HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-01-14; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COHMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: January 14, 1991 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers Y COMMISSIONERS 11. CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Howard-Jones called the Meeting to order at 5:20 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Howard-Jones, Aharoni and Christ iansen. Absent: Commissioners Gallegos and Robertson and Ex- Officio Member Marcus. Staff Members Present: Clint Phillips, Senior Management Analyst Eric Munoz, Associate Planner Don Neu, Senior Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held December 10, 1990, were approved as presented. -- PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non- agenda item. NEW BUSINESS: Items were taken out of Order to Accommodate the People in Attendance. EVANS POINT PROJECT DRAFT EIR Clint Phillips reported that the draft EIR is under review at this time by staff pursuant to the Commission's role asking for comment pertaining to the cultural resource report. He said there was a copy in the packet and that he had comments from Commissioner Gallegos. The consultants were present, and Ron Bissell, who had done the archaeological work on the project, stated that one of their recommendations had been to do monitoring during the grading. He added that what they recommended in the technical report would be adequate. He explained that the barn is in a swampy area and it is very wet around that area, giving a limited chance for preservation of anything. Further up the hill there is a lot of disturbance, and he did not believe there was anything there. Don Neu stated the Planning Department agreed with the consultants' recommendations and those will be conditions on the project, if it is approved. There was a new cultural resource survey and conditions regarding the barn. The new survey found the barn was not a significant historic resource. Howard-Jones Aharoni Christiansen \ MINUTES F January 14, 1991 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS Lisa King, Hofman Planning Associates, John Strohminger and Bob Wilkinson, Rick Engineering , were present for the applicant, and stated that it would be at least two years before grading, as the tentative map has to be approved and Cannon Road improvement is tied to the project. In answer to query as to whether the barn could be saved in a different location to be used for farm equipment, the consultant said it could, but the roof is very bad. The comment was made that the grain bin had the sign saying it was a stage stop, but it was farther done the road. Commissioner Christiansen added that it was for a change of horses and not passengers. Commissioner Aharoni asked whether any open space area was planned where this could be incorporated, and Don Neu answered that half of the site is to be open space, but the majority are sensitive biological areas. The main area that preservation of the structure would be possible is in the general present location. The Commission was reminded that El Camino Real is to be widened in that area. John Strohminger stated that the drainage problems in that area would make it an unlikely spot for maintaining a building. Commissioner Aharoni repeated he would like to consider leaving the barn there as part of that area. The comment was made that if the barn is to remain in place, this would be a significant maintenance expense, and who would maintain it. Chairperson Howard-Jones said that the important thing was to know what is planned for that site. The consultants stated that if the grain bin was left there, it would be fenced and access would be restricted. Don Neu said there would be a re-design of the project. He said there is still a safety issue that the barn creates in its present state. The Building Department is not able to inspect it and give an evaluation because of the liability concerns, and he felt the City would not accept the barn as a maintenance type of problem. He said that when the plan is revised, they could talk about this. The Historic Preservation Commission recommended the grain bin on the Evans Point Project be a part of the plan to remain on its present location. As part of the mitigation measures, they recommended that a special effort be made to attempt to salvage the barn. The Commission asked to see the plan that shows what is planned for that area and the widening plan for El Camino Real. Howard-Jones Aharoni Christiansen MINUTES h January 14, 1991 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS 2. EIR CULTURAL RESOURCE REPORTS Clint Phillips reported that Brian Smith will attend the February meeting . Eric Munoz reported there is no progress on Larwin Park; Kelly Ranch - no update; Aviara - report will be available in February. 9. CULTURAL RESOURCES Ramsev House Eric Munoz reported the owner of the Ramsey House would follow the process that the code spells out and this would come before this Commission for a recommendation and then go to City Council €or approval. Since this is the first house for a formal permit, the process will be monitored more closely, in order to set the criteria. Mr. Munoz said the owner of the property plans to subdivide the parcel into four lots. Commission discussion determined that the landscaping around the original house had been destroyed, but should tie in with the house. Clint Phillips distributed copies of a letter dated December 17, 1990, from the City to Ronald Buckallew regarding the Ramsey House. Commissioner Aharoni said if this is to be the first one and criteria will be developed from this project, the owner should provide a preliminary plan as to where the house is now and on to which lot it will be moved. The Commission would like to see it on a good- sized lot, and an outline of the concept of what they intend to do--whether extensive remodelling or limited. Also, the original character of the house should be retained, and the other buildings should be in character, also, and not overshadow this house. He felt the landscaping should respect what was there originally, and staff indicated that has made that a requirement. Commission consensus was that as many opportunities as possible for salvage should be followed, since this was setting a precedent. Eric Munoz stated he would talk to the project Planner and Engineer and write down the concerns for the file. Commissioner Aharoni reiterated that he wanted a condition on the property that the design of the adjoining houses should reflect the character of the original house. Carlsbad Theatre Allen Largent, Manager of the Carlsbad Theatre, stated he had met with Commissioner Aharoni. Commissioner Aharoni reported that he thought this was a worthwhile project. He had met with the owners and Mr. Largent and felt that the owners were in favor of preserving the building, but were frustrated since they have neither the background nor the means to do this alone. MINUTES January 14, 1991 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 \ COMMISSIONERS The owners of the Theatre are trying to form a non- profit organization, but don't know how to do it and need some support from someone as to how to proceed. Mr. Largent said he would be willing to help the owners in this regard, but also there is need for someone in the community to take the lead. He said he was preparing a letter to go out to the community regarding this. Mr. Largent said he felt the Donaldson report was over-done; that less than a million dollars was needed to make the Theatre usable. Commissioner Aharoni stated the owners should prepare an outline of what they see can happen, and what it would take to meet the codes and be able to open the Theatre. Mr. Largent stated the owners do not want to be involved in the actual operation of the Theatre. Commissioner Aharoni reiterated the owners should submit costs and benefits. Knowles House Chairperson Howard-Jones showed pictures of the Knowles House. 10. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Pediment for Senior Center Buildinq Linwood Van, Chairman of the Senior Commission, was present, and stated he had discussed this item with Sue Spickard and there are no objections to this pediment. He said he could not speak for the School Board and the Senior Commission, but would present the matter to the Commission. Chairperson Howard-Jones stated the material was not weatherproof and as a result would need to be placed inside the building. She asked Mr. Van to present this to the Senior Commission for approval of the concept. Commissioner Aharoni would like to see pictures of the original school building to determine whether the proposed pediment reflects the character of it. St auecoac h No report. Newsletter No report. f- MINUTES January 14, 1991 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5 COMMISSIONERS Cultural Resource Site Markers Clint Phillips is working on the "Point of Interest" markers and Dennis is working on the plaques at the Batiquitos Lagoon. He said when the trail system is installed, there will be site markers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY PROJECT Clint Phillips reported these is no update. Commission discussion determined they would like a workshop to present this report to the public. press conference was also suggested. A See Page 3. CARRILLO RANCH STABILIZATION PROJECT Clint Phillips reported this will go out to bid the end of January. ARCHAEOLOGICAL GUIDELINES Clint Phillips stated he wanted Commissioner Gallegos to review this and then he would forward the document to the State. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS INVENTORY Commissioner Aharoni had talked with the school people and it was decided to ask the public for artifacts, as to what they might have. Commissioner Christiansen added that storage space for the artifacts is needed. CARLSBAD FOUNDERS'S DAY Clint Phillips reported this item is in the City Manager's Office for action. HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Clint Phillips said the draft of the Agenda bill is in Mr. Orenyak's office and hopefully it will go before Council January 21. HISTORIC PRESERVATION INCENTIVES RESEARCH Commissioner Aharoni stated that the owners need to be contacted to find out their interests and if they want help with rehabilitation. The number of structures that need rehabilitation should be identified; feasibility and the price tag. Clint Phillips added that the incentives program needs to be in the form of a report for adoption, and within that report, identify the needs. The suggestion was made for the Commission to write letters to property owners. To do that, staff was asked to compile a map with the boundaries. Mr. Phillips said the Commissioners would need to identify the properties, based on the condition of the buildings. MINUTES January 14, 1991 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 6 COMMISSIONERS 9. See Page 3. 10. See Page 4. NEW BUSINESS: 11. See Page 1. 12. FIELDSTONE COMPANY REQUEST FOR INFORMATION Clint Phillips will write a letter to them and this will be turned over to Commissioner Robertson. 13. CITY HISTORIC PRESERVATION BUDGET FOR FY 1990-91 Clint Phillips stated this was an information item. INFORMATIONAL: 14. SUMMARY REPORTS FROM VARIOUS COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND BOARDS Information item. 15. FEBRUARY CALENDAR The Commission determined the items for the next Agenda. The February Meeting of the Commission will be on February 11, 1991. ADJOURNMEZNT: By proper motion, the Meeting of January 14, 1991, was adjourned at 7:28 p.m. CLINT PHILLIPS I Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk