HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-12-11; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: December 11, 1989 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Blackford called the Meeting to order at 5:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Blackford, Christiansen, Howard- Jones, and Robertson. Absent: Commissioner Gallegos and Ex-Officio Member Marcus. Staff Member Present: Clint Phillips, Senior Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held November 13, 1989, were approved as presented. ORAL coM"ICATI0NS : There were no requests to address the Commission on a non- agenda item. OLD BUSINESS: 1. ARCHEOLOGICAL GUIDELINES Clint Phillips reported that the guidelines are in the City Attorney's office for review, and there would be no action taken in December as the City Attorney is on vacation. Mr. Phillips referred to a handout he distributed to Commission Members, giving the changes on page 3 of the guidelines. He said this was €or comparison with the original page. 2. COMMISSION REQUEST FOR STORAGE IN LIBRARY BUILDING Commissioner Robertson reported that he had attended the Library Board of Trustees' meeting in November and had discussed this item with them. He said the Carlsbad Room would be in the existing library, and would not become a reality until after the library was remodeled. Mr. Robertson said Library Director Cliff Lange said it would be no problem for the library staff to catalog the material this Commission has, and it was the library's job to take care of such documents. Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director, said to bring the material to him and he will take care of it, adding it to the material they alread have. They would appreciate receiving an inventory of the material, and Mr. Robertson said this Commission should consider doing that. The Commission discussed the need for a permanent staff member to take care of the historic documents and artifacts and the consensus of the Commission was to request that in the next budget. Staff was directed to find out the proper procedure €or hiring a new staff person with expertise in historic preservation. Blackf ord Christiansen Howard-Jones Robertson MINUTES December 11, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) 3. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Calavera Hills DisDlav Case Commissioner Robertson gave the keys to the display case at Calavera Hills to Clint Phillips for .safekeeping. Commissioners Howard-Jones and Robertson will put the new display at Calavera Hills during the month of January. Brochure and Newsletter Commissioner Robertson reported that the next printing of the Brochure will include a City telephone number for people wishing information. Commissioners are to return news items and the biography to Mr. Robertson before the second week in January. Joint Council/Commission Meetinq The Joint Meeting with Council is scheduled for January 9, 1990. Any changes in the script should be made by the first week in January. 4. CULTURAL RESOURCES Clint Phillips stated the consultant had sent a bill for the additional work at Carrillo Ranch. He will meet with the Municipal Projects staff to coordinate the work to be done there. Mr. Phillips said the National Register application for Carrillo Ranch has been completed and will be sent to the State Office of Historic Preservation. There will be a hearing, and this Commission will be notified of the time o that hearing. Commissioner Howard-Jones reported on the Hart Building, stating that she has talked with the owner and informed him that this Commission wants to be in closed contact with him with regard to any changes to be made there. Commissioner Howard-Jones suggested focusing on the allowances given to owners of Historic Landmarks, and she felt that information should be available as an incentive for people to permit the designation. Commissioner Christiansen said there was no new information on the Highland Avenue property. Mrs. Christiansen commented that the court had approved the sale of the Ramsey House. Chairperson Blackford inquired about the "Tootsie K" sign, and Commissioner Robertson said he had talked with Mr. and Mrs. Grosse about the sign, and it is still there. He felt the sign should be in Rotary Park. Chairperson Blackford stated he would have a report on this matter at the January meeting. n MINUTES December 11 Page 3 "\\\ 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Chairperson Blackford asked staff to write a letter to Steve Densham asking for a Historic Landmark designation for Twin Inns. NEW BUSINESS: 5. HISTORIC SITES FOR DOWNTOWN LOCATOR MAPS Commissioner Howard-Jones gave a list of historic sites and it was stated that drawings of the sites had been requested. Clint Phillips displayed a poster of the locator maps and indicated that the historic sites would be shown on the reverse side. 6, -HISTORIC INCENTfVES PROGW Clint Phillips referred to the copy of the City of Escondido's newly adopted Historic Preservation Incentives Program. Commission discussion determined that the Commissioners felt this was a technical document that would need to be tailored to suit Carlsbad's needs. The consensus of the Commission was that they agreed with the concept of the program, but wished more information. A copy should be sent to the Department Heads, the City Manager, and anyone else who might be involved in dealing with this program. The Historic Preservation Commission voted to go forward with the Historic Preservation Incentives Program, as appropriate for the City of Carlsbad. 7. CARLSBAD'S FOUNDERS'DAY Clint Phillips reported that this item went before Council and they voted unanimously to have the establishment of a Founders' Day become part of the work program for this Commission. Chairperson Blackford stated that clarification was needed on just what the role of this Commission was to be; whether it was to establish a skeleton outline and pass that on to others to execute the plan, or whether this Commission was to plan every detail of the Founders' Day. He felt the Commission could participate fully in the first concept, but only partially in the second. He also inquired whether this would be part of the requirements for CLG. Chairperson Blackford will speak with the Mayor to get a clarification of the role of this Commission and will returr with a report. 8. NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION WEEK Chairperson Blackford stated he felt the Commission should use TV to get this celebration before the public. Commissioner Howard-Jones stated she would contact the TV station and report back to the Commission. The comment was made that there should be a Proclamation read at the Council meeting before that week. Blackf ord Christiansen Howard-Jones Robertson rcI MINUTES -? December 11, 1989 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 - COMMISSIONERS NEW BUSINESS: (Continued) 9. VIDEOTAPING OF PRE-HISTORIC AND HISTORIC SITES Clint Phillips said that Commissioner Gallegos had requested staff to invite Tom Erwin to videotape pre- historic and historic sites. The consensus of the Commission was to invite Mr. Erwin to a Commission meeting. 10. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE SPYGLASS SUBDIVISION PROJECT Clint Phillips said the Planning Department had requested the Commission's review and comments regarding the Archaeological Survey of this project. He referred to the map and report distributed to the Commissioners. Lex Willimar, representing CEP Associated, 8265 Vickers Street, San Diego, the owners of the property, stated there was nothing on this site of an archaeological nature. Chairperson Blackford stated that some time ago part of thi! area was graded, and Mr. Willimar said that 40 percent had been disturbed by past grading. INFORMATIONAL 11. SUMMARY REPORTS FROM VARIOUS COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND BOARDS There was no discussion on this item. xz,. JANUARY CALENDAR Calavera Display Case Founders' Day Storage at Library Subcommittee Reports Cultural Resources National Historic Preservation Week Tom Erwin (if he will be at meeting) Paleontology By proper motion, the Meeting of December 11, 1989, was adjourned at 6:33 p.m. Respectfully submitted, CLINT PHILLIPS Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk