HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-06-10; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutes,- MINUTES b Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: June 10, 1991 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS v CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chairman Gallegos called the Meeting to order at 5:OO p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Gallegos, Aharoni, McCann and Ex-Officio Member Holmes. Absent: Commissioner Howard-Jones. Staff Members Present: Patty Cratty, Senior Management Analyst Eric Munoz, Associate Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Amended Minutes of the Meeting held April 8, 1991, were approved as presented. The Minutes of the Meeting held May 13,3 1991, were approved as presented. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non- agenda item. PRESENTATION: Mayor Lewis presented Kay Christiansen with a Certificate of Appreciation for her service to the City while a Member of the Historic Preservation Commission. INTRODUCTION OF MEMBER MCCAN Vice Chairman Gallegos welcomed Edward McCann as a new Commissioner. INTRODUCTION OF EX OFFICIO Vice Chairman Gallegos introduced Robert Holmes, Chairman of the Planning Commission, as the new Ex Officio Member of this Commission. OLD BUSINESS: 1. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPOSTS This item was trailed. (See Page 2) 2, HISTORIC PRESERVATION WEEK Vice Chairman Gallegos reviewed the distribution of the poster for Historic Preservation Week and added that some high school students had attended the Commission meeting and would be helping with projects relating to the history of Carlsbad. Gal legos Aharoni McCann Gal legos Aharoni McCann c MINUTES June HISTOR Y c PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Patty Cratty introduced Erin Letsch, from the Planning Department, who will be working with this Commission. 1. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS Eric Munoz distributed copies of an Environmental Review Update for June 1991. and reviewed the report. He stated that Evans Point would return to the Historic Preservation after the redesign. Whether or not the barn will be part of the redesign is not known at this time. Mr. Munoz gave a copy of the draft recovery report for Aviara to Vice Chairman Gallegos. In reply to query regarding the development by Stagecoach Park and La Costa, Mr. Munoz said there was nothing new on this. There were eight archaeological sites in the survey for Lake Calavera, and when they were tested seven of them were shell surface. The area where the native chaparral was located was recommended for open space. Vice Chairman Gallegos asked about Calavera Heights, and Eric Munoz said that is under Calavera Hills. There are two sites there that needed additional work. One was tested and it was primarily shell. The second site was shell fish remains and milling tools. There were four rings of rocks where campers had been, and these need additional work. That is being reviewed at this t ime . 3. CARLSBAD SCHOOL PEDIMENT Vice Chairman Gallegos stated the School District had agreed to have the pediment mounted over the entrance, but did not fund that.. It will cost up to $5,000 to mount the pediment, and the recommendation had been made to compile a list of former students who would be interested in funding this project. He stated that Jim Wilstermann of the Arts Department had stopped by and stated they might be able to help with the funding. Mr. Wilstermann also suggested the Arts Department and Commission should work closely with this Commission. Commissioner Aharoni stated that $5,000 was a lot of money, and he felt more than one bid should be gotten. Ms. Cratty said there were no bids on this, but there should be at least two bids for that installation. She said that Chairperson Howard-Jones had taken the lead on this project, and that staff could not take the lead, as they had not been authorized by the City Council to do so. Ms. Cratty stated she could make some calls and contact the school to see whether there is a list of former students. This item was continued to the next meeting. MINUTES June 10, 1991 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS 4. RAMSAY HOUSE/MINOR SUBDIVISION Vice Chairman Gallegos stated Mr. Childers had appeared before this Commission at the last meeting to ask for direction. Commissioner Aharoni suggested there be a check list to give to those owners of property with a historic house on that property. It should be the responsibility of the owners to submit historic information on that house. The list should state what this Commission wants and that should go along with the deed if the property is resold, so the new owner would know what he will have to do. Vice Chairman Gallegos asked staff to find out the status of the guidelines, since they have not been accepted at this time. He stated that Mr. Childers should be informed that he should follow the proposed guidelines for historic properties and submit a report to the Commission at the earliest possible time, since this house is a designated landmark. There should be a video tape of the structure and photographs showing how the property is now. Ex Officio Member Holmes suggested St. Michael's Church be contacted for a history of the Ramsay House and the family. Commissioner Aharoni stated he wanted a floor plan and a site plan showing elevations and addressing the setbacks. He felt the Ramsay House should have more of a public feel to it. He would like to look at a larger scale (quarter scale floor plan) of the floor plan, in addition to the site plan. Also, the landscaping should be restored to reflect the theme of 1904. Mr. Childers had indicated in his letter that moving the house would give it more public visibility, but Mr. Aharoni felt it has more where it is now located. He also stated he wanted to see the design style for the other lots. Ms. Cratty stated that the other lots will be sold to individuals and they will build on them. Commissioner Aharoni said that the deeds need to have a notation on them stating that the houses have to be compatible with the Ramsay House and come before this Commission to be reviewed. He stated that the issue of whether the house should be moved should be determined, and how important it is to the City. Mr. Aharoni wondered whether the City has the right to tell Mr. Childers the house should stay where it is, even if it costs him one lot in the subdivision. In answer to query regarding the incomplete status of Mr. Childers' application, Ms. Cratty stated that it is complete except for this Commission. Eric Munoz stated that a notice should be recorded on the deed that prior to issuance of a building permittthe architecture and elevations must be reviewed by the Planning Director and/or the Historic Preservation Commission. MINUTES RAMSAY HOUSE/MINOR SUBDIVISION (Continued) Commissioner Aharoni said Mr. Childers had indicated there would be no remodeling of the Ramsay House, and he wondered if the Commission should see the plans for the garage being built. Mr. Holmes said there was a garage back of the house originally--a garage or a tool shed. Vice Chairman Gallegos said he wanted such houses to stay where they are and enhanced, rather than moved and the lots split. Commissioner Aharoni said he wanted the grading plan, as that would affect the landscaping. Also he would like a list of the siding materials and roofing materials; also what the garage would look like. There was a discussion about building heights, and Mr. Holmes stated the building height ordinance is being revised at this time, and that may solve some of the problems. Bernard Kouns, 1340 Las Flores Drive, had written a letter to the Commission stating his concerns about the moving of the Ramsay House. He stated that the house belongs where it is now, and Mr. Childers is proposing to move it as far away as possible. Commissioner Aharoni stated that staff should give recommendations as to the options available for relocation of the house. 5. HISTORIC PRESERVATION INCENTIVES Commissioner Aharoni stated he wanted to recommend that the City adopt the information presented. Ms. Cratty stated that staff needs authorization from Council in order to get into that, and she will prepare an agenda bill to ask for authorization to spend staff time on this. 6. CARRILLO RANCH STABILIZATION PROJECT AND CARRILLO DAYS BENEFIT Patty Cratty stated there were two bids for this work and both were higher than the engineer's estimate. There is no other funding available at this time. Joan Kindle is looking for private funds, but has not found anything as yet. Ms. Cratty indicated this may be sent out for re-bidding. Ms. Cratty reported that Joan Kindle had unanimous approval from the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council for the Carrillo Days Benefit. This will be held August 3, and Leo Carrillo's car will be on display. This will be at Fire Station 5, and will include a barbecue. MINUTES NEW BUSINESS: 7. PARKS AND RECREATION BROCHURE INSERT Patty Cratty reported that this Commission had talked about a brochure, but there was no funding to do that. She said if the Commission desired, they could use a page in the Parks and Recreation Brochure. There is a new Brochure every quarter, and the Commission could put a page in the fall or winter Brochure. The Historic Preservation Commission recommended having a Commissioner be responsible for each quarter to supply information for the Parks and Recreation Brochure. Commissioner Howard-Jones is to take the first quarter, Commissioner Gallegos the second, Commissioner Aharoni the third and Commissioner McCann the fourth. 8. CPF CONFERENCE AND THREE-MINUTE SUCCESS STORIES Vice Chairman Gallegos stated that at next year's conference Carlsbad is to do the three-minute success stories. He recommended that Commissioner Howard- Jones and Patty Cratty put the stories together, and he also volunteered to help with this. 9. CALIFORNIA PRESERVATION FOUNDATION CONFERENCE IN SAN DIEGO Commissioner Howard-Jones will attend this conference and Cynthia Haas, Management Analyst, will attend as a staff member. 10. ZONE PLANS 13, 16 AND 21 Patty Cratty presented the Zone Plans for 13, 16 and 21 and Commissioner Gallegos will review these. Eric Munoz said there would be a Growth Management update for the next meeting. 11. NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION AWARDS Patty Cratty stated that awards can be won for use of Federal funding in historic preservation. State and Federal money was used to rehabilitate the interior of the depot. Since it is a landmark, staff would like to submit the depot for a National Preservation Award. The consensus of the Commission was to endorse this proposal. 12. WORKSHOP TO DEVELOP GOALS The date selected for the Workshop is Wednesday, June 26, 1991, from 4:OO p.m. to 6:OO p.m. Staff will notify the Commissioners where the Workshop will be held. Gallegos Aharoni McCann e S P - K K K MINUTES COMMISSIONERS INFORMATIONAL: 13. SUMMARIES OF VARIOUS BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS Information Item. 14. JULY AGENDA Patty Cratty requested the following agenda items for July: 234 Tamarack--the owners want to destroy the house and construct a new one. Also, the City will widen Tamarack and underground facilities on Laguna, and this will impact properties where historic structures are located. The Barrio Fiesta will be held September 15, 1991, and that will be on the agenda. Also, the other items from the June agenda will be carried forward. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of June 10, 1991, was adjourned at 6:35 p.m., to the Workshop to be held June 26, 1991, from 4:OO p.m. to 6:OO p.m. Respectfully submitted, PATRICIA CRATTY Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk