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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-09-11; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time o? Meetlng: 4:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: September 11, 1989 Place of Meeting: Council Chambers h \ COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: ord cal led the Meetlng to order at Chalrperson Black 4:11 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Blackford, Christlansen, Ga I 1 egos and Howard-Jones. Cornmissloner Robertson arrived at 4:33 p.m., and Ex-Officio Member Marcus arrived at 4:55 p.m. Absent: None. Staff Present: Cllnt Phllllps, Senior Management Ana Y st ss ion. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Comm APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None. OLD BUSINESS: 1. ARCHAEOLOGICAL GUIDELINES UPDATE. Clint Phllllps stated that the Commlsslon comments had been forwarded to Recon. The State had indicated that formal adoption of the Guldellnes did not have to take place untll December 31, 1989; however, the money must be spent by September 30. Commissioner Gallegos went through the guidelines section by sectlon and told of his concerns. He stated he would give his recommended changes to Mr. Phil 1 ips. Mr. Phillips asked the Commissioners to gat any further changes to hlm as soon as possible. 2. ARROYO LA COSTA MASTER PLAN AND EIR. CI lnt Phl I 1 ips referred to the report given to the Commissioners and asked them to study the report and make comments. 3. CARRILLO RANCH/GRANTS. CI int Phi I I Ips reported that a meeting was he d by the Hous lng and Redevelopment D Irector, the consu tant and others regard ing the ad hoc committee proposa . Th is proposal is still pending and there is another meeting scheduled for September 22, In Room 3 of the Safety Center, at 9:00 a.m. Mrs. Joan Kindle will be the curator and Wayne Donaldson, the consultant, wi I1 also be present. The discusslon will be on the stabilization and rehabllitation of the buildings on the Ranch. This group is trylng to avoid the phrase 'lplannlng and uses". The list of stabllizatlon in the orlglnal report wil 1 be re- prioritized. Also, the stabll izatlon of the cantina and other bu I Id 1 ngs to house the art If acts wi I 1 be d I scussed . Mr. Phillips said that Honor Camp personnel would be used for the work on the bulldlngs, wlth City supervision. r MINUTES rl September 11, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMlSSfON Page 2 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Phillips said the group would also dlcuss whether or not an ad hoc committee would be the best way to proceed. Chairman Blackford said that the City Counc want to do any master planning at thls time that the grant says stabillzatfon and rehab of buildings. Mr. Phlllips added that Council wants to wa 1993-94 CIP before any planning is done. 1 does not He added I Itatlon t until the Chairman B 1 ackford sa Id he wanted the emergency measures to go further. He mentioned the adobe restoration, which he felt was important. He safd that some of the arches need to be covered to weather exposure and a tent or tarp should be put over the adobe. Commissioner Robertson said that Wayne Donaldson wanted some direction. He said that the house was bullt on a spring and that needs to be taken care of as part of the emergency measures. Chairman Blackford said this Commission should receive a summary of what takes place at the meeting on the 22nd, before anything goes to Council. Before any report goes to the State, this Commission will receive a copy of that. He added that the purpose of thls committee was to help the consultant establish cr i ter I a. Commissloner Gallegos recommended that thfs Commission put together a plannlng program If one does not come out of the September 22 meeting. 4. PEDIMENT FROM CARLSBAD SCHOOL OFFICES AT 801 PINE AVENUE. Commlssloner Howard-Jones reported that she will attend a meeting on September 13 with regard to this matter, and will give a report next month. 5. ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIELD TRIP UPDATE. Commissioner Gallegos stated on the field trip to the AIga/EI Camino Real shopping center site, and said that everything is in the lab at thls tlme. Chalrman Blackford inqulred whether there was enough material for an exhibit, and Commfssloner Gallegos stated he would bring his own grader and grade the site and monitor It. He invited the Commlssioners to come up to the site at10:OO a.m., next Saturday. He also felt there would be plenty of artifacts for a display. Chairman Blackford inqulred of Commissioner Gal legos whether the Commission could take part in another dig, and he answered that they could. \ \ k MINUTES September 11, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUS I NESS : (Cont I nued 1 6. COMMISSION REQUEST FOR STORAGE SPACE IN NEW LIBRARY BU I LD I NG. Cl lnt Phllllps reported that the request for storage space in the new I lbrary had been denled except for storage of hlstorlc documents or mlcrofilm. The consensus of the Commlsslon was to have Mr. Phl 1 I Ips explain to the L ibrary Board the type of storage space they wanted and needed. Commissloner Howard-Jones volunteered to talk wlth the Board Members for clarlf !cation of the Board's answer. RECESS: Chalrman Blackford declared a Recess at 5:42 p.m., and the Commlsslon re-convened at 5:46 p.m., with all Members present. 7. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS. Commissioners Robertson and Howard-Jones are working on the new exhibit for Calavera Hills Park. This will be a Twin-Inns exhibit. The first of the year the dlsplay will be changed to Aft Karlsbad. Commissloner Robertson sald there will be a newsletter by the next meeting and the brochures are here for the Commissloners to take copies to distribute. comment was made thls brochure should be on the counters at Parks and Recreation sites. The CI lnt Phi 1 I ips reported on the joint Counci l/Commlsslon workshop and sald that there is no definite date at thls tJme. The planned program ~$11 be to have Chalrrnan Blackford introduce the Commfssioners; then the sllde presentation; wtth the last portion to be a d lscusslon/comrnunlcatlon wlth Councl I. Commlssloner Howard-Jones will help Mr. Phllllps arrange the sl ?des in proper order. 8. CULTURAL RESOURCES. The Commissioners are stlll working on the Information for the Gage House and Hart Realty. Chrlstlansen will talk with Steve Densham again regarding designation for the Twin Inns. Commissioner The comment was made that the Magee House needs pafnt, and Mr. Phi I1 Ips was asked to send a letter to the proper City departments asking for thls to be done. NEW BUSINESS: 9. The Commission reiterated Its stand that any cultural resources put on the above committee's Ifst should be so noted in a report to this CommFsslon. NORTHWEST QUADRANT PARK CONCERNS COMMITTEE. \ \ MINUTES Septemmber 11, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION /\y x - Page 4 COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (Contlnued) 10. CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY ACT WORKSHOP. Cllnt Phillips announced this workshop, sponsored by the Callfornfa Preservation Foundatlon, will be held on Saturday, September 30, 1989, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., ln San Dlego. Commlssloners Chrlstlansen and Gallegos lndlcated they may attend, and Chairman Blackford will be a backup. INFORMATIONAL: 11. SUMMARY REPORTS FROM VAR1OUS COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND BOARDS. The Commlssloners asked for clarlflcatFon of Item #5 of the summary report of the Northwest Quadrant Park Concerns Commlttee dated August 14, 1989. Thls I lsts 10 acres of property between Agua Hedlonda Lagoon and Park Drive, and the Commlsslon would llke to know where thls site ls located. 12. OCTOBER CALENDAR. The Commission, by consensus, agreed to hold the October Meetlng on October 11, 1989, at 5:OO p .m. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motlon, the Meeting of September 11, 1989, was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Respectfully submltted CLINT PHILLIPS Senlor Management Analyst Harrlett Babbitt M I nutes C I erk