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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-02-11; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: February 11, 1991 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers y COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Howard-Jones called the Meeting to order at 5:Ol p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Howard-Jones, Christiansen, Gallegos and Ex-Officio Member Marcus. Commissioner Robertson arrived at 5:05 p.m., and Commissioner Aharoni arrived at 5:40 p.m. Absent: None. Staff Members Present: Clint Phillips, Senior Management Analyst Eric Munoz, Associate Planner Don Rideout, Growth Management Department APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held January 14, 1991, were approved as presented. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non- agenda item. OLD BUSINESS: 2. EIR CULTURAL RESOURCE REPORTS Don Rideout reported that the plans are intended to give an estimate of the public facilities needed for development to occur in a zone, so they are approximate. Zone 18 roads are not set yet as to the final alignment. Also, the internal streets and circulation re not determined and will be part of the master plan. The existing master plan is outdated and will be re- submitted. Carrillo Ranch is to be a passive park, and Fieldstone Corrgany will have an active park west of this zone. When available, Mr. Phillips will have the new plans for the Commission's perusal. Clint Phillips reported there is no update on Larwin Par li. Evans Point - Commissioner Robertson said that on the barn issue, if the Kelly project does not proceed, that will buy more time for the barn. Chairperson Howard-Jones reiterated the Commission's position to recommend the barn be kept in the original location .. Howard-Jones Christ iansen Gal legos MINUTES February 11, 1991 Page Y COMMISSIONERS 1. 3. 4. 6. 7. 5. a. Commissioner Robertson said that when the mobile home park was built across El Camino Real, that changed the water flow to make it drain toward the barn. Commissioner Gallegos will draft a letter regarding Evans Point and wants a copy of the memo to Don Neu. Aviara - The report on this project should be available in March. CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY PROJECT Clint Phillips reported that Linda Roth was very enthusiastic about a presentation. Commissioners Howard-Jones and Aharoni will meet with her to plan this presentation. Chairperson Howard-Jones will write a letter of commendation to Linda. CARRILLO RANCH STABILIZATION PROJECT Clint Phillips gave an update, stating Municipal Projects will take this to Council for authorization to go out to bid the end of March. ARCHAEOLOGICAL GUIDELINES Commissioner Gallegos reported the Guidelines are finished. CARLSBAD FOUNDERS' DAY The consensus of the Commission was to plan this Founders' Day for next year. - HISTORIC PRESERVATION ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Clint Phillips reported this amendment had gone to Council last Tuesday and he summarized the Agenda Bill. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS INVENTORY Clint Phillips will send the release asking for artifacts out to the press. Commissioner Aharoni stated he had not received a response from the school people. HISTORIC PRESERVATION INCENTIVES RESEARCH Commissioner Aharoni recommended a survey be done to find which people are interested to do some improvement and what the scale of work would be. He said it should be determined whether the focus would be for residential or commercial. He added that the Carlsbad Theater people had been asked to come up with their own marketing plan, with a copy of that to this Commission. Chairperson Howard-Jones and Commissioner Aharoni attended a meeting where it was stated that six or eight properties downtown have to comply with state earthquake requirements. determine what must be done to conform to the State requirements. The City will help finance a study to MINUTES \\\\\ February 11, 1991 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS 9. HISTORIC RESOURCES Gary Nessim reiterated his proposal to the Carlsbad Theater people regarding the forming of a non-profit corporation to purchase the theater. with groups such as the Patrons of the Arts regarding this. He is working on a proposal similar to the one submitted to them two years ago. He has been talking Ramsey House - Chairperson Howard-Jones had a plan of where the house is to be placed. She said the trees on the property are available if anyone wants to move them. Mrs. Howard-Jones asked for copies of all correspondence between the owner and the City. Clint Phillips said the Commission will review a written report and there will be a public hearing. Depot - Clint Phillips said a meeting is planned beetween the City, the Chamber and the Historical Society to review the agreements. Commissioner Christiansen stated that according to the terms of the grant, no office space would be allowed in the Depot. The freight room would be for public meetings. Chairperson Howard-Jones stated a letter had been received from the State Office of Historic Preservation denying the application for the National Register for Alt Karlsbad/Frazier's Well. 10. CITY HISTORIC PRESERVATION BUDGET FOR FY 1990-91. Commissioners Gallegos and Aharoni will work on the grant application. 11. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Pediment Chairperson Howard-Jones talked with the School District and the Board, and the Board was concerned about the pediment being bolted into the wall. Staaecoach Park Display The suggestion was made to hire someone to do the display case for the Park. Newsletter Commissioner Robertson stated that this project takes a lot of time, and it would probably be better to try to do this once a year as an annual report. The suggestion was made to perhaps have a newspaper column, with just one item covered. MINUTES \\\\\ February 11, 1991 Page 4 v COMMISSIONERS Placrues The Commission discussed ordering plaques and the comment was made that the Arts Office deals with someone in Escondido for plaques. Frazier's Well, Carrillo Ranch, Alt Karlsbad and Ramsey House would be four plaques, without the pediment. Point of Interest plaque. St. Michael's Church should have a NEW BUSINESS : 12. CALIFORNIA PRESERVATION FOUNDATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Commissioners were invited to make plans to attend the Conference, May 9, 1991, in Santa Barbara, California. INFORMATIONAL: 13. SUMMARY REPORTS FROM VARIOUS COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES AND BOARDS Information item. 14. MARCH CALENDAR Items for the March Calendar: The items as listed on the Agenda were discussed for placement on the March Agenda. By proper motion, the Meeting of February 11, 1991, was adjourned at 7:17 p.m. Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk