HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-03-09; Historic Preservation Commission; Minutes.- Minutes of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: MARCH 9,1992 Place of Meeting: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER Chairperson HowardJones called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:OO p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Commissioner Zavala Commissioners Howard Jones, Aharoni, Gallegos, McCann, Ex-Officio Member Holmes. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED IN THE AGENDA There were no requests to address the Commission. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held February 10, 1992, were approved with amendments. AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Zavala Commissioners Howard Jones, Aharoni, Gallegos, McCann OLD BUSINESS Commissioner Zavala arrived at 503 p.m. 1. Criteria for Evaluatinq Historic Resources Patty Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, advised the Commission that this item would be continued. 4. Carrillo Ranch Commissioner Aharoni gave an update of discussions on subcommittee meetings. After further discussion, the Commission concluded that there were four considerations in response to the proposed plan: Access to the Ranch should follow the natural historic approach by the gate house and the natural topography. The approach as shown on plans presented to the subcommittee is too steep. Ten lots shown above the Ranch near Deedie's House should be eliminated for a visual buffer contingent to A direct trail access such as a trail under a bridge or a tunnel should be developed from Melrose. Environmental Impact Report (EIR) requirements. Fhe EIR may show these lots as undevelopable.) Consideration should be given for a non-profit organization to participate in Park landscape planting under the direction of the Parks and Recreation Department. Native plants as well as plants compatible with Leo Carrillo landscaping should be used on and surrounding the Ranch in order to maintain the historic theme. 5. CLG (Certified Local Government) Grant Patty Cratty updated the Commission on the Parks and Recreation Commission discussion regarding the CLG Grant. She stated that by a vote of 6-1, the Commission voted not to support the grant application. Management concurred with the grant application as required by City procedure. Historic Preservation Commission -2- March 9, 1992 Friends of Carrillo Ranch have volunteered to prepare an educational program that could be used as the required 50 percent match so the Trust Fund would not need to be used. The state had said that this was an acceptable match. Staff would prepare an Agenda Bill for Council authorization to apply for the grant of $9,000.00. With the $9,000.00 match, the total would be $18,000.00. 2. Environmental Impact Reports Eric Munoz, Associate Planner, gave an update on ElRs stating that the Rancho Santa Fe Road EIR would go to the Planning Commission on March 18. There would be a scoping meeting in April for the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan EIR. Mr. Munoz noted that he had sent a reminder memo to staff that the Commission needed to review all EIRs. Commissioner Gallegos asked that the guidelines be sent out to consultants in the county so that they would be aware of the requirements when developing projects. Mr. Munoz noted that the Rice Company EIR would be the first project reviewed under the guidelines. Commissioner Gallegos stated that he could have a conflict of interest in reviewing future ElRs and asked that an alternate Commissioner be assigned to review ElRs to avoid the appearance of a conflict. Commissioner Zavala would be the alternate. 3. Founders’ Day Chairperson Howard-Jones was successful in reaching all Council members except Councilmember Stanton. The consensus was to have one meeting in June, which would convene at 300 p.m., at which certificates would be presented to specific persons (or their families) who were instrumental in the City’s incorporation. The Commission would develop a list for Council. Chairperson HowardJones and Member McCann volunteered to prepare the list. A reception with cake and coffee/punch would be available. The regular Council meeting would convene at 6:00 p.m. 6. Evans Point - Kellv Barn Patty Cratty informed the Commission that there had been no response to the Commission’s request for funds and that she had spoken to the developers (Wimpey Company). Because Carrillo Ranch was near completion, additional funds would be needed to continue the work. With Wimpey Company headquarters in England, and this being a first time for this type of request, local representatives were not able to give any indication of the timing or amount of the funding. 7. Water District Documents Chairperson HowardJones stated that Ms. Flack at the Water District had a couple of the documents and would be contacting Chairperson Howard-Jones for further discussion. 8. Chronoloav Commissioner Aharoni noted that the chronology was developed in order to prepare the Three Minute Success Stories for the Annual Preservation Conference. He stated that a presentation should be prepared. The Commission suggested that staff prepare a memo requesting that at least one staff person attend the annual conference in Eureka. The Commission discussed the importance of state-wide exposure and noted that funds were available in the FY92 budget. Historic Preservation Commission -3- March 9, 1992 9. Capo House Patty Cratty informed the Commission that the matter had been resolved to the satisfaction of the property Owner and asked that the Commission concur with the placement of the power transformer to the property line. The Commission requested that staff prepare a letter to Cablevision thanking them for their cooperation and that the Commission considered the matter settled. The Commission asked that the equipment be painted dark green or black to further lessen visual impact. The Commission also requested that a letter be sent to all utili companies with the list of historic resources informing the companies that the Commission would prefer no utility boxes be placed near the historic resources, but if boxes needed to be installed, that the company coordinate with the Commission. 10. National Preservation Week Chairperson HowardJones stated that water documents would be on display. The Commission would consider this item again when information was received from the National Trust. 11. The Commission determined that attention be placed on the property Owners meeting to inform property owners of the significance of the historic inventory and to explain the process of designation. Chairperson HowardJones reported that the agent listing the Carrion House had been contacted. Desianation of Historic LandmarkdPoints of Interest Chairperson HowardJones informed the Commission that she had spoken to the Owners of the Ramsay House and discovered that the property had been left unsecured. Commissioner Zavala noted that he had seen children playing in and around the house and that the crawl spaces had been left open. The Commission requested that the Building and Fire Departments be notified to determine if there was any violation or safety concerns. In response to staff's request for review, the Commission discussed the Alt Karlsbad plan to build a storage building near the landmark. The Commission recommended that instead of ballars near the plexiglass, that a bench(s) be installed and that the site be monitored for artifacts. 12. California Preservation Foundation Annual Conference The Commission reiterated the discussion of sending at least one person to the conference. INFORMATIONAL 13. Workshop - Demystifvinq Development Commissioner McCann updated the Commission on the workshop and stated that much of the material did not apply locally. The content of the workshop was mostly about rehabilitation and proformas. The Mills Act was discussed in relation to the possibility that Proposition 13 may have negated the benefit. 14. Summaries from Boards, Committees and Commissions Commissioner Aharoni stated that he may have a conflict of interest in service on the unreinforced masonry (URM) subcommittee. Commissioner Zavala would be his replacement on the subcommittee. L Historic Preseivation Commission -4- March 9, 1992 15. April Aaenda Chairperson HowardJones stated that she would be absent for the April meeting and that Vie Chairperson Galiegos would Chair the meeting. Issues to be discussed in addition to continued items were: The Carrion House, Ramsay House, General Plan Update, and Criteria for Evaluating Historic Resources. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting of March 9, 1992, was adjourned at 7% p.m, RespeF#ylly submitted, Senior Management Analyst Isabelle Paulsen Minutes Clerk