HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-07-10; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutesc P MINUTES MeetTng of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of MeetTng: 5:OO p.m. Date of MeetTng: July 10, 1989 Place of Meeting: CouncTl Chambers thls Commission. Commfssloner Robertson asked about the the Ranch and said this should be cmp t ime. Mr. Donaldson referred to the scope of Ranch contaTned Tn the packet and said COMMISSIONERS Chalrperson Blackford called the Meeting to order at 5:08 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Cmmlssloners Blackford, Christiansen, Howard-Jones and Robertson. CommlssToner Gallegos arrived at 5:42 p.m. Absent: Ex-Officio Member Marcus. Staff Present: Chrls Salomone, Houslng 8 Redevelopment D i rector Patty Cratty, Senior Managemment Ana I yst Dave Bradstreet, Parks & Recreat ion D i rector PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Commission. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held June 13, 1989, were approved as amended, to change "best idea'1 to "one of the options" on page 3, paragraph 4. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: Chalrperson Blackford had no report. OLD BUSINESS: 1. CARRILLO RANCH/GRANTS. Wayne Donaldson, the Consultant, and his Assistant, were present to dTscuss the work on Carrlllo Ranch wTth regard to the grants. Patty Cratty cal led attention to the Agenda Bi 1 1 Included in the packet and said that at the present tlme the City Manager 1s ascertalning whether or not thls has to go before Counci I to form the ad hoc commlttee. If it does not have to be approved by Councl I, the ad hoc committee wTll start meeting immediately. Thls wlll include Commissioner Straub from the Arts Commission; Kim Welshons from Parks and Recreation Commisslon and Chalrperson Blackford said he would try to attend for weed abatement at eted by this work for Carrlllo they are now He said there starting on the structural analysis. would be a meeting tomorrow on the preservation Issues. He saTd the City received a $400,000 grant and the future and use of thls grant needs to be determTned. Also, the impact of the surrounding neighborhood needs to be stud Ted. B I ack f ord Christiansen Howard -Jones Robertson X X X P MINUTES July 10, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUS I NESS: (Cont i nued 1 Mr. Donaldson sald the Archeologlst has done a draft report and 1s concerned about the surface artlfacts and what should be done with those. He thought perhaps the ad hoc commlttee could deal wfth those lssues. Mr. Donaldson recommended looklng at the landscaping, as that may be important, particularly as to what was germane to the lnltial site. He sald the money would not go a long way, but It was important to try to determlne some of the plants and send that to the office of Hlstorlc Preservation to ascertain whether they agree wlth how the money Is spent. Mr. Donaldson said that an ad hoc committee should meet once a week for a three or four hour workshop, and this should be done wlthln a two or three-month perlod. There are some emergency Items that should be taken care of before the ralny season starts. Mr. Donaldson commented on thelr recommendation to fill In the swlmmlng pool wlth dlrt and make It a garden, and said when the crlterla is establlshed, the costs can be ass 1 gned . Commissloner Christiansen commented that lt was important to indicate the landscaplng that was important to the ranch and try to keep that from being destroyed Mr. Donaldson felt the most important thing was to proceed slowly with the entire project. Davld Bradstreet stated that he felt the landscaping should be done wlth the restoratlon development, and not now. The suggestlon could be made as to what landscaping should go In there, and not spend the money for that, but on the structures. He sald the malntenance of exlsting landscaping could be done lnternal ly by Parks and Recreation. Mr. Bradstreet agreed wlth the suggestlon to fill the swlmmlng pool with dirt and plant a garden there. He added that If thls Commisslon felt that should be done now, perhaps Parks and Recreation could do that. Kelth Beverly stated that the Fire Department had told the fire truck not to go across the brldge, and he sald that perhaps a concrete truck would also be too heavy for the bridge. That wl I I be checked out by staff. Davld Bradstreet commented on what the Ranch wil I look llke wlth houses and roads al I around it, when the area is developed, and he wondered how that wi 1 I f lt in, and sald that should be consldered. Mr. Donaldson said the stablllzatlon of the bulldings wlll be an ongoing task, and the use and restoratlon of the buildings has not been determlned but should be done wlthln a year. He added that It mlght take a year and a half to complete the project. t could be done in phases, as the Clty has flve years to spend that grant money. MINUTES July 10, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 9 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUS 1 NESS: (Continued 1 Mrs. Kindle asked about the gravesite of Vonqulstador", and Mr. Donaldson sald it was important to ascertain whether lt was a gravesite. He thought it would be best to leave it where It Is. If the cross were moved, thls would have an impact on the slte. He felt this was somethlng the Committee shou d decide. He sald there was no budget for the commit ee and there would need to be some field trips. This item was continued to the August meet 2. ARROYO LA COSTA MASTER PLAN AND EIR. This item was continued to the August meetlng. Chalrperson Blackford stated he would like the term "deep fillt1 defined. 3. PEDIMENT FROM CARLSBAD SCHOOL OFFICES AT 801 PINE AVENUE. Patty Cratty reported that it would cost 25 to 30 thousand dollars to recast the pediment. The lettering 1s in very poor condition and wil I not last. The cost of restorlng the pedlment was discussed, wlth suggestions made to perhaps bury the pieces and put a tlme capsule wlth the history and place a plaque on the top. Another suggestion was to lnvestigate funding through the developer and the City. Commissioner Robertson said thls was not this Commlsslon's responslbillty to repair the pediment, and felt the builder should be responslble for not removing it more carefully. Chalrperson Blackford refterated that the funding has to be resolved first. Commlssioners Blackford, Christiansen, Howard-Jones and Robertson agreed that the pedlment should not be re- cast, wlth Commlssioner Gallegos dissentlng. The Commlsslon discussed the posslbillty of instat ling a p laque in the wal I surround ing the slte, with the I1 nes of the old building etched on the plaque. Suggestlons were made to refer this item to the Arts Commlsslon or to the School Dlstrlct. Chalrperson Blackford relterated the ldea to bury the parts of the pedlment and lnclude a tlme capsule wlth a standard plaque on top. The suggestion was made to have Patty Cratty write a memo recommendlng that the contractor pay to have the slgn put back together. Thls item was continued to the August meeting. r MINUTES July 10, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION y '" Page 4 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) 4. WORKSHOP FOR JULY 13, 1989. After discussion the Commission decided the workshop is to be held July 18, 1989, at 3:OO p.m., in the Council Chambers, and this meeting wi I 1 be adjourned to that workshop. The goals and objectives will be discussed and the Commissioners were asked to bring a I ist of top I cs they wanted d i scussed . 5. HISTORIC PRESERVATION CONFERENCE IN ESCONDIDO. Commissioners Robertson and Gallegos will attend the Conference in Escondido on July 28, 1989. A staff member will also attend the Conference. 6. CARLSBAD FOUNDERS' DAY. Patty Cratty reported she had sent a message to the Mayor that this Commission concurred with the concept of a Founders' Day. Commissioner Robertson suggested a Founders' Day parade, and perhaps tie it into some other special day, such as the Book Fair. Commissioner Gallegos suggested honoring the early settlers. Another suggestion was to dress in period costumes. Other suggestions included a wall at City Hall with names on it; City Hall open house, with refreshments. The Commissioners indicated they had sent their thoughts on Founders' Day to the Mayor. 7. EVANS POINT EIR AND TENTATIVE MAP. Patty Cratty reported this item is at the same stage as last meeting, as no revisions have been made. Commission comments included stating that more history was needed and the area should be re-surveyed to identify all sites. The Stage Stop was mentioned, with Commissioner Christiansen stating that this was a horse exchange area, rather than a stage stop. Commissioner Gal legos stated he would 1 ike to have a repository, as artifacts are going outside of Carlsbad and there is no ind ication as to how they are being curated. The Cultural Resources portion was discussed, with the reading of the following paragraph: "The study area contains one known archaeological site; this site is located in a natural open area which is proposed to be used Jointly with the proposed city park. The study area exhibits a high potential for additional subsurface or undocumented resources." Chairperson Blackford said Parks and Recreation should plan a park so the archaeological site does not have to be d 1 sturbed by grad i ng. 8. SUB-COMMlTTEE REPORTS. Calavera Hills Park Display Case Commissioner Robertson reported this display will be changed in September, with a display of the Twin Inns p lanned at that time. The present plan is to change the display quarterly. r MINUTES July 10, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION y\\ $ - Page 5 COMMISSION ERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Brochure/Newsletter Commissioner Robertson showed a copy of the Brochure and asked the Commission to choose he color for the paper. The unanimous choice of the Commission was for the rose colored paper. Commissioner Robertson presented a copy of the proposed newsletter and said a logo was needed. This letter would be d istributed to all City employees and would be pub1 ished quarterly. Joint Counci I/Cmmission Workshop Patty Cratty referred to the draft agenda included in the packet and said the tentative date for the workshop was August 29. Chairperson Blackford will introduce the Commission and Commissioner Robertson will narrate the slide presentation. (There was a conflict in Commissioner Robertson's schedule as far as August 29, but this will be discussed further.) Chairperson Blackford will try to get something started with getting the plaques ordered for the sites that have been approved. 9. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Patty Cratty reported that the form for landmarks and points of interest is being formalized at this time. The Commission agreed to add the Getze house to the B list and research the Shirley De La Motte house, which is #5 on the B I ist, and the Shindler house, which Is #19 on the A list. The Commission asked staff to send a memo to the proper department asking for ordinary maintenance to be done at the Magee House. Patty Cratty reported HUD had agreed to have the inside of the depot finished. INFORMATIONAL: 10. SUMMARY REPORTS FROM VARIOUS COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND BOARDS. I nformation item only. 11. AUGUST CALENDAR: Carr i 1 lo Ranch Evans Point Arroyo La Costa Ped iment .I f- MINUTES Julv 10. 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 6 COMMISSIONERS ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of July 10, 1989, was adjourned at 8:22 p.m., to the Workshop, July 18, 1989, 3:OO p.m., in the Council Chambers. Resp%tfuly submitted, PATRICIA CRATTY Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk