HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-02-15; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesM~~TES Meeting of: Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Date: February 15, 1990 Meeting Time: 5:OO P.M Meeting Place: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Chairperson Blackford at 5:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Chairperson Roy Blackford, Members Marje Howard-Jones, Kay Christiansen and Dennis Gallegos. Ex-Officio Mary Marcus Absent: Brian Robertson. Staff Present: Patricia A. Cratty, Acting Housing and Redevelopment Director Marty Orenyak, Community Development Director Clint Phillips, Senior Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of January 8, 1990 approved with the following correction: Item on Joint Council Workshop, Page 8, to reflec that Commission Howard-Jones asked that the agend be made available to the Commission before it wen to Council. Page 4: Tootsie K Sign subject to be made clearer. Portion referring to mr. Kelly to refer to Mr. Erwin Kelly. OLD BUSINESS: ITEM 1. COMMISSION REQUEST FOR STORAGE SPACE IN THE LIBRARY: Staff Member Phillips gave staff report stating that he had met with Mr. Geoff Armour Assistant Library Director, on Commission’s request for storage in the Library. Mr. Phillips distributed correspondence to the Commissioner’s containing a summary of the meeting with Mr. Armour which also entailed an inventory of what Mr. Armour refers t Local History Resources. The Commission discussed the availability to storage area with Mr. Phillips stating it to be a 50 to 60 square foot area and a file cabinet. Mr Phillips stated that this was all was available for at least the next 2 years until new library i built. \ MINUTES Historic Preservation Commission 2/15/90 Pa e EO~MISSIONERS The Commission discussed Environmental Impact Reports and a question was raised if EIR’s were kept and for how long. Staff Member Phillips stated that he would check on how long EIR’s were kept. ITEM 2: HISTORIC PRESERVATION INCENTIVES PROGRAM : Staff Member Phillips gave staff report as presented in agenda packet. Chairperson Blackford suggested that Commissioner seek additional information on Incentives Program from other groups in an effort to collect as muct- data as possible before making any recommendatior on program to Council. Chairperson Blackford recommended that a summary report be prepared from additional information tc be gathered from the Commission before its forwarded to Council. NEW BUSINESS Item taken out of order. ITEM 8: CARLSBAD THEATRE MITIGATION: Staff Member Phillips stated that the owner’s of the Carlsbad Theatre have taken out a demolition permit with the City of Carlsbad. The Theatre is on the Commission’s Cultural Resource List and is subject to review by the Commission. Mr. Phillir suggested that the Commission discuss any possibl mitigation regarding the Theatre. Staff Member Phillips discussed list of mitigation items as contained in agenda packet. Mr. Phillips distributed a copy of the Historic American Building Survey which contains options for possible mitigation which the Commission coul refer to. Mr. Phillips stated that if the Commission recommended mitigation based on what i known as industry standard than the manual distributed would be what it would be based on. Mr. Phillips stated that the recommendation of tt- Commission would be forwarded to the Council for review. Mr. Orenyak, Community Development Director answered query regarding violations involved with holding events at the Theatre and list of Fire Department concerns. Discussion held regarding building being brought up to code, taking care of fire department concerns, SB547 and mandate of seismic retrofitting. Mr. Orenyak clarified SB547 and mandate for seismic retrofitting. \ \ MINUTES Historic Preservation Commission 2/15/90 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS Mr. Orenyak stated that he would send Mr. Normandin a letter outlining what he had discuss with the Commission regarding SB547. Mr. Normandin discussed the Theatre and the demolition permit. Mr. Normandin stated that he was having difficulty getting insurance for the Theatre. After further discussion of the demolition permit, fire department concerns, and seismic retrofitting it was the consensus of the Commission that Mr. Normandin and the City had a misunderstanding as to what could and could not be done in order to have the Theatre ready for a kind of use. Commission deferred further discussion on the Theatre pending further research on mitigation. Chairperson Blackford recommended that the Commission put together a list of mitigation measures to be forwarded to Council. Consensus of the Commission was to return at the next regular meeting with a list of mitigation i tems. Motion made by Chairperson Blackford to place thj Theatre on the following agenda to define mitigation measures and to clarify what needs to be done for the structure. Member Howard-Jones expressed concern that the owner may not really want to demolish the buildii and there was a misunderstanding on what could bi done at the site in order to bring it to code so it could be used. OLD BUSINESS: Commission open further of Agenda Item 1 since Mr. Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director was now present. ITEM 1: REQUEST FOR STORAGE SPACE AT LIBRARY: Chairperson Blackford reopened discussion requesting any questions of Mr. Armour, Assistan, Library Director, from the Commission. Member Howard-Jones asked what was already in thc library at this time, ie. old EIR’s. Mr. Armour stated that there were several hundred EIR’s at the library at this time, either physically in tl library or at storage. Discussion held on a mic filming budget and long term storing of material and displaying of artifacts. After further discussion the Commission asked if they could be provided with a micro film copy in addition to hard copy of any EIR’s the City received. Commission deferred to the next reguli meeting to be placed as an agenda item. MINUTES Historic Preservation Commission 2/15/90 Page 4 py\ k COMMISSIONERS T - ITEM 3: CARLSBAD FOUNDER’S DAY: Chairperson Blackford discussed ideas for Founder’s Day stating that it should be somethin for the whole community. Discussion held regarding meeting Chairperson Blackford had with the Mayor. Chairperson Blackford asked that a subcommittee be formed to set up a Founder’s Day event. Suggestion made to meet also with Glenn McComas on the event. Member Howard-Jones passe out a letter that she had prepared to send to Mr McComas regarding the event. In put will be received within the next month an returned to Commission for review. ITEM 4: NATIONAL HISTORIC RESERVATION WEEK: The Commission discussed the City Council’s proclamation of National Historic Preservation Week. Discussion was also held on having a display at the library. Concensus of the Commission was to try .and get the schools involv and invite classes to prepare something to be di spl ayed . ITEM 5: LANDMARKS COMMISSION WORKSHOP & CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT TRAINING SESSION: Chairperson Blackford and Commissioner Howard- Jones shared ideas and suggestions from conferen1 they attended. Commission reommended that the City rference its list of buildings identified a, unreinforced masonary crossing with the cultural resource inventory. ITEM 6: SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS: Member Howard-Jones sugggested that display at Calavera (drawing) be hung across from display case. Motion made to negotiate with Parks and Recreation to hang drawing of Calavera School on wall across from display. Staff Member Phillips distributed new Historic Preservaton procedure. ITEM 7: CULTRUAL RESOURCES: Staff Member Phillips addressed Commission and distributed material regarding Carrillo Ranch. Discussion held on rough draft of consultant’s report on Carrillo Ranch site etc. Chairperson Blackford suggested that this item be returned a‘ the Commission’s next regular meeting. Discussion held on forwarding a letter to the owners of Neiman’s Restaurant requesting their consent to landmark designation of the Twin Inns The Commission asked that staff prepare a letter to be forwarded. MINUTES \ L Additionally, the Commission requested that staff contact Recon to obtain the list of pre-historic sites within the City. Discussion on admendment to Historic Ordinance with Chairperson Blackford asking for volunteers to to sit down with the Planning Director and Community Development Director to redefine Historic Ordinance. Commisisoner Gallegos and Chairperson Blackford will meet with staff. Commisioner Robertson was appointed as back-up si committee member. ITEM 9: SANTA FE DEPOT REMODEL: Commission requested that staff contact the consultant regarding the feasibility of includin: the remodeling of the interior restooms i the "1910 period" style. ITEM 10: ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF RANCHO VERDE: Commission archaeological survey as contained in packet. ITEM 11: SUMMARY REPORTS FROM VARIOUS COMMISSIOb COMMITTEES AND BOARDS: Discussion of information item. Commission requested that staff send a memo to the Parks anc Recreation Department requesting update on the formatio nof a Carrillo Ranch sub-committee. ITEM 12: MARCH CALENDAR: Items for March 12, 1990 regular meeting to i ncl ude : - Commission request for Storage in Library Building - Carlsbad Founder's Day - Carlsbad Theatre Mitigation - Santa Fe Depot Remodel - Sub-committee Reports By proper motion the meeting of February 15, 199C was adjouned. y Submitted, C-LINT PHILLIPS Senior Management Analyst BIB1 LEAK Secretary II/Housing and Redevelopment Acting Minutes Clerk