HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-01-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES - Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: January 8, 1990 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COM M ISSlON ERS v CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Blackford called the Meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Blackford, Christiansen, Howard- Jones, Robertson and Ex Officio Member Marcus. Commissioner Gallegos arrived at 5:16 p.m. Absent: None. Staff Members Present: Patty Cratty, Acting Housing and Redevelopment Directc Clint Phillips, Senior Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the December Meeting were not included in th packet, and will be approved at the next meeting. PUBLIC COMHEWT: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non- agenda item. OLD BUSINESS: 1. COMMISSION REOUEST FOR STORAGE SPACE IN LIBRARY BUILDING. Chairman Blackford stated that he felt there should be a list of the EIR's, archaeological documentation, video tapes, photographs, small artifacts and small archaeologica artifacts to be given to the Library. to have an inventory of the items the Commission would like to have stored at the Library, and ask them to respond to the Commission as to how they intended to handle the cataloging of these items. He felt it was time Commissioner Robertson reminded the Commission that the Library Board had specified there should be no large items for storage; just reports, documentation and books. Clint Phillips will write a letter to the Library staff regarding this inventory. 2. HISTORIC PRESERVATION INCENTIVES PROGRAM. Clint Phillips reported that a copy of the Incentives Program for the City of Escondido is in the City Manager's office for review. The Commission requested Mr. Phillips to write a follow-up memorandum to the City Manager regarding this review, and t send another copy of the Incentives Program with the memorandum to constitute a formal request from this Commission. Mr. Phillips was asked to send copies of this formal request to the City Council and Marty Orenyak. MINUTES -. January 8, 1990 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS Page 2 OLD BUSINESS : ( Continued) 3. CARLSBAD FOUNDER'S DAY. Chairman Blackford reported he has a meeting scheduled with the Mayor to discuss this Commission's role in the Founder's Day project. He said that criteria needs to be established for the day itself, and in his meeting with the Mayor this will be determined. 4. NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION WEEK. Clint Phillips displayed a poster and said this type of thing could be used for either Founder's Day or National Historic Preservation Week, showing a local historic site. He also indicated that a Proclamation would be read at City Council Meeting. Chairman Blackford suggested that another source of funding be found for any poster project, and staff volunteered to check this. Chairman Blackford referred to the existing videos on the history of the City, and felt those should be shown on the local public TV station during that week. Also, there should be an exhibit at the Library. Commissioners Howard-Jones and Robertson are to work on this project . 5. VIDEOTAPING OF PREHISTORIC AND HISTORIC SITES. Commissioner Gallegos introduced this item, stating that Tom Erwin had videotaped the Batiquitos Lagoon area. Tom Erwin stated he had viewed that historic site and felt Carlsbad was losing about 7,000 years of history in that particular site. He talked with the Cablevision people about this, and Commissioner Gallegos and he suggested there be an on-going video taping of historic sites. Also, as a backup to the audio history done earlier, videotape the people with historic backgrounds or a sense of history. Mr. Erwin said that this Commission should choose the sites and the people, and he and others would go and shoot as much videotape as possible as a rough tape. He said volunteers would be needed to do this, and volunteered to use his own videotape equipment. Mr. Erwin felt that on the historic and prehistoric sites, there was a need for a more professional taping. In reply to Commission query as to what Daniels Cablevision was offering, Mr. Erwin said they will help draft the grant application and would provide support. Commissioner Gallegos volunteered to work with Daniels Cablevision and Tom Erwin to set up this program. The consensus of the Commission was that this Commission should be the sponsor of this program, together with the Library. MINUTES January 8, 1990 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) 6. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE SPYGLASS SUBDIVISION PROJECT. Clint Phillips referred to the memorandum contained in the packet stating that Don Neu, Associate Planner, reaffirmed that the archaeological survey did not result in the identification of any cultural resources within the project area. Mr. Phillips will respond to the Planning Department that there is no reason to question what has been done. 7. