HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-07-18; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: July 18, 1991 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Howard-Jones called the Meeting to order at 5:Ol p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Howard-Jones, Aharoni, Absent: Ex-Officio Member Holmes. Gallegos, McCann and Zavala. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held June 10, 1991, were approved as amended by Commissioner Gallegos on Page 2, Item #l Environmental Impact Reports, as follows: where it states "shell surface", change to " surface shell deposit". "The site SDI-49-22 located within native chaparral was recommended for protection through open space. '' In the next paragraph, change the last two sentences to read: "There were four fire hearths, and Site SDI36 needs additional work, which is being completed at this time." PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non- agenda item. PRESENTATION: Ex-Commissioner Robertson was not present to receive the Certificate of Appreciation for his service on this Commission from 1986 through 1991. INTRODUCTION OF MEMBER ZAVALA: Commissioner Robert Zavala was introduced to the Commission. Commissioner Zavala expressed his interest in the Ramsay House restoration. OLD BUSINESS: 1. RAMSAY HOUSE/MINOR SUBDIVISION 850. Patty Cratty introduced this item, stating the applicant is requesting permission to move the Ramsay House to another lot, in order to subdivide the property into four lots. Mr. Childers, owner of the property, stated he had supplied all Commissioners with a map showing the proposed subdivision. He said the City has stated that this Commission is to send a report to Council making a recommendation on this proposed subdivision. Howard-Jones Aharoni Gallegos McCann Zavala n MINUTES Y July 18, 1991 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS : (Continued) Commissioner Aharoni stated that the function of this Commission is to preserve the historic structures, if designated, and if they are re-located, it causes harm to the historical value of the structure. He said there needs to be justification for moving the Ramsay House other than maximizing the number of lots. Also, if the building were relocated, the remaining three houses would need to be compatible, and Mr. Childers had said he would have no control over that. There should be something tied into the title when the other lots are sold to limit the new buyers in some degree to design homes that would be compatible; either as a condition or as voluntary on the part of the buyers. Mr. Childers stated that he had no control over what the other buyers would do and any restrictions placed on the property would diminish the value. He said he did not want new houses that looked like old houses, as they would have no value. The Ramsay House would be on the corner lot and put into the original condition. Commissioner Gallegos inquired whether if the Ramsay House were left in the current spot, would it be possible to still have four lots, or would there only be three lots, and Mr. Childers answered that it would not allow four lots, and would be difficult to provide three . Mr. Childers explained the history of the property and the costs he has incurred, and staff explained that there is a difference between the plan they had seen and the plan now presented. Mr. Childers said there would be no grading done, with the Ramsay House being moved to a new foundation and the original skirting put back onto the house. The Historic Preservation Commission recommended that the Ramsay House be left in its original location and not be moved, and two additional lots be formed on the remaining property. If the Ramsay House is re- located, the Commission would like some protective device for the design of the other homes on the property that they be compatible with the Historic Site. Mr. Childers asked that the Ramsay House be removed from the register. Ms.Cratty stated that this has been reviewed before, and once a structure is designated, it must be proved that it no longer meets the code before any designation could be removed. 2. EVANS POINT/KELLY BARN. Don Neu gave the report on this item, using a transparency to show the property. He gave the background of the property and stated this Commission had recommended that the grain bin be preserved and every effort made to attempt to salvage the barn. Howard-Jones Aharoni Gal legos McCann Zavala MINUTES ? July 18 , 1991 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Neu said the applicant is anxious to get direction. The project is being re-designed and the barn is a significant remaining issue. According to CEQA criteria, the barn is not historically significant. The re-design of the project is not through staff review at this time. barn is located is subject to flooding and the re- design will elevate that area. Also, El Camino Real will be widened in that area. The area where the Tony Griffin, of Hofman Planning Associates, stated the access road would be changed and the riparian area north of the barn has to be protected and buffered. He said that any restoration of the barn would require demolition, and that would cost approximately $100,000. The barn has no structural stability and is not a historic structure. If it were made into a neighborhood museum, there would be the question of who would maintain it. The suggestion was made to re-locate the grain bin to another area--perhaps to the entry area. Staff will return next month with a report as to whether or not it is feasible to re-build the barn, and the applicant will also check into alternatives. New Business Item #lo, Barrio Days Fiesta, was taken out of order at this time. NEW BUSINESS: 10. BARRIO DAYS FIESTA. Ofelia Escobedo, Lola's Seven-Up Market/Deli, told o the plans for the Barrio Days Fiesta, September 15, 1991, and invited the Commissioners to join in the celebrat ion. Patty Cratty stated she would check into whether the Commission could have a booth to display pictures of people and historic structures. Commissioners Zavala and Aharoni volunteered to work on this planned Fiesta. OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) 3. COMMISSION GOALS AND PROJECT PRIORITIES. Patty Cratty reviewed the Goals for the Historic Preservation Commission, as contained in the packet. Commissioner Aharoni requested Goal 1 be discussed at the next meeting to develop a more specific list for the applicants. 4. 1991-92 ADOPTED BUDGET. Patty Cratty stated the budget had been distributed and included in the packet. The Commission requested an update semi-annually. h MINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: July 18, 1991 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Howard-Jones called the Meeting to order at 5:Ol p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Howard-Jones, Aharoni, Absent: Ex-Officio Member Holmes. Gallegos, McCann and Zavala. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held June 10, 1991, were approved as amended by Commissioner Gallegos on Page 2, Item #l Environmental Impact Reports, as follows: where it states "shell surface", change to '' surface shell deposit". "The site SDI-49-22 located within native chaparral was recommended for protection through open space. I' In the next paragraph, change the last two sentences to read: "There were four fire hearths, and Site SDI636 needs additional work, which is being completed at this time." PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address the Commission on a non- agenda item. PRESENTATION: Ex-Commissioner Robertson was not present to receive the Certificate of Appreciation €or his service on this Commission from 1986 through 1991. INTRODUCTION OF MEMBER ZAVALA: Commissioner Robert Zavala was introduced to the Commissi Commissioner Zavala expressed his interest in the Ramsay House restoration. OLD BUSINESS: 1. RAMSAY HOUSE/MINOR SUBDIVISION 850. Patty Cratty introduced this item, stating the applicant is requesting permission to move the Ramsay House to another lot, in order to subdivide the property into four lots. Mr. Childers, owner of the property, stated he had supplied all Commissioners with a map showing the proposed subdivision. He said the City has stated that this Commission is to send a report to Council making a recommendation on this proposed subdivision. Howard-Jones Aharoni Gallegos McCann Zavala MINUTES OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Commissioner Aharoni stated that the function of this Commission is to preserve the historic structures, if designated, and if they are re-located, it causes harm to the historical value of the structure. He said there needs to be justification €or moving the Ramsay House other than maximizing the number of lots. Also, if the building were relocated, the remaining three houses would need to be compatible, and Mr. Childers had said he would have no control over that. There should be something tied into the title when the other lots are sold to limit the new buyers in some degree to design homes that would be compatible; either as a condition or as voluntary on the part of the buyers. Mr. Childers stated that he had no control over what the other buyers would do and any restrictions placed on the property would diminish the value. He said he did not want new houses that looked like old houses, as they would have no value. The Ramsay House would be on the northeast corner lot and put into its original condition. Commissioner Gallegos inquired whether if the Ramsay House were left in the current spot, would it be possible to still have four lots, or would there only be three lots, and Mr. Childers answered that it would not allow four lots, and would be difficult to provide three . Mr. Childers explained the history of the property and the costs he has incurred, and staff explained that there is a difference between the plan they had seen and the plan now presented. Mr. Childers said there would be no grading done, with the Ramsay House being moved to a new foundation and the original skirting put back onto the house. The Historic Preservation Commission recommended that the Ramsay House be left in its original location and not be moved, and two additional lots be formed on the remaining property. If the Ramsay House is re- located, the Commission would like some protective device €or the design of the other homes on the property that they be compatible with the Historic Site. Mr. Childers asked that the Ramsay House be removed from the register. Ms.Cratty stated that this has been reviewed before, and once a structure is designated, it must be proved that it no longer meets the code before any designation could be removed. 2. EVANS POINT/KELLY BARN. Don Neu gave the report on this item, using a transparency to show the property. He gave the background of the property and stated this Commission had recommended that the grain bin be preserved and every effort made to attempt to salvage the barn. Howard-Jones Aharoni Gal legos McCann Zavala MINUTES July 18, 1991 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COI IISS y ON Page 3 COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) Mr. Neu said the applicant is anxious to get direction. The project is being re-designed and the barn is a significant remaining issue. According to CEQA criteria, the barn is not historically significant. The re-design of the project is not through staff review at this time. The area where the barn is located is subject to flooding and the re- design will elevate that area. Also, El Camino Real will be widened in that area. Tony Griffin, of George Wimpey, Inc., stated the access road would be changed and the riparian area north of the barn has to be protected and buffered. He said that any restoration of the barn would require demolition, and that would cost approximately $100,000. The barn has no structural stability and is not a historic structure. If it were made into a neighborhood museum, there would be the question of who would maintain it. The suggestion was made to re-locate the grain another area--perhaps to the entry area. bin to Staff will return next month with a report as -0 whether or not it is feasible to re-build the barn, and the applicant will also check into alternatives. New Business Item #lo, Barrio Days Fiesta, was taken out of order at this time. NEW BUSINESS: 10. BARRIO DAYS FIESTA. Ofelia Escobedo, Lola 3 Seven-Up Market/Deli, told the plans for the Barrio Days Fiesta, September 15, 1991, and invited the Commissioners to join in the celebration. e Patty Cratty stated she would check into whether the Commission could have a booth to display pictures of people and historic structures. Commissioners Zavala and Aharoni volunteered to work on this planned Fiesta. OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) 3. COMMISSION GOALS AND PROJECT PRIORITIES. Patty Cratty reviewed the Goals for the Historic Preservation Commission, as contained in the packet. Commissioner Aharoni requested Goal 1 be discussed at the next meeting to develop a more specific list for the applicants. 4. 1991-92 ADOPTED BUDGET. Patty Cratty stated the budget had been distributed and included in the packet. The Commission requested an update semi-annually. MINUTES July 18, 1991 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 4 \ COMMISSIONERS OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) 5. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS. Eric Munoz gave an update on the environmental impact reports listed on the report, stating there were no screen checks to review for the Commission. He said there might be one or two in August. Commissioner Gallegos stated there were several items missing from the Preliminary Report for Aviara. 6. CULTURAL RESOURCE SURVEY. Patty Cratty stated the Survey has been distributed and all Commissioners have copies. The Commission continued this item to the next meeting . 7. ARCHAEOLOGICAL GUIDELINES. Patty Cratty reported that the Guidelines --ave _een mailed to the State Historic Preservation Office. Once they accept them, the Planning staff will take them to a Planning workshop to discuss implementation. 8. AVIARA DATA RECOVERY REPORT. This item was discussed previously. 9. CALIFORNIA PRESERVATION FOUNDATION CONFERENCE ON PRESERVATION AND HOUSING. Chairperson Howard-Jones referred to the report included in the packet. NEW BUSINESS: 10. BARRIO DAYS FIESTA. This item was taken out of order. (See Page 3) Patty Cratty is to bring a map showing the zoning in the barrio. 11. GROWTH MANAGEMENT MONTHLY STATUS REPORT. The report was distributed to the Commissioners. INFORMATIONAL: 12. SUMMARIES FROM VARIOUS BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND COMMISSIONS. Information item. Howard-Jones Aharoni Gallegos McCann Zavala MINUTES J1 \'" Y lv 18, 1991 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Paae 5 COMMlSSlONERS 13. AUGUST CALENDAR AND AGENDA. The Commission discussed items for the August Agenda. ADJOI,nWMmm: By proper motion, the Meeting of July 18, 1991, was adjourned at 6:58 p.m. Respest f ul ly submitted , PATRICIA CRATTY Senior Management Analyst Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk