY. Patty Cratty referred to the copies of policies included in the packet from the Arts Cmmls has been asked to review these and wants to participate. The consensus of the Commissioners art or any object offered to the C value, this Commisslon should have ion. Thls Commission i nd i cate whether i t was that if a piece of ty was of historic a Member present for lnput, as to whether it should be accepted by the City or turned down. 7. CARLSBAD FOUNDERS' DAY. The consensus of the Commission was to support the concept of a Founders' Day. and Howard-Jones stated they had sent In suggestions. Commissioners Chrlstiansen Thls ltem was continued to the July Meeting for further discusslon. The Commlssioners were to call Patty Cratty with any names of persons to be honored or give her a I ist of names. 8. EVANS POINT TENTATIVE MAP CT 89-8 - DRAFT EIR. This item was contlnued to the July Meeting. INFORMATIONAL: 9. SUMMARIES OF VARIOUS COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND BOARDS. This is an information item. 10. JULY CALENDAR. Commlssioners are to cat I Patty Cratty with any items for the July Agenda. 11. CONSULTANT'S REPORT ON CARRILLO RANCH. This report was to be given at Carrillo Ranch. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meetlng of June 13, 1989, was adjourned at 4:OO p.m., to Carri I lo Ranch, in the event a quorum of the Commisslon was present for the report. Respgctfully submitted, +++ PATTY ATTY ( Sen lor Managekent Ana 1 yst Harriett Babbitt M i nutes C I erk