HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-03-12; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: March 12, 1990 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL To ORDER: Chairperson Blackford called the Meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. Present: Commissioners Blackford, Christiansen, Howard- Jones, Robertson and Ex Officio Member Marcus. Commissioner Gallegos arrived at 5:07 p.m. Absent: None. Staff Members Present: Patty Cratty, Acting Housing and Redevelopment Director Clint Phillips, Sr. Management Debbie Fountain, Sr. Management Analyst Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: None. PUBLIC COMHENT: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non- agenda item. Patty Cratty, Acting Housing and Redevelopment Director, introduced Debbie Fountain, Sr. Management Analyst, who will be working on the program for a Carlsbad Founders' Day. OLD BUSINESS: 1. CARLSBAD FOUNDERS' DAY Following a discussion, the consensus of the Commission was to have Chairperson Blackford meet with Glen McComas regarding the Founders' Day, and then meet with the subcommittee and staff . 2. CARLSBAD THEATRE MITIGATION Chairperson Blackford stated that the owner of the theatre had requested this item be continued to a future meeting. Commission discussion centered on whether the Commission could proceed with establishing a format for mitigation or continue the matter. Patty Cratty commented that the Fire Department had told the owner what he needed to do to meet the standards. The application for demolition is pending at this time, and once a permit comes in, the City has six months to respond to the application, or it is automatically approved. \ I MINUTES COMMISSIONERS March 12, 1990 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Chairperson Blackford said that the guidelines for mitigation for that structure should be brought to the next meeting. The Commissioners should review the format and be prepared to either delete or add to those standards. Commissioners should get their recommendations to Clint Phillips in two weeks (March 26), and he will compile those and bring the entire document to the next meeting. The lis is the basic requirements to make the structure safe so it could be used. The Commissioner Howard-Jones volunteered to contact the owner of the theatre and talk with him to encourage him. The Historic Preservation Commission continued the Carlsbad Theatre Mitigation item. 3. SANTA FE DEPOT REMODEL Clint Phillips reported on the Commission's request to investigate the possibility of including the remodeling of the depot interior restrooms in the 1910 period style. He said he had talked with the consultant and that will be considered. There are two restrooms--one is a store room and one is a unisex restroom. 4. ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF RANCHO VERDE. Commissioner Gallegos reported two pre-historic sites had been identified--and it had been stated there was only one. He said that at the end of the report, it must say that, as the State of California has to know this. Also, it must be noted what artifacts have been collected on the site. This information was given to the project planner and it will be incorporated into the findings. Clint Phillips stated he had contacted the Planning Department and informed them that this Commission wanted on copy of the final report available to the City from the developer in the form of microfiche. 5. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Calavera Park Display Case Commissioner Robertson reported they are awaiting a respons from the Parks and Recreation Department. Brochure/Newsletter Commissioner Robertson reported that the newsletter is 314 finished. He will print what he has and give to Clint Phillips. Mr. Phillips will mail to the Commissioners for their input and they are to return it to him. Chairperson Blackford commented that when he was at the Building Department, there was only one brochure on the counter. f- MINUTES March 12, 1990 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS : (Cont inued) Carrillo Ranch Archaeoloaical Sites Chairperson Blackford reported he was having difficulty arranging a meeting with the site planner. writing a letter to him. He will be National Historic Preservation Week Clint Phillips reported he had not received any more information on this, other than it will be the week of May 13-19 , 1990 Commissioner Howard-Jones stated that she would get a firm commitment from the TV people regarding historical videos. Discussion among the Commissioners determined that videos and/or slides of the designated sites should be available during that week. Chairperson Blackford requested the Commissioners to get a1 these things together before the next meeting. Commissioners Robertson and Howard-Jones will work on this project. Commissioner Gallegos added that pre-historic sites should also be included. Historic Preservation Incentives Prowam Commissioner Howard-Jones reported that Escondido is highlighting incentives rather than any penalties as far as historic preservation of sites. Historic Preservation Ordinance Amendment There has been no meeting at this time. Commissioners Blackford and Gallegos will attend the meetings when they are scheduled. 6. CULTURAL RESOURCES Bob Wilkinson, Rick Engineering, addressed the Commission regarding the Kelly barn site. He said that Rick Engineering is working on plans and are aware of the interest in the barn and other structures. Development plans have been submitted to the City, and they are being reviewed at this time. The structures are not historically significant--but they are widely held as a landmark and appreciated by the community. Mr. Wilkinson stated that their client is interested in hearing more about the public's interest and they are inclined to preserve the building. The development has bee pulled away from the edge along El Camino approximately 500 feet. He said that north of the barn is a riparian area, and that will be left as open space. If a homeowners association is responsible for the barn, it will be fenced and less accessible. This also could detract from its charm. MINUTES March 12, 1990 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS ' OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Wilkinson said that the Kellys have moved out of the residence and the property is unsupervised. The structures have been fenced because of the liability. He said if the barn is preserved, it would need expensive re-structuring. The EIR will go through all of this. Mr. Wilkinson asked the Commissioners for any ideas about the barn. Commissioner Gallegos stated he felt the barn was historically important and he would like to see it rehabilitated and used to the extent that it was possible or the developer's behalf, or for the homeowners. Mr. Wilkinson said that the residence will be taken down and the pool will be dismantled. The barn gets moisture where it is presently located, and there is the potential for moving it to higher ground. In order to move the barn, it will be dismantled and put back up in order to make it more structurally sound. Commissioner Christiansen commented that the artists use the barn as a subject and a new roof was put on for them. Mr. Wilkinson said that the barn will be linked with the riparian area and perhaps a trail system. There is the possibility of linking this trail system with the one proposed by the City. He showed a drawing indicating the barn in the proposed location. He also said that Rick Engineering had proposed dedicating the open space to the City, but the City had said no. Mr. Wilkinson said the barr would need to be the responsibility of a homeowners association, the City or some private group. He said that their client would rehab the barn and move it--but the long- term responsibility is a big question. Commissioner Robertson said he was not against moving the barn; particularly since this would buffer it from the widened El Camino Real. Commission discussion centered on the elimination of the barn from the national register and grants, if it were moved. It was mentioned that some groups might want those potentials. However, the consensus of the Commission was tc favor moving it, rehabilitating it, and making it a usable building. The landscaping should be left natural around the barn, with the barn to be placed on a foundation, preservins the same look it now has. The Commission also felt the inside should be redone to make it usable; that use to be decided later. The request was €or the consultant to come back with uses for old barns. Commissioner Christiansen said that horses were kept in that barn, with part of the barn used €or storing hay. Carrillo Ranch Commissioner Howard-Jones reported that the buildings are tc be repaired and a report is being prepared on the water under the main house. As far as the bridge, the trucks are being brought in from the other side. She said they may never use the bridge for access. MINUTES -. March 12, 1990 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Phillips said the client said the Ad Hoc Committee had given the consultant guidelines on the priorities and he is in the process of developing a proposal to include the construction. An agenda bill will be taken to the City Council to approve a supplement to expand the scope of work, He said that the Parks and Recreation Commission is developing the master plan subcommittee, and an agenda bill will be taken to the City Council to approve a supplement tc expand the scope of work. Mr. Beverly had indicated that this Commission should appoint one Commissioner on the subcommittee to discuss the master plan time line. Commissioner Robertson volunteered to serve on this subcommittee. Chairperson Blackford stated the northeast quadrant report aired on TV mentioned two potential areas--and he would like to see the preliminary EIR's on Larwin park and the Calaver: golf course. Clint Phillips stated he had talked with the Planning Department and they are not at that point as yet. He said that Brian Hunter is coordinating this. Gaus House Commissioner Howard-Jones reported that the owners of the Gaus House are having problems with the Building Department, The Fire Department wants new windows installed in the house, and she wondered whether they were aware that this ir a designated historic site and the windows should not be replaced. Also, the City was requiring them to build the garage before any one occupied the house. Chairperson Blackford stated that he hoped the historic nature will be considered when the commitment is made to build the garage. The question was asked that because it is not a landmark, would the stipulations apply, and Mr. Phillips answered that any structure contained on a historic resource inventory of a recognized group (such as this Commission) does come under the provisions of the State Historic Building Codes. The Commission requested Mr. Phillips to write letters to the Fire Department and the Building Department informing them of the status of this structure and that the State Board of Historic Preservation would have to be informed of their requests. NXW BUSINESS: 7. CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY Clint Phillips reported that this survey has been pending for several months and he would like to go forward with the draft of the RFP the City will send out. He would like for one or two Commissioners to review the proposals as soon as Housing and Redevelopment receives them, along with staff. P MINUTES March 12, 1990 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 6 yu $ COMMISSIONERS - INFORMATIONAL : 9. SUMMARY REPORTS FROM VARIOUS COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES ANI BOARDS This was an information item. 10. APRIL CALENDAR Theatre Founders' Day Kelly Barn (if necessary) ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of March 12, 1990, was adjourned at 7:16 p.m. CLINT PHILL~PS Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk