HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-04-09; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: April 9, 1990 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Blackford called the Meeting to order at 5:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Blackford, Christiansen, Gallegos, Howard-Jones, Robertson and Ex Officio Member Marcus. Absent: None. Staff Members Present: Patty Cratty, Acting Housing and Redevelopment Director Clint Phillips, Senior Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the February and March Meetings were not included in the packet, and will be approved at the next meeting . PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non- agenda item. OLD BUSINESS: 1. CARLSBAD FOUNDERS' DAY. Commissioner Howard-Jones had talked with Glen McComas today and he felt this celebration should be one that would grow each year. June 24 was suggested for this year, to coincide with the City's anniversary. Publicity would be the key, and it would be necessary to ensure that there was media coverage beforehand. Clint Phillips stated that Debbie and he would both be working on this Founders' Day program. Chairman Blackford stated the Mayor had indicated he wanted this to be a big, special event, and that the City was willing to wait until more events were planned. Commissioner Robertson volunteered to take over the responsibility of this program after Chairman Blackford leaves the Commission. This will be in the middle of May. A tentative meeting date of April 16, 1990, 9:00 a.m., in Clint Phillips' office, was set. 2. CARLSBAD THEATRE MITIGATION. Clint Phillips reported he had talked with the theatre owners today, and they are in the process of getting a contractor to complete the work needed to satisfy the fire safety requirements. The owner is now thinking of operating a classic and foreign film theatre, and did not mention pulling the demolition permit. Commissioner Howard-Jones had also talked with the owner and confirmed that he intended to operate the theatre. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION April 9, 1990 Page 2 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Chairman Blackford stated he felt the Commission needed to decide whether or not to deal with the conditions of mitigation. He added that if the Commission did not take action on the application and did not provide some conditions of mitigation, it would be a loophole. If the theatre owner decided to demolish the theatre, it would be too late then to place mitigation measures on the property. Clint Phillips said the Building Department was awaiting word from this Commission, as the waiting period on the demolition permit is halfway expired. Chairman Blackford stated he would be comfortable pursuing pages 4 through 18 of the Historic American Buildings Survey, with some additional conditions. Commission discussion determined that a video should be required and interviews with people with knowledge about the theatre and any memorabilia that is available. Also, there should be line drawings and photographs. Chairman Blackford stated that this format should be used and a list of the conditions sent to the Building Department with a statement that should the property owner request to pull the demolition permit, he should be informed that these conditions must be met before the permit would be issued. The suggestion was made to send the applicant a copy of the letter sent to the Building Department. The Historic Preservation Commission voted to send the Building Department (with a carbon copy to the theatre owner) a list of conditions on pages 4 through 18 of the Historic American Buildings Survey, with a change that the photographs be 35 MM and not large format, and supplemental materials are to include a video tape and memorabilia. 3. CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY. Clint Phillips reported he sent a letter of inquiry to qualified consultants and received eleven letters of interest. He said he hoped to get the RFP out this week or next. He recommended that the Commission select one or two Commissioners to assist staff with the review of the RFP's when returned. Commissioner Gallegos stated he would have a conflict of interest and could not serve on that committee. Commissioners Howard-Jones and Robertson will meet with Clint Phillips on May 11, at 9:00 a.m., to review the RFP's. 4. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS. Calavera Park DisRlav Case Commissioners Robertson and Howard-Jones reported they would be emptying the display case and returning it to Parks and Recreation. They would like to put the drawing in the case, if possible, but the drawing will be hung in the building. Clint Phillips will send a memorandum to David Bradstreet with regard to bolting the drawing to the wall; Commissioner Howard-Jones will call Mr. Bradstreet and explain the situation to him. Commissioner Robertson will research how the drawing could be bolted to the wall. Blackf ord Christ iansen Gallegos Howard-Jones Robert son P\ - K K K K K MINUTES 9. 1990 page COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS : ( Cont inued) Brochure/Newsletter The Brochure is available and the Newsletter needs some additional material due to Chairman Blackford leaving the Commission. Carrillo Ranch Commissioner Gallegos stated he would be setting up a meeting to get some information from the consultants. National Historic Preservation Week The Commission discussed the sites to be highlighted; namely, the theatre, Magee House and the depot. There will be a slide presentation for cablevision, for a five-minute presentation at 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, the first of May. Commissioners Robertson and Gallegos will work on this presentation. There will be a Proclamation for reading at a Council Meeting; with an archaeological display at the Library. Historic Preservation Incentives Prosram Commissioner Howard-Jones stated she was gathering information from other cities and will have a summary next month . Historic Preservation Ordinance Amendment Clint Phillips stated he took the original ordinance and tried to make some amendments. He said he wants to send this out to each person involved in the amendments and wants to get a draft out this week to the Commissioners. 5. CULTURAL RESOURCES. Commissioner Howard-Jones stated that priorities had been established for the scope of work at Carrillo Ranch and it was re-established that the use was an element of the grant and Council would have to realize that. The architect is waiting €or the City to approve the proposed scope of work as a supplement to the contract. As soon as that is approved, the studies will commence. Commissioner Gallegos requested Clint Phillips to contact the project planner for Aviara and ask whether an archaeological report has been finalized. Chairman Blackford stated that a complete list of cultural resources should be sent to the Council for acceptance. He asked staff to have a short document of the significance of the items on the list as to why they are there. Clint Phillips stated that the Batiquitos Lagoon had been added to the "B" list. Commissioner Howard-Jones asked about the feasibility study for the theatre and felt that report should be shared with this Commission. MINUTES \\\\\ OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Christiansen reported that the Ramsey House has new owners, and they are trying to find the original plans for the restoration of the house. Commissioner Gallegos inquired about the possibility of a map showing all the sites listed by the Commission, and it was the consensus of the Commission that this would be something that would be helpful to have. The suggestion was made that it could be a copy of an aerial map with the sites shown, and could even be an old one indicating the changes up to the present time. NEW BUSINESS : 6. 1990 HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND SUBGRANT PROGRAM. Clint Phillips referred to the report included in the packet, copy of which is available in the Housing office. He said Carlsbad has nothing that would qualify for the program. Commissioner Gallegos suggested this report be reviewed. 7. CALIFORNIA PRESERVATION FOUNDATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Chairman Blackford suggested that someone from Building and Planning attend this conference. INFORMATIONAL: 8. SUMMARY REPORTS FROM VARIOUS COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND BOARDS. Chairman Blackford stated that he would like a copy of the report on the Cannon Road Mitigation Plan, which was voted on at the March 19, 1990, Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting . Commissioner Gallegos left the meeting at 6:30 p.m. MAY CALENDAR. Elect new Chair; Founders' Day; Historic Preservation Week; Determine what Cannon Road Mitigation Plan, Alternate 3, means, and whether the EIR is available; Carlsbad Theatre and Cultural Resources Survey. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of April 9, 1990, was adjourned at 6:32 p.m. ubmitted, CLINT PHILLIEJS Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk