HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-08-13; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES 'I' . ' Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: August 13, 1990 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS \ CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Howard-Jones called the Meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Howard-Jones, Aharoni, Christiansen and Ex Officio Member Marcus. Absent: Commissioners Gallegos and Robertson. Staff Members Present: Clint Phillips, Senior Management Analyst Alan Sweeney, Associate Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held July 9, 1990, were approved as presented. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non- agenda item. OLD BUSINESS: CARLSBAD FOUNDERS' DAY Clint Phillips reported staff is working on an agenda bill to take forward to the City Council for approval in mid- September. Chairperson Howard-Jones stated she had talked with Glen McComas and he was pleased with the progress. He did suggest that the committee be expanded to include more people from the community. The name of Jack McClellan was suggested, since his grandfather was the first Mayor. CARRILLO RANCH/GRANTS Clint Phillips summarized his report attached to the agenda, stating that a temporary shelter had been recommended to cover Deedee's House to protect it against any moisture damage due to winter rains. He said the cost would be approximately $800 and Grant money could be used for this, but it would reduce the amount available for actual stabilization work. Mr. Phillips oaid that some work has been done to protect the house and staff feels that should be sufficient for the time being. It was also felt that some damage could be done to the house in adding a shelter over it. Commissioner Christiansen felt there should be some way to provide money from the Parks budget, since they were responsible for taking care of the property. Howard-Jones Aharoni Christiansen P MINUTES t 13. 1990 HI STORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Paqe 2 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: Mr. Phillips said that there had been no meeting of the Carrillo Ranch Planning & Development Timeline Subcommittee. Chairperson Howard-Jones asked staff to write a letter suggesting a meeting be set up. CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY PROJECT Clint Phillips reported that the agenda bill will go to Council tomorrow night on the Consent Calendar. The research will start immediately thereafter. HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Clint Phillips said there was nothing new to report, as the City Attorney is still reviewing this. Chairperson Howard- Jones asked staff to invite the City Attorney's office to the next meeting if they were not able to comment on this by then. CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY REPORTS Chairperson Howard-Jones requested staff to ask Planning Department for a report on this, or send someone to the next meeting . MAPS AND SITE RECORDS OF CARLSBAD'S CULTURAL RESOURCES Clint Phillips said he had talked with Recon yesterday and the computerized index is complete and should be received within the next few weeks. He said the original documents could be kept in the Library, and there would be a need to duplicate all the documents. HISTORIC PRESERVATION INCENTIVES PROGRAM Commissioner Aharoni reported that he had reviewed the programs by other cities and also material given to him by Clint Phillips. He said there are different programs for residential and commercial, as well as private or public. He felt staff should categorize the landmarks listed by this Commission, and then question among the Commissioners just what they want to preserve; whether just the landmarks or both landmarks and points of interest. He said the types of programs are varied and the ones he felt more successful were the historic rehab funding programs to assist the owners with money incentives. This is done with low- interest loans or deferred loans or grants. Commissioner Aharoni said that there is a good tax break for commercial buildings and the owners who preserve such buildings. He spoke about facade easements, where the facade is given to the City and the City uses its own funds. Also, when a building is preserved, the City can give the right to put it on different property to preserve it. It has to be for income-producing property. Chairperson Howard-Jones mentioned the Preservation Foundation Workshop to be held and Commissioner Aharoni will check his calendar to see whether he can attend. \ MINUTES August 13, 1990 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 \ COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS : (Cont inued) Commissioner Aharoni said he would report further at the next meeting. Chairperson Howard-Jones stated she would help categorize the landmarks. She said she would like to have an indication from the owners of the property what they would like to do, and felt a letter to them would be helpful. Clint Phillips cautioned the Commissioners that this item has not been addressed by the City Council, and felt it would be better to do internal research and not contact the owners on a formal basis. There are other factors to be considered first. Chairperson Howard-Jones asked Commissioner Aharoni to make a formal report and send it to the City Attorney. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS There were no reports. CULTURAL RESOURCES Chairperson Howard-Jones had put together the information on the Shaw-Shindler Housing for review. Clint Phillips reported there is a plan to re-locate the building at 1101 knowles Avenue. This is on the "C" list. Commissioner Christiansen said it is the desire of the owner to have the building taken off the property, as he wants to develop that and the adjoining lot. She said the Historical Society was to put the building on Christiansen Way to be kept until it could be made into a museum structure. A lot of work needs to be done to bring it up to code, and it would just be stored there and would be closed up. The Historical Society must have the permission of this Commission in order to move the structure there. It would be set on a foundation and the Historical Society would paint it and put a new roof on it. There would have to be permits and City approval to move the building, but the owner is anxious to do this. Commissioner Christiansen said it would not be used--just housed--and the two add-ons would not be part of the original house to be maintained. Roy Blackford asked whether the structure was eligible for the National Registry, and Clint Phillips said it had been moved once, and is not eligible for State or Federal landmark designation. This item will go to the Design Review Board on September 5, 1990. The consensus of the Historic Preservation Commission was to go forward with this project. Commissioner Christiansen will check on the Mary Young house on Christiansen Way as a point of interest. She will also contact Steve Densham with regard to the Twin Inns designation. \ J MINUTES ~COMMISSIONERS August 13, 1990 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page OLD BUSINESS : ( Continued ) CULTURAL RESOURCES TOUR The Commissioners will meet at the Redevelopment office at 9:00 a.m., August 22, 1990, for their tour of sites. It was decided that each person should bring his own lunch. NEW BUSINESS: None INFORMATIONAL: SUMMARY REPORTS FROM VARIOUS COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND BOARDS The Commission discussed the summary reports. SEPTEMBER CALENDAR Parks and Recreation Committee for Carrillo Consultant on the Cultural Resource Project Report from Attorney on the Ordinance Amendment Commissioner Gallegos with the Re-survey report Discuss tour Next Commission meeting will be September 14, 1990. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of August 13, 1990, was adjourned at 6:15 P.M., to Wednesday, August 22, 1990, at 9:00 a.m., at the Redevelopment Office, for a tour. Respectfully submitted, CLINT PHILLIPS Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk