HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-02-10; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutes,. .. . Minutes of: Time of Meeting: Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMiSSlON 5:OO P.M. FEBRUARY 10,1992 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER Chairperson HowardJones called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:OO p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Commissloners Howard Jones, Aharoni, Gallegos, McCann, Zavala, Ex-Officio Member Holmes. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED IN THE AGENDA There were no requests to address the Commission. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held January 13, 1992, were approved as submitted. AYES NOES: None Commissioners HowardJones, Aharoni, Gallegos, McCann, Zavala OLD BUSINESS 1. Environmental Impact Reports (EIR]: Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, stated that no changes had been made to the Environmental Review Update since January. 2. Criteria for Evaluatina Historic Resources: Erin Letsch, Senior Management Analyst, reviewed the Draft Standards - Drafl Integration with Title 22 and responded to questions by the Commissioners. She explained to the Commission the difference between the Historic Inventory and the Historic Register. Ms. Letsch included in her report the Historic Preservation Ordinance Fact Sheet from the City of Laguna Beach, and noted that the Historic Preservation Committee was considered an advisory body in Laguna Beach. The Commission discussed in detail: eligibility requirements for properties the Commission could consider listing on Historic Register the differences between the Points of Interest List, the Historic Inventory List, and the Historic Register the four categories of historical significance contacting the Laguna Beach City Attorney to request contract forms relating to incentives Ms. Letsch stated that all Commission recommendations to this draft would be submitted to the City Attorney before being presented to the Council. If the City Council concurs, a workshop would be held for property Owners to review the proposed ordinance. 2. Leo Carrillo Ranch Sub-Committee UDdate Commissioner Aharoni gave an update of the recent sub-committee meeting. He stated that the main topics discussed were how much commercial activity would be allowed, concerns about surrounding property encroachment, height of Melrose Avenue having a detrimental affect on the park. Commissioner McCann inquired about the general preliminary plans regarding security. Commissioner Aharoni stated that some plans have shown a fence surrounding the park but that there was growing concern for the park to be protected in its natural state. Chairperson HowardJones stated that a thorough report on the types of plants, including a complete inventory, had been received regarding all plants located on the ranch. She suggested that the Commission could recommend that the plants be protected through a designation as historic landscape. ACTION: On Motion by Chairperson Howard-Jones, to recommend that the existing landscape be preserved at Carrillo Ranch. m: - NOES None Commissioners Howard Jones, Aharoni, Gallegos, McCann, Zavala Chairperson HowardJones stated that the Friends of Carrillo Ranch had a very specific proposal for each of the structures at Carrillo Ranch. Chairperson HowardJones spoke regarding the Open Space meeting and the Arboretum. She stated that all of the surrounding property owners were opposed to having the arboretum at Carrillo Ranch. Commissioner Zavala stated that he was concerned with the trail, as discussed at the Open Space meeting, surrounding Carrillo Ranch. Cynthia Haas informed the Commission that the historic equipment had been moved to the Ranch. Cynthia Haas stated that Evans Point would be going before the Planning Commission on February 19. The developer of Evans Point had requested a priority list of items from the City of items to be repaired at Carrillo Ranch. The list will then be returned to the Cty with comments from the corporation board as to the dollar amount proposed. The Commission discussed naming the creek which traverses Los Quiotes Valley, "Los Quiotes Creek." ACTION: - AYES - NOES: None On Motion by Commissioner Gallegos, to recommend to the Ci Council that the creek presently at the Carrillo Ranch be named Los Quiotes Creek. Commissioners HowardJones, Aharoni, Gallegos, McCann, Zavala 5. Evans Point - Kelk Barn: Chairperson HowardJones would contact Mr. Wade regarding the possibility of using his drawing of the Kelly Barn on the plaque. 