HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-07-09; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meet - Meet Meet ng of: Historic Preservation Commission ng Date: July 9, 1990 ng Time: 5:OO P.M Meeting Place: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order by Chairperson Marge Howard-Jones at 5:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Chairperson Howard-Jones, Members; Kay Christ Dennis Gal Robertson. Staff Present: C1 int Phi 1 Analyst Deborah K. Management ansen, Ei tan Aharoni , egos and Brian ips, Senior Management Fountain, Senior Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of June 11, 1990 were approved as amended; Item 8 "Coastal Resources" Roy Blackford's name clarified as member of the audience. ITEM 1. CALIFORNIA PRESERVATION FOUNDATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE Staff Member Phillips distributed list of cassette tapes which are available from the conference that staff member Eric Munoz attended. Mr. Phillips stated that if the Commission liked to order any tapes it could be done through the Housing and Redevelopment Department office. Mr. Phillips mentioned that staff member Munoz did have originals of all the tapes available. Commissioner Christiansen stated that tapes No. 322 and No. 325 looked as though they would be helpful to the Commission. Commissioner Aharoni expressed interest in tape No. 21 and had a question regarding Tape No. 29 "Urban Archeology". ITEM 2. CARLSBAD FOUNDER'S DAY Staff Member Fountain stated that there was no further information available then what was included in the Commission's packet. She asked that if there were any changes from those distributed in the packet to let her know. Chairperson Howard-Jones opened discussion regarding the wording as to who the day would be honoring. After further discussion it was agreed the Founder's Day celebration would honor pioneers, elected officials and prominent ci ti zens . Commissioner Robertson motioned to approve Founder's Day plan as presented to Commission and to forward this plan to City Council. L \ MINUTES COMMISSIONERS Historic Preservation Commission 7/9/90 Page 2 ITEM 3. CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY Staff member Phillips gave report stating that the screening committee met again to review additional information from the number one candidate to perform the survey. Mr. Phillips stated that the committee had unanimously selected the firm of Roth and Associates. Mr. Phillips stated that the State also confirmed the selection. Mr. Phillips stated that the draft of the contract was with the City Attorney at this time. Mr. Phillips stated that he hoped that the project could be on the City Council agenda for August 7, 1990 with work to commence 10 days after City Council approves the contract, with a 5 month completion time schedule. Commissioner Gallegos asked if Linda Roth could come to the August regular meeting and meet the Commissioners and outline work to be performed. Commissioner Robertson asked that the proposal be included in the August agenda packet or mailed out to the Commission. Consensus was to include as part of the August agenda packet. Chairperson Howard-Jones stated that if for some reason the contract for Roth and Associates did not get on the August 7 Council agenda that Linda Roth’s presentation be postponed to the September regular meeting. ITEM 4. CARRILLO RANCH GRANTS Staff member Phillips gave report as contained in agenda packet. Mr. Phillips added that Wayne Donaldson’s office provided a summary of his work to date on the Ranch. Summary was distributed to the Commission and made a part of the minutes. Mr. Phillips stated that Karen Cormier of Donaldson’s office had estimated the end of August first part of September to have the plans and specifications available. After the plans and specs are available, the stabilization committee will meet to review these documents. After that they would go back to the City‘s Engineering Department to go out to bid for the actual work. Staff estimates is that it won’t be until 1991 when actual construction commences. Mr. Phillips stated that staff was asked to look into the work that Roberta Greenword would perform. Mr. Phillips stated that she was there to oversee the on-site sub-surface digs and report to the State on any archeological findings at the Ranch. Mrs. Joan Kindle addressed the Commission regarding the grant. Discussion held on the priority of the work to be done with the funds available from the $400,000 grant. Mrs. Kindle I also expressed concern regarding the use of the MINUTES - Historic Preservation Commission 7/9/90 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS Mr. Roy Blackford addressed the Commission on the allocation of