HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-04-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesP ,- MINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.r. Date of Meeting: April 8, 1991 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Howard-Jones called the Meeting to order at 5:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Howard-Jones, Aharoni, Christiansen, Gallegos, Robertson and Ex-Officio Member Marcus. Absent: None. Staff Members Present: Clint Phillips, Senior Management Analyst Eric Munoz, Associate Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held March 11, 1991, were approved as amended to state the students would go back to the student body to find anything that could be considered art if act s . OLD BUSINESS: 1. CARRILLO RANCH STABILIZATION PROJECT Chairperson Howard-Jones stated that Council feels this is a very important project and has asked the Manager's office to look at the C.I.P. budget to restore as well as stabilize the buildings at the Ranch. Chairperson Howard-Jones stated she had copies made for the Commissioners of a letter dated March 5, 1991, from Mr. Kindle, regarding Carrillo Ranch. 2. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS INVENTORY Commissioner Aharoni reported that he had met with the students, some of whom are present tonight, to discuss working on projects the students have identified to help this Commission identify artifacts for the future museum. There were four students present, and Commissioner Aharoni introduced them to the Commission. One student stated an interest in taking photographs of barns and other historic buildings, and Commissioner Aharoni stated that the Commission should provide a map and film. Two sstudents wanted to meet with older residents in the area and interview them, and another student wanted to help with the inventory and the categorizing of projects. RECESS : Chairperson Howard-Jones declared a Recess at 5:16 p.m., to allow the Commissioners to meet the students and discuss projects. The Commission re-convened at 5:23 p.m., with all Members present. Howard-Jones Aharoni Christiansen Gallegos Robert aon MINUTES April 8, 1991 Page 2 COM M lSSl ON ERS 3. HISTORIC PRESERVATION INCENTIVES RESEARCH This item was continued until after the Annual Conference May 9 - 11. 4. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS Eric Munoz reported the Calavera Hills Master Plan will be going to the City Council tomorrow to approve the consultant's agreement to prepare the EIR. There will be a draft EIR April 29 on the Calavera golf course, and Mr. Munoz will get a copy to this Commission for their review. The Evans Point project is being redesigned at this time in accordance with the mitigation required by the EIR, and will address to some degree the comments about the Kelly barn. Commissioner Galleyos added that he whs satisfied with the history of the barn and requested a historian to research that history and make recommendations. Don Neu of the Planning Department had said that the redesign would come through this Commission for review. Clint Phillips distributed copies of his letter to Mr. Neu regarding this matter. Mr. Munoz stated he will prepare a map of EIR's in the Planning Department that affect this Commission. Continuing his update, Mr. Munoz stated the report on Batiquitos LagoonIAviara will be received in December or January and there is nothing back from RECON at this time. No houses can be occupied until the archaeological report is received. There is a project proposed north of Stagecoach Park and the Commission requested information on that. Mr. Munoz stated that two islets were found at Larwin Park, but the find was not evaluated. This was noted on sent to the State. That soil is quite disturbed, with over 60 to 70 percent having been graded previously. 5. HISTORIC PRESERVATION WEEK Chairperson Howard-Jones stated that the pictures had been taken for the poster. The Commission discussed the purpose of the posters and how many should be ordered. The consensus was to order 100 posters, and sell half of them. The other half would be distributed to the various businesses and offices for display. 6. CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY PROGRAM/WORKSHOP The Public Workshop to inform the community of the Survey will be held at Heritage Hall, 7:30 p.m., May 15. Chairperson Howard-Jones reported there is nothing new on the Ramsey House, and it is boarded up at this time. MINUTES Commissioner Christiansen reported that there will be restrictions on the use of the freight room at the depot, and at this time the Chamber and the Historical Society have not reached an agreement on the use of the space at the depot. Staff is to get the background information on the use of the depot. 7. 1991 CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT GRANT APPLICATION Clint Phillips referred to the written report contained in the packet. Patty Cratty identified the areas within the program where there could be reimbursement, since Carlsbad is a Member of the Certified Local Government program. 8. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Chairperson Howard-Jones reported she had met with Roy Blackford and Tom Brierley regarding the pediment. School District does not want the pediment inside the building. which is the Sckool District entrance. She asked Commissioner R9bertson to attend the School Board Meeting to be held tills week. She wi3.l. also contact Mr. Blackford to i13k him to attend that meeting. The It is now to be placed outside the east door, Chairperson Howard-Jones stated she had made contact with the plaque company and she gave the prices for different sizes of plaques. The consensus of the Commission was to purchase four 10 by 14 plaques, and to have them numbered. 9. SUMMARIES FROM VARIOUS BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS Information item only. 10. MAY AGENDA The Commission discussed items for the May 13 Regular Meeting . PUBLIC COMMENT: Rod Miller, Meadowlark Ranch, addressed the Commission regarding the cross marking Conquistador's grave at Carrillo Ranch. He would like to erect a new cross at the spot where the old one fell down. He would also move the adobe base into one of the buildings at the Ranch. The old cross has been stored in the barn at the Ranch and he felt the base could also be stored there. Chairperson Howard-Jones stated it was not up to this Commission to grant him permission to dc anything, as that is private property. b \ P .-. I MINUTES w\" April 8, 1991 Page 4 COMMISSIONERS By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of April 8, 1991, was adjourned to the California Preservation Foundation Annual Conference, May 9 -11, 1991, in Santa Barbara, in the event a quorum of the Commission is in attendance. Senior Management Anaylst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk