HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-11-13; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutesh MINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meetlng: November 13, 1989 Place of Meetlng: C'ity Counctl Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chalrperson Blackford called the Meetlng to order at 5:07 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: CommissJoners Blackford, Chrlstiansen, Howard- Jones, Robertson and Ex-Officlo Member Marcus. Commissioner Gallegos arrlved at 5:15 p.m. Absent: Staff Present: C PUBLIC COMMENT: None. int Ph Illps, Senior Management Analyst There were no requests to address the Commlsslon. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the October Meet'ing were recorded and have not been transcrlbed at thfs time. OLD BUSINESS: 1. ARCHAEOLOGICAL GUIDELINES. Clint Phlllips reported that there was a change in the date on the staff report for the ftrst readlng of the ordlnance at CouncFI. This ordinance wit 1 be lntroduced November 21, 1989, and wfll allow the adoption of a cultural resource guqdelfnes manual. The Agenda Bill was sent to the CPty Manager, and wi I 1 be revlewed by the CFty Attorney. Staff wl 1 I be advised of any changes. Commqssloner Howard-Jones requested a copy of the Agenda BI 1 I to al low ComrnfssFon Members to contact Councf 1 Members for questfons. Mr. PhFllips commented that the State request was to mafntaFn the original guidelines as prepared and not make any deletions. 2. CARR I LLO RANCH/GRANTS . Cltnt Phillips read from his report contatned in the packet, stating that Council recelved an Agenda Bill on behalf of this Commisslon recommendfng the establishment of a lyCarrTIlo Ranch Stabillzatlon Commtttee". This Commlttee was established and In addrtion, Joan Klndte was appofnted as Curator and Ex-OfflcFo Member of the Comml ttee. Mr. Phrlllps sard there are two archaeological sites on the Ranch, and Mr. Donaldson's office is developlng a report on those sites. ThTs will be monftored by the State offfce. Mr. Phfllips further reported that staff fs working on the Natlonal Regtstry application for the Ranch. Commissioner Howard-Jones Tnqulred about the hearing that would be held on that appllcation, and Mr. Phfl 1 Ips wf I1 check Into this and let the Commisslon know. MINUTES \\\: November 13,1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Phl'llips continued, statlng that Mr. Donaldson's office had selected two sub-contractors to do some of the work, so progress Is being made. The two grants of $90,000 and $400,000 have been rolled together, and the first $90,000 has not been spent at this the. Committee w?ll be dealing with costs. The Commtssfoner Howard-Jones requested staff to InvestPgate havtng someone from the Planning Department work w'lth thts Commtttee. Mr. Phillips w!ll dlscuss thJs with Chris Salomone. Chafrman Blackford referred to the copy of the letter contalned in the packet from Joan Kindle and sald they are proceeding wfth National Registry for the Ranch. At this point, Commissioner Gallegos fnqutred about the Archaeological Guidelines, and Mr. PhVIllps stated that the Clty Manager felt the guidelines were in the form they should be at thls time. There wlll be an opportunlty for revtslons In the future. The State recommended that they be adopted as they are, as thfs wi 1 I be amend Ing the sub-section of the ord inance. Any future changes can be by an amendment to the resolutfon and would be far easier than mend Ing an ord inance. Commlssloner Gallegos would like to know the procedure to be followtng for amendlng them and Mr. Philllps wtll get that BnformatFon for him. 3. PEDIMENT FROM CARLSBAD SCHOOL OFFICES AT 801 PINE AVENUE. Chairman Blackford dlstrlbuted draw'lngs of the proposed ped'lment, whlch is suggested to be placed In the Tnside of the buildfng. Thls pediment wlll be put on a back'lng board and left ?n the broken form and covered wtth acrylic. It wtll be approxhately twelve and a half feet In length, and w? 11 not be supported by the wal 1. It will be attached to the wall laterally, to support It from falling. Commissioner Howard-Jones suggeted tfltlng it In order to read the plaque better and allow for a sketch of the schoolhouse, and statlng that it was a pediment from the 1926 schoolhouse. 4. COMMISSION REQUEST FOR STORAGE SPACE IN NEW LIBRAR' BU I LD I NG. Clfnt Phillips reported that staff had sent a letter to the Library regarding thls storage space, but no answer has been rece i ved . Chairman Blackford suggested a different approach be taken, and asked that the CommFsston Members each compile a list of what should be stored fn the Library. He felt If a llst was complled, glvlng speclfics, that perhaps a posltive answer would be glven. Thls final I lst, compl led from a1 I the Commlssfoners' tndlv?dual 1 Ists, would state that they wFshed to store the following, but not llmited to:, glvlng some flex?bilfty. MINUTES Novemb 13, 1989 HJSTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Contfnued) The Commisslon discussed the Carlsbad Room that wfll be lncluded Fn the new Llbrary, and expressed the thought that perhaps thls would be the place for some of the material they would Ilke to have stored there. Commfssloner Robertson suggested that thls Commisslon be wll ling to cooperate w'tth the Llbrary In curatlng materials, and he felt thls should be tncluded in the next budget request. In thFs way, the llbrary would be more recept 1 ve toward accept 1 ng these h I stor lc materia 1 s. All Commissioners were reminded to bring a list of Items and/or materlals they want stored In the new Llbrary, to the next Commission meeting. 5. NORTHWEST QUADRANT PARK CONCERNS COMMITTEE. Clint Phillips reported that this Commission wanted a list of the sltes under conslderation by the Northwest Quadrant park Concerns Commlttee. He distrlbuted copies of the Memorandum dated November 6, 1989, from Kelth Beverly of Parks and Recreation, and felt It was self- explanatory. 6. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS. Calavera H'llls Park Dlsplay Case CommissPoners Robertson and Howard-Jones wtll work on thls and it wlll be changed to the Twfn-Inns dtsplay sometlme thfs month. Rrochure/News 1 etter Comm'tsstoner Robertson reported that the brochure ts prlnted, but that he needed help wlth the newsletter. He said there are a lot of blank areas, and he intends to mall every Commlssloner a copy of the newsletter this week, and they wlll I be asked to wrfte a short btography on themselves and also fnclude any other articles and/or photographs they feel would be sultable for the newsletter. There will also be space for staff input. Mr. Robertson asked for the Commlssfoners to return thls Informatlon to Mr. Phll llps In order to get thls printed before the December meetfng. Jo i nt Cou nc 1 1 /Comm F ss 1 on Works hop Commissioner Robertson explalined that he has written the scrPpt for this presentatlon and gave a copy of It to Cllnt Phillips for coples to be made and sent to the Comrnissloners. Mr. Phflllps sald Mr. Salomone had suggested thls Commisslon plck a date for the Workshop sometime ?n January, and a backup date. The Comrniss?on selected January 9, 1990, as thelr flrst choice, with January 23 as a backup date. CommissPoner Robertson would be able to give a I!ve presentation for the st Ides. January 9 would be the only tlme that MINUTES November 13, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS (Continued) Carrillo Ranch Archaeological Sites Clint Phllllps announced that two Commlssfoners were to be selected for the sub-commlttee. Commisstoners Robertson and Gal legos volunteered to serve on thls sub- comm i ttee. 7.. CULTURAL RESOURCES. The Commission dfscussed the Ramsey House, and the fact that Mr. Beverly had stated the Ramsey House dfd not recelve a hlgh prlorFty Ifsting by the commfttee and was not consldered for park acquls4tEon and development. CommFssToner Christiansen stated that there Fs a buyer Interested in the Ramsey House, and would malntatn the house, although they would like to move ?t approximately 30 feet in order to build the other houses there. Commlssioner Robertson stated he would like to see the house remain where ?t is. Chairman Blackford stated that the Commission could no. do anything until it sees a specific plan for the property. contains approximatly 1.46 acres. The statement was made that this property Dtscusslon by the Commiss?on determFned that coples of the brochure should be sent to the Board of Realtors to explain more fully the signiftcance of destgnations by the H'Pstoric Preservation CommTssion. It was also decided to have 500 more brochures prtnted and to include a telephone number for staff at C!ty Hall, for them to be able to answer questions by residents. Commissioner Howard-Jones Is workfng on the Hart Bul Idlng. Clfnt Phll lips saPd that staff had comp on 3264 Hfqhland and now need a Commiss research for eted the research oner to approach the Owner ?or consent for landmark designatfon. Commlssloner Chrlstiansen volunteered to do thls. Cornmisstoner Gal legos asked staff to f f nd out about the list of all archaeological sites In Carlsbad and the map that Recon had promised In the orfginal work package. Commtssloner Howard-Jones read an article about incentives in the Clty of Escond?do for people to apply for landmark designations. The dlsincentJves were also given to dpscourage people from destroylng landmarks or demolition of sites. these for the Commlssloners. Staff will make coples of Mr. Phi I1 ips announced that Alt Karlsbad and the Car lsbad Santa Fe Depot are being reviewed for the Natlonal Regtstry, and notif icatton wl I I be glven on the p rog r ess . MINUTES November 13, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 COMMISSIONERS CULTURAL RESOURCES. (Continued) Clint Phillips announced there would be an item under New BusFness on the December agenda - Cultural Resources - Village Area. hlr. PhTlllps announced there would be 11 Locator Maps Installed Fn the Vlllage Area. One side of the map would be a descriptton of a hFstoric site In the C?ty. He asked the Commlss loners to make a list of the 11 most sfgnfffcant historic sites. INFORMATIONAL: 8. SUMMARY REPORTS FROM VARIOUS COMMISSIONS. COMMITTEES AND BOARDS. There were no comments on the Summary Reports. 9. DECEMBER CALENDAR. Newsletter - Commtssioner Robertson asked for the Commlssloners to return the copfes by December 1. the December 11 meetlng, the Commfssion can discuss the malting llst for the newsletter. Clint Phflllps 'is to find out whether there Is a llst available. At City Manager's Newsletter - to dlscuss ways to expedtte the maFl!ng of thFs to the CommFssloners. Guidelines - Commissfoner Gaflegos requested crtterfa for those dolng the work and how to amend the gutdel fnes. Ltbrary space lists. Ped Pment. Cl int Phi I I ips safd that ftems for the next agenda shoufd be Fn two days earlfer, to allow for the malling of the packets. Staff would need to have al I Items by December 4, for the December 11 regular meeting. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the MeetTng of November 13, 1989, was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. CLINT PHlLLlPS Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt MiJnutes Clerk