funds and the need to protect the structures through another winter. Mr. Blackford expressed concern regarding the roofs of the structures inability to withstand water. Chairperson Howard-Jones asked if the Commission could have another tour of the Ranch. Commission asked that a letter be composed to Wayne Donaldson regarding Commission’s concern on the condition of the roofs at the Ranch. ITEM 5. HISTORIC ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Staff member Phillips reported to the Commission that the draft of the agenda bill for City Council had been developed and forwarded to the Community Development Director. Mr. Phillips stated that the agenda bill addresses the amendment to the ordinance and does not address addi ti onal staff i ng . Discussion held on the ordinance as it is now written and amendment to include adoption of historic inventory by City Council. Commissioner Gallegos discussed his meeting with Planning Director Michael Holzmiller regarding definition of archeological sites and Recon report. Commission discussed the guidelines with Staff member Phillips stating that if there were any changes they would also have to go back to the State. 1 ITEM 6. EIR MITIGATION REPORTS Staff member Phillips distributed material to the Commission which was not available at the time the agenda packet was prepared. Mr. Phillips gave report as presented in hand-out. Commission discussed various projects as contained in report as follows: City’s Golf Course and Aviara: Commission asked staff to find out status of items listed on map 693, 602, 601, 68, and 67 in distributed report. Commission specifically wanted to know if those could be incorporated into the parks trail system if they had not be graded. To display markers if possible as part of the trail system to inform public of historical sites. Commission requested a copy of the survey report on the Calavera Golf Course. Also where the golf course is in the City’s CIP budget. Kelly Ranch: Commission requested to see the proposed plan for Kelly Ranch and original EIR. - MINUTES Cannon Road EIR: Commission requested to see EIR, proposed schedule and reaches 1-4 of Cannon Road. ITEM 7. MAPS AND SITE RECORDS OF CULTURAL RESOURCES Staff member Phillips reported that Commissioner Gallegos had reviewed the proposal by Recon that indicated they would prepare a computerized index for the City. Staff member Phillips discussed storage and maintenance of information stating that the City has a confidentiality agreement with the San Diego State University and the Museum of Man which states that this information would be kept exclusively in Planning Department. Commission asked if the Library could have a copy of the maps and site records as a back-up. ITEM 8. INCENTIVES PROGRAM Commission discussed incentives program. Commissioner Aharoni volunteered to look into the Commission’s incentives program. ITEM 9. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORT Sub-committee reports were presented as follows: Historic Preservation Newsletter - Commissioner Robertson reported that the newsletter will include a biography on newly appointed Commissioner Aharoni. Carlsbad School Pediment - Report given regarding pediment stating that the subcommittee had contacted Mr. Roy Blackford regarding the design of a display of the Carlsbad School building pediment. Stage Coach Park - Commission appointed Commissioners Christiansen and Aharoni to work on a historic preservation display at Stage Coach Park. Cultural Resource Site Markers - Commission agreed to appoint a sub-committee to work on development of cultural resource site markers. ITEM 10. CULTURAL RESOURCES Chairperson Howard-Jones and Commission Gallegos were appointed to begin research on the Shindler House, Kelly Ranch archeological site and SDi 210 archeological site (Aqua Hedionda Lagoon) for point of interest designation. ITEM 11. RECOMMENDATION FOR POINT OF INTEREST After discussion the Commission motioned to recommend point of interest designation for the MINUTES Historic Preservation Commission 7/9/90 Page 5 COMMISSIONERS y ITEM 12. CULTURAL RESOURCES TOUR The Commission tentatively scheduled a tour of Carlsbad Cultural to be held Resources Wednesday, August 22, 1990. ITEM 13. SUMMARY REPORTS FROM VARIOUS COMMISSION, COMMITTEES AND BOARDS Information item only. ITEM 14. AUGUST CALENDAR The Commission discussed items for its August 1990 regular meeting. Agenda items for August will include: Carlsbad Founder's Day, Cultural Resource Survey, Carrillo Ranch/Grants, Cultural Resource Survey Reports and Sub-Committee Reports. By proper motion meeting adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, CLINT PHILLIPS Senior Management Analyst BIB1 LEAK Secretary I1 Acting Minutes Clerk : a1 \ \