6. Communitv DevelODment Block Grant (CDBG) Application: Cynthia Haas updated the Commission on issues regarding the theater facade and seismic retrofit. After further Commission discussion, it was decided that the Commission would not apply for CDBG funds until next year. 7. Pediment: Chairperson HowardJones gave an update regarding the Carlsbad School Pediment. Jim Geyser, Joyce Smith, and Cynthia McPherson would make contact by telephone to solicit donations. NEW BUSINESS 8. CLG (Certified Local Government) Grant ARRliCatiOn: Cynthia Haas informed the Commission that the application deadline was March 31, 1992. Staff will would be working with the Parks and Recreation Department to target Carrillo Ranch. Carrillo Ranch Trust could be used to provide matching funds raised. She stated that all ideas would be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on February 24. Of concern was Ci staff time, use of money set aside in the Ci Trust Fund and the matching funds. ACTION: On Motion by Commissioner Aharoni, to apply for the CLG funding for the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan, and to further request that staff forward the CLG application to the Ci Council. m: - NOES None Commissioners Howard Jones, Aharoni, Gallegos, McCann, Zavala 9. Buildinca Permit - 938 Pine: Chairperson HowardJones reviewed the application by the owner of 938 Pine and informed the Commission that this property was listed in the Historic Resources Inventory. She stated that the patio cover had already been installed and that staff was recommending concurrence of approval of a building permit. Commissioner Aharoni questioned the design and requested more information as to the elevation of the patio and cover. ACTION: On Motion by Commissioner McCann, to approve the requested building permit and convey to staff the Commission’s concurrence. m: - NOES Commissioner Aharoni Commissioners HowardJones, Gallegos, McCann, Zavala 10. 1992-93 BUdQ@: Cynthia Haas reviewed the budget and responded to questions by the Commission. &-Officio Holmes was excused at 7:06 pm. ACTION: On Motion by Commissioner Zavala, to approve the 1992-93 Historic Preservation Commission budget. m: - NOES None Commissioners HowardJones, Aharoni, Gallegos, McCann, Zavala 3. Founders Day: Chairperson HowardJones informed the Commission that she had spoken to the Ci Manager regarding the anticipated plans for Founders Day and referred to a memorandum from Connie Beardsley, Arts Manager, distributed to Commission members. The Ci Manager suggested that the Commission might request additional funds from the City Council. ACTION: On Motion by Commissioner Gallegos, to request $500.00 from the Ci Council to go forward with Founders Day. - AYES NOES None Commissioners Howard Jones, Aharoni, Gallegos, McCann, Zavala INFORMATIONAL 11. Chronology: Chairperson HowardJones stated that she would discuss the chronology of the Commission from September 1986 to September 1991, with Patty Cratty. 12. Plaques: Cynthia Haas displayed a sample plaque that would be installed at the Twin Inns Granary, the Twin Inns Gazebo, and the AR Karlsbad Well. Ms. Haas suggested the Commission submit a drawing that specifically showed where the plaques should be installed. After Commission discussion, Ms. Haas stated that Utilities Maintenance, or an appropriate contractor, would be contacted regarding mounting of the plaques at those locations. 13. Workshop - Demvstifvinn DeVelORtnent: Commissioner McCann volunteered to attend the workshop entitled "Demystifying Development", scheduled for Saturday, February 22, in San Diego. 14. Water District Documents: Chairperson HowardJones gave a detailed description of the documents that could be used by the Water Company from its inception to the closing of the company. She informed the Commission that she would meet with a representative from the water company to see if the company could store some of the items. A person knowledgeable in sorting through historic documents and letters would be needed. Staff to notify property Owners to meet with City staff on February 24 at Las Palmas to review ordinance regarding the URM building law. 16. NeWSRaper Article: There was no discussion on the newspaper article from the Blade Citizen regarding restoration of the Carrillo Ranch. "- 17. March Aaenda: Chairperson HowardJones stated that the assembling of the agenda for the March meeting would be discussed with staff on the telephone. 15. Summaries from Various Boards, Committees and Commissions: There were no summaries reported. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motlon, the meeting of February 10, 1992, was adjourned at 7% p.m. Respectfully submitted, Cynthira Haas Senior Management Analyst Isabelle Paulsen Minutes Clerk