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS. Calavera Hills This item was continued to the next meeting. Brochure and Newsletter Commissioner Robertson reported that the new brochures have been printed and will be distributed this week. Chairman Blackford requested that some brochures be placed on the counter at the Building Department. Commissioner Robertson stated that by the February meeting, the newsletter should be 80 to 90 percent finished. He wil bring the draft to the next meeting. Carrillo Ranch Chairman Blackford stated there was no new information on the archaeological sites, and he would like a definition of that as to what it really meant and what sites are on the property. Commissioner Gallegos met with Mr. Kindle regarding the gravesite of Conquistador, and was going out to the site again and asking for a permit to move the brush. He said the horse may not be buried right at the cross site. Joint Council Meetins/Workshop Commissioner Robertson said the slide presentation should take about 8 or 9 minutes at the Joint Meeting. Clint Phillips gave copies of the Agenda Bill for City Council to all Commissioners. Patty Cratty explained that she would give the staff report and introduce Chairman Blackford. He will introduce the Commissioners and Commissioner Robertson will narrate the slide presentation. Chairman Blackford would then return tc the podium for questions and discussion. Chairman Blackford said he wanted it stated there is no historian or archaeologist on staff. P MINUTES January 8, 1990 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) 8. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Chairman Blackford asked whether there were any more comments on Carrillo Ranch. Commissioner Gallegos asked about the Long-Range Planning Subcommittee he volunteered t serve on, and Mr. Blackford said there was a need for Clint Phillips, Commissioner Gallegos and he to work together as potential subcommittee to be aware of the zoning and encroachments; also, to define the limits of the subcommittee and what they can or cannot deal with. Ex Officio Member Marcus commented that there should be a buffer zone and suggested that Dee Landers in Planning migk be able to help them with this. Commissioner Robertson reported that Mr. Kelly is living or a "life estate", and when he moves or dies, the property reverts back to the person who bought it. He will be movir January 15, 1990, and the property will revert to the developer. Mr. Robertson stated he is afraid the rest of the barn equipment might be carried off and the barn might be destroyed. At that time, the barn will be unprotected, and might be torn down, even without a permit. Chairman Blackford stated that a reminder could be sent to the owner of the property that specific issues in the EIR need to be mitigated before they do anything. Patty Crattl suggested the Planners be asked about this. Commissioner Christiansen reported on the Ramsey property, stating it has been sold and the funding was approved. Because it had a historical designation, the funding was denied. The owners want to move the house a little and restore it and preserve the plants--but if they can't get funding, they may consider asking to have the designation removed. The Commission discussed the problem of the seller of property not disclosing the fact that there is a historical designation, and felt they should check the list for any that were designated before this became part of the record of the property. Commissioner Robertson reported that the property was sold, but the Tootie K Sign is still there. The new owners agree to preserve the sign, and the consensus of the Commission was that someone needs to contact Mrs. Grosse about the sign. Chairman Blackford said the sign should be left wher it is, and it should be determined who owns it. Also, it should be pursued to be a designated landmark and the sign should revert to this Commission. Chairman Blackford reported he had not pursued the pediment item at this time. Staff indicated that all paperwork has been submitted on A1 Karlsbad, Carrillo Ranch and the Railroad Depot for Nationa Registry. The question was asked whether the same process had to be followed for City-owned property--does the City Manager have to fill out the paperwork or can staff do this and it was answered that staff applies. c 5 - b MINUTES January 8, 1990 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Gallegos inquired about the archaeological sites to be added to the Commission's Cultural Resources list. He proposed the Batiquitos Lagoon ridge site be listed as a point of interest designation. The consensus o the Commission was to add this to the list and process the paperwork. Commissioner Gallegos added that there were several EIR's that this Commission had not seen that he felt should be sent here €or study. Staff will contact the Planning Department regarding this. NEW BUSINESS: 9. PALEONTOLOGY This item will be deferred until a later meeting. 10. LANDMARXS COMMISSION WORKSHOP AND CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT TRAINING SESSION. Commissioners Blackford or Gallegos will attend this training session. INFORMATIONAL: 11. SUMMARY REPORTS FROM VARIOUS COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND BOARDS. There was no discussion on this item. 12. FEBRUARY CALENDAR. The next meeting will be February 15, 1990, at 4:OO p.m. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of January 8, 1990, was adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, CLINT PHILLIPS Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk