HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-05-13; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutes-\ r"' MINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: May 13, 1991 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Howard-Jones called the Meeting to order at 5:06 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Howard-Jones, Aharoni, Christiansen and Gallegos. Absent: Commissioner Robertson. Staff Members Present: Patty Cratty, Senior Management Analyst Eric Munoz, Associate Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held April 8, 1991, were approved as amended. -- PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non- agenda item. - CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT: Chairperson Howard-Jones referred to a letter from the City Manager in response to a correction made on the City Council Agenda regarding evaluation of the Carrillo Ranch. She said it is a #2, and should stay a #2. OLD BUSINESS: 1. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS. Eric Munoz distributed copies of the Environmental Review Update - May 1991 and explained how this will be updated each month. Mr. Munoz gave two updates verbally; The Aviara report is being published and the City will be receiving copies within a week or two. Commissioner Gallegos commented that this should be a draft report, as the draft is usually reviewed and approved and then the final report comes back. Mr. Munoz will check on thie and report to the Commission at the June meeting. The other item is the archaeological testing going on north of Stagecoach Park. A site that will be graded as part of the realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road has been identified as an archaeological resource. Testing is being done to see how significant it is. The Commission requested being given a copy of the EIR at the beginning of the screencheck to allow time for review. Howard-Jones Aharoni Christiansen Ga 1 1 ego 8 q P - C C C C MINUTES May 13, 1991 P 2 \\\\\ Y COMMISSIONERS Mr. Munoz was requested to check on the Kelly barn review, as this Commission had a question on that with regard to the history. No historian was used the last time. Commissioners to discuss at the next meeting. Commissioner Gallegos stated he had a conflict of interest and could not review the report. He will give a presentation at the next meeting on what has happened on this item. Patty Cratty will send a copy to one of the Item X5 was taken out of order at this time. 5. RAMSAY HOUSE. John Childers, Dallas, Texas, addressed the Commission with regard to this property, stating he had a partner, but the project has been dumped in his lap. He came to Carlsbad to see why nothing has happened on the project. There will be four lots, and the house will be moved to the largest lot. Ms. Cratty stated that the City was waiting for more information, as the application was not complete. The Commission Members stated they wanted the structure left as it is and enhanced. They were also concerned about security. Mr. Childers stated there was something about the water pipes not being right, and he would like to get the house into condition to rent it. He asked for suggestions from the Commissioners. Ms. Cratty suggested that Mr. Childers talk with the Building Department with regard to preparing the house for occupancy/rental. The Commissioners suggested that the other buildings in this subdivision be compatible with the architecture of this house and they also said there might be some programs available that would be of interest to Mr. Childers with regard to incentives. Mr. Childers showed plans of the project and indicated there was no way to leave the house in its present location. He stated there are photographs and magazines in the attic, and he stated he did not want them and gave permission for someone to go in there and remove them. Mr. Childers stated that Brian Smith represents him here, and would be staff's contact. 3. HISTORIC PRESERVATION WEEK. Chairperson Howard-Jones displayed the poster and stated she had distributed them throughout the City. She asked the Commissioners to take copies and distribute them. There is a display in the Library and the Proclamation for Historic Preservation Week was presented at Council Meeting. MINUTES May 1 Page 3 COMMISSIONERS ’ 4. CARLSBAD SCHOOL PEDIMENT. Chairperson Howard-Jones called attention to the Minutes of the School Board Meeting of April 10, 1991. She said the problem now is how to pay for installing the pediment. An alumni event was suggested to pay for the pediment. Chairperson Howard-Jones stated she will research this project. 5. This item was taken out of order. (See Page 2) 6. CARLSBAD HISTORICAL ARTIFACTS INVENTORY. There was no further report at this time. 7. HISTORIC PRESERVATION INCENTIVES RESEARCH. Commissioner Aharoni reported on the recent Conference, stating the Mills Act gives a person owning property that has been designated a landmark a property tax reduction, based on the income value as a rental, less one fifth of the market value, and the tax assessors accept that reduction. For example, a $2,000 tax would be $500 or $600. The owners must apply through the City to qualify for this program, and the City can place conditions on that. Another program is Federal income tax breaks. The property must be on the National Register or within a Historic District. Rehabilitation money can be returned from the Federal Government by a tax credit. Another benefit can be dedication of a facade easement to the City. that later. Un-reinforced masonry buildings that are required to be upgraded can benefit from code relaxations, if they are a local landmark. Staff was requested to check whether the City had adopted that. He stated he would give more information on Commissioner Aharoni stated there is homework that needs to be done to make these programs available to the people. Patty Cratty explained that the first step would be to ask Council for authority to allow staff to do the research into these incentive programs. She will draft the information for the next agenda. The Historic Preservation Commission recommended Council authorize staff time to pursue some of the goals of the Historic Preservation Commission, including research into incentives programs for rehabilitation of property and the advantages and disadvantages of a Historic District. a. CARRILLO RANCH STABILIZATION PROJECT, Patty Cratty gave an update, stating the bids were opened on the 16th, and it is hoped the project will be totally finished by December 26, 1991. Howard-Jones Aharoni Christ iansen Gal legos MINUTES May 13, 1991 Page 4 y COMMISSIONERS ~ 9. 1991 CERTIFIED LOCAL, GOVERNMENT GRANT APPLICATION. Patty Cratty reported she applied for a $2,000 grant, and the State office will recommend that grant. The consultant will be paid $750 to work on having the Depot on the National Register, with matching funds, to make a total of $1,500. The CPF Conference will be held May 30, 1991, and two Commissioners and one staff person may attend, and part of that will be paid. The Conference will be held at Sacramento. Eighteen cities will be competing for 10 percent of $80,000 from the Certified Local Government grant. NEW BUSINESS: 10. " ' CHIPPED STONE BEAR". Commissioner Gallegos explained about the finding of an 8,000 year old "Chipped Stone Bear" at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. INFORMATIONAL: 11. SUMMARIES FROM VARIOUS BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS. Information Item. 12. JUNE AGENDA. Chairperson Howard-Jones announced she would not be present at the June Meeting. Items €or the June Meeting were listed. 13. CHANGE IN AGENDA FORMAT. Patty Cratty called attention to the Agenda, stating the new format will save space and use less paper. ADJOURNMEXW: By proper motion, the Meeting of May 13, 1991, was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, PATRICIA CRATTY Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk Howard-Jones Aharoni Christiansen Gal legos