HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-12-10; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: BISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meethig: December 10, 1990 Place of,J&wting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Howard-Jones called the Meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Howard-Jones, Christiansen, Gallegos and Robertson. Commissioner Aharoni arrived at 5:09 p.m. Absent: Ex-Officio Member Marcus. Staff Members Present: Clint Phillips, Senior Management Analyst Eric Munoz, Associate Planner Debbie Fountain, Senior Management Analyst APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held November 15, 1990, were approved as presented. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non- agenda item. OLD BUSINESS: 1. CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY PROJECT Linda Roth reported on the project and distributed copies of their report. She asked the Commissioners to read the report prior to looking through the other books containing the photographs and history. Item /8 was taken out of order at this time. 8. CARLSBAD THEATRE FEASIBILITY STUDY Allen Largent, Manager of the Carlsbad Theatre, was present to report on the progress to date. He stated that the Donaldson report was out of line with regard to the amount of money to be spent to refurbish the theatre. Mr. Largent said that €or that amount of money, it would be better to start from the ground up. Mr. Largent told of the code violations that would need to be corrected in order to open the doors, and stated he was willing to do a lot of the work himself in order to save money. The present owners had agreed to spend approximately $15,000 to $20,000, and this would get the doors open and then provide some income. He felt that low admission would need to be charged, due to khe lack of amenities. Howard-Jones Christ iansen Gallegos Robert son MINUTES December 10, 1990 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Largent stated he did not have a long-term lease with the owners and he would feel that was a necessity before taking on the responsibility of working to refurbish the theatre. Commissioner Aharoni asked whether Mr. Largent thought the owners would be interested in perhaps applying for grants or other aid on the incentives program, and he said that he felt they would. Commissioner Aharoni and Clint Phillips will outline the programs available with the owner and Mr. Largent. 2. EIR CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY REPORTS Eric Munoz reported on the following: Cannon Road Extension - Mr. Munoz reported that Brian Smith is ready to do the additional work that has been commissioned. He will report on this in January. Kelly Ranch - Mr. Munoz stated that it has not been determined yet who will do the archaeological work, and nothing will be done on this until after the first of the year. Larwin Park - Mr. Munoz reported that Parks and Recreation has completed a preliminary design for the park. the plan to the Planning Department. This is in the Zone 18 plan, and there are no E.I.R.'s on zone plans. They will hold community meetings and then submit Carrillo Ranch - Chairperson Howard-Jones asked to see the reports on the Ranch. active park, and was not to be an active park. This had been designated as an Aviara Project - There will be a report in January. Ramsey House - Mr. Munoz said the Project Engineer will insist that the house itself be addressed in any notes about the project. 11. -s This item was continued. 3. CARRILLO RANCH STABILIZATION PROJECT Clint Phillips gave an update, stating he had sent the draft copy of the report to be duplicated. Copies will go to the various departments for review and comments. The stabilization work is scheduled to start in March. A MINUTES December 10, 1990 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS : ( Cont inued) 4. ARCHAEOLOGICAL GUIDELINES Commissioner Gallegos reported he had marked up the guidelines and they now need to be finalized and re- typed. He will review the final copy. 5. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL MUSEUM/ARTIFACTS INVENTORY Commissioner Aharoni stated he has not been able to contact anyone at this time, and needs more time to make a report. Commissioner Christiansen reported the Historical Society is still anticipating a contractor for the proposed project. She said that the parking could become a problem if there are offices to be leased in the project. Underground parking is planned, since it is not possible to get enough parking at ground level. 6. CALIFORNIA PRESERVATION FOUNDATION WORKSHOP There was no report. 7. CARLSBAD FOUNDERS' DAY Debbie Fountain gave the staff report, stating the plan for the Founders' Day would not be going to Council as planned. The City Manager's Office felt that it was not possible to coordinate all the activities as listed. The item is being brought back to the Commission to find out which of the planned activities they would like to see phased into the program, with perhaps one activity to be planned €or this year. Also, this Commission should determine the parties to be honored. Ms. Fountain suggested that the celebration this year consist of the open house and informal City Hall tours. She said this would be sent to Council as a report. Commissioner Christiansen showed the incorporation newspaper and felt this would be ideal to be on display at City Hall, with a 50s theme. This Commission would determine who would receive the Founders' Day Award. The Founders' Day would be held June 21, from 2:OO p.m. to 5:OO p.m. 8. CARLSBAD THEATRE FEASIBILITY STUDY This item was taken out of order. (See Page 1) 9. HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Clint Phillips said staff is working on the Ordinance Amendment. This is a clarification of the Commission's role. h h MINUTES December 10, 1990 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) 10. HISTORIC PRESERVATION INCENTIVES RESEARCH Clint Phillips stated that when the survey is completed, there will be documentation. At that time, staff time could be requested to compile a new inventory. Commissioner Aharoni inquired about a workshop to go through the survey, and the Commission consensus was to have Commissioners Aharoni and Christiansen will go through the report. Chairperson Howard-Jones will help them, if it is necessary. 11. CULTURAL RESOURCES This item was continued. 12. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Pediment No report Staaecoach Park DisDlav Commissioner Christiansen showed the articles she brought for the display case at Stagecoach Park, and said there should be something on the founders of Carlsbad. Commissioner Gallegos stated he has some artifacts that could be used in the case. Chairperson Howard-Jones added she would provide the photographs she has from the Stagecoach Park area. Budaet The Budget will be discussed in January. NEW BUSINESS: None. INFORMATIONAL: 13. SUMMARY REPORTS FROM VARIOUS COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND BOARDS Commissioner Robertson stated that he wanted to thank Joan Kindle on the record, for her work on the Carrillo Ranch as the Curator, and said that since she took over as Curator, the project is being taken more seriously. 14. JANUARY CALENDAR Cultural Resource Survey Plaques Update on Aviara, Kelly and Cannon Road Stabilization of Carrillo Ranch Guidelines Founders' Day Ordinance Amendment Incentives Research Cultural Resources Subcommittee Reports h h MINUTES ! December 10, 1990 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION PageGOMMlSSlONERS By proper motion, the Meeting of December 10, 1990, was adjourned at 7:09 p.m. CLINT PHILLI~ Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk