HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-09-09; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMINUTES Meeting of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: September 9, 1991 City Council Chambers \\\)\ 9 COMMISSIONERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Howard-Jones called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Howard-Jones, Aharoni arrived at 5:lO p.m,, Gallegos, McCann, and Ex-Officio Member Holmes. Absent: Commissioner Zavala. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED IN THE AGENDA: There were no comments from the audience. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting held August 15, 1991, were approved as read. OLD BUSINESS: 1. EVANS POINT Pat Cratty explallred to the Commission that this project has been presented a couple of times before and that plans were to be submitted regarding the granary being relocated and to discuss that issue. Also to be discussed was the contribution to preservation or to make a suggestion for that. Ms Cratty introduced Don Neu who was present at the last meeting to continue with further discussion on the project. Don Neu proceeded to show the Commission on the plans where the grain bin was proposed to be relocated. He explained that it is proposed to relocate the grain bin to the south, basically in an open space area that would divide the two projects, referring to one project that has gone through the Planning Commission in July and that the grain bin would still be on the project site. It is being proposed to remove several eucalyptus trees to make a small clearing for it. The applicant is proposing that a trail be incorporated into the project to the grain bin. Several Commissioners commented that they had no problem with the proposed location of the grain bin. Marge Howard-Jones asked if they were envisioning that area as a little park kind of place? Mr. Neu responded that this was intended to be a natural open space area section of the eucalyptus grove that would be retained as kind of a buffer between the two projects. Marge Howard-Jones further questioned about the trail. /4 MINUTES 9 September 9, 1991 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 2 Mr. Neu reiterated that a trail will be constructed from the street into the area and some project marking. Commissioner McCann asked how is it protected? Is there any degree of protection on it? Is it going to be fenced? Mr. Neu told the Commission that there was none proposed with this Plan. That is something that the Commission could consider if there is a concern. Commissioner Gallegos stated he would hate to see fencing because then you put up something that’s not natural which would detract from it, but I would like to see something along the lines of maintenance so that it could be fixed up if needed. Questions were raised concerning landscaping around the grain bin and Mr. Neu explained that the only landscaping planned at this time was the eucalyptus trees in the area. Mr. Neu further explained that other landscaping is a possibility and that the project would have a Homeowner’s Association and envision that would be the means of maintenance and upkeep of this area. Chairperson Howard-Jones stated she would like a sign that tied the granary to the Barn. An architectural rendering including both structures would be really effective. Commissioners discussed prior conditions for the Barn. Staff member Neu stated that the developer would make the Barn materials available for other projects or to use as an entry statement. The time frame for this was left open. The Commissioners were told that the applicant is willing to take the Barn apart if someone wanted it. Nancy Hayward, George Wimpey, asked the Commission about the sign on the grain bin and if the Commission was talking about an additional sign. Commissioner Gallegos said that in his opinion the Stagecoach sign should be down where the Stagecoach area was and the other where the granaries at should be something that explains about the granary such as a monument sign. Nancy Hayward further explained that they were going to have information recorded about the barn. Ms Hayward requested of the Commission what kinds of information they want recorded and Ms Cratty has said that Alan Kelly, Jr. is willing to speak on the video. We don‘t know if he wanted to take parts out of the EIR Report, the structural report, so we need input from the Commission so that it reflects the way the Commission would want it done. Chairperson Howard-Jones asked if the developer was prepared to offer any mitigation that the Commission could use for Historic Preservation? Ms Hayward explained that when the developer originally made the offer of a contribution they assumed that the Commission wanted to do something with the barn and the decision could be b .- 1 MINUTES yy September 9, 1991 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 3 COMM,SS,ONERS 2. 3. made locally to do something, such as move it and set it up somewhere else. The developer had no problem doing that. Any other sort of donation has to have a proposal and a project laid out the developer and the funds come from the United Kingdom headquarters. Chairperson Howard-Jones explained that what the Commission was hoping for was money that could be put into a revolving trust fund for Historic Preservation for Carlsbad. So this would be directly related to Historic Preservation. The actual expenditures would be on as needed basis. Ms Hayward told the Commission that she would like to have that proposal along with some of the Commission's goals and what the Commission's objectives are and they could get that off to London to start that process. RAMSAY HOUSE Patty Cratty gave the presentation on Ramsay House noting that the Commission had heard this project a couple of months ago and had recommended to the City Council that Ramsay House not be relocated. Since that time the applicant has returned with seven (7) different options. That applicant did want the Commission to see what kind of things could be done, all the way from doing nothing and leaving the property as it is to doing a four lot subdivision which is what the applicant would prefer to do. Staff looked at the options to see which ones would meet code easily and which options were desirable from their standpoint. Staff chose five of the options as far as meeting the code and developing the criteria in order to get a four lot subdivision which requires moving the Ramsay House. Ms Cratty went on to explain to the Commission what the options were and what the best location for the house would be. The Historic Preservation Commission recommended that Study No. 5 be selected because it meets requirements, is supported by staff, it provides for four lot subdivision, it has a cul-de-sac. The Commission would not make a motion for a selection of any other Study at this time. The motion was amended to recommend Study No. 5 with the relocation of some of the palm trees from Lot 3 to Lot 4 and expansion of Lot 4 by a minimum of looh. Rancho Carrillo Master Plan Brian Hunter, Senior Planner, gave a presentation to the Commission on the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan. Mr. Hunter explained where the Planning Department was at this point in time in the process of the Master Plan. It was expressed that there are several archaeological sites at this location. Howard-Jones Aharoni Gallegos McCann s - X X X X MINUTES Mr. Hunter explained some of the problems with the sites and what mitigation measures may be needed for the project. Mr. Hunter told the Commission that it would take the Planning Department a year or so from the time that the environmental analysis begins to finish. There was much discussion regarding the alignment and necessity of Melrose Drive in the City of Carlsbad. Item #5 was taken out of order at this time. 5. Environmental ImDact ReDorts Eric Munoz distributed copies of the Environmental Review Update for September 1991, and read through it for the Commission. OLD BUSINESS: (Continued) 4. General Information - Archeo GuidelinesMlo rkshoq Commissioner Gallegos informed the Commission that they were going to have a workshop with the Planners on the guidelines adopted by the State. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, September 24, 1991 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Utilities/ Maintenance Conference Room located at Community Development Building, 2075 Las Palmas Drive, Carlsbad. 8. Barrio Fiesta DavS Chairperson Howard-Jones gave a report to the Commission on the Fiesta and the status of the Exhibit Booth. The Commission set up times as to when they would be at the Fiesta to help at the table in the museum. 6. Letter from the Office o f Historic Preservation reaardinq Educat ional Out reach - (Continued) 7. Mills Act Aareement - (Continued) NEW BUSINESS: 9. Nominations for National Reaistrv Status - (Continued) 10. October Calendar and Aaenda The Commission discussed an alternative meeting day for the months of October and November since the regular meeting day falls on a City Holiday. The Commission decided to hold the October meeting on October 10, 1991 and the November meeting on November 7, 1991. The Historic Preservation Commission continued items 6, 7 and 9 to the next meeting. h \ 9 x MINUTES y September 9, 199 1 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Page 5COMM,SS,0NERS I N FO R MATI 0 N A L : 11. Growth Manaaement Monthlv Status ReDort Information Item Only. 12. Summaries from various Boards, Co mmittees and Commissions Information Item only. 13. News ArticlesKo rresDo ndenceNorkshoD ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of September 9. 1991, was adjourned at 7:30 p.m., to Tuesday, September 24, 1991 at 1O:OO a.m. Respectfully submitted, PATRICIA CRAT~ Senior Management Analyst Barbara Nedros Secretary \ \