HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-04-13; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 500 P.M. Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: APRIL 13, 1992 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairperson Gallegos called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:06 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Absent: Chairperson Howard-Jones Commissioners Aharoni, Gallegos, McCann, Zavala COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED IN THE AGENDA There were no requests to address the Commission. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the meeting held March 9, 1992, were approved as submitted. AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: Chairperson Howard-Jones Commissioners Aharoni, Gallegos, McCann. Zavala NEW BUSINESS 1. Armv/Naw Academy Don Neu, Senior Planner, reviewed the Army/Navy proposal. Vice Chairperson Gallegos stated that Chairperson Howard-Jones would meet with Commisioner McCann to discuss keeping the 1929 era flavor of the building. Commissioner Aharoni stated he would contact Chairperson HowardJones to find out if any other buildings on the site were historic. Vice Chairperson Gallegos stated that Chairperson HowardJones would be writing a letter within the next two weeks to Don Neu regarding the Commission’s concerns. 11. St. Michael’s 6v The Sea: Michael Grim, Assistant Planner, reviewed the proposed expansion of the existing educational building and parish hall. He stated that the main building was built in 1894, that no changes were to be made to the chapel, and that the design would accommodate the original design plan. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Environmental Impact Rewrts (EIR): Eric Munor, Associate Planner, gave an update on the status of the ElRs being prepared that could impact historic resources. t Historic Preservation Commission -2- April 13, 1992 Vice Chairperson Gallegos distributed a copy of a letter to Jeff Gibson. dated April 7, 1992, 2 Erin LetSCh, Senior Management Analyst, updated the Commission on the status of the naming of the creek She stated that a telephone call had been recelved from the County Watershed Department which referred her to the National Board of Geologic Names. Ms Letsch informed the Cornmission that the creek could be named, however the application to place the creek name on state and federal maps was a lengthy one and the property owners were opposed to naming the creek at this time. Namina of the Creek at Carrillo Ranch. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner McCann, second by Commissioner Zavala, to rescind recommendation to Council to name the creek ai Carrillo Ranch Los Quiotes and continue further consideration of the Item to a date undertain. Commissioners Aharoni, Gallegos, McCann, Zavala AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: Chairperson Howard-Jones 3. Leo Carrillo Ranch Sub-Committee Update: Ms. Letsch stated that the sub-comrntttee had two meetings scheduled and that at the Parks and Recreation Cornmission meeting the issue of the continuance of the sub-committee would be discussed. Cornmissioner Aharoni informed the Commission of the following issues discussed at the sub-committee meeting as reasons for continuing the sub-committee: if Leo Carrillo Ranch should be a passive park children will be at the park - what will they do? proposed arboretum plans access trail system Commissioner Aharoni stated that the sub-committee was to get together with other members of the various boards, commissions, and committees to discuss usage of the Ranch. The Commission agreed that Commissioner Aharoni will draft a letter to the Mayor, for the Commission’s approval, outlining why the sub-committee should continue and requesting that il be continued. 4. Founders Day: Chairperson HowardJones and Commissioner McCann met with Glenn McComas to discuss plans for Founders Day. The Mayor informed Commissioner McCann that the Council Office would provide a placque indicating the first City Council. ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: Chairperson HowardJones Motion by Commissioner McCann, second by Commissioner Aharoni, to prepare a placque honoring the first City Council of tne Ci of Carfsbad and to present the placque on Founders Day. Commissioners Aharoni, Gallegos, McCann, Zavala Historic Preservation Commission -3- April 13, 1992 5. Criteria for Evaluating Historic Resources: Ms. Letsch informed the Commission that she had submitted the report to the City Attorney and had requested his comments regarding conflicts. The Ctiy Attorney had stated that adoption of the Standards and Register would not change the ordinance. Ms. Letsch stated that she would meet again with the Planning Director and would speak to the Ctiy Attorney because the Standards for Review makes significant changes and does not focus on the standards as the Cornmission originally intended. 6 General Plan Update Ms Letsch reviewed the drat! update to the Historic Preservation Element and asked for the Commission's response to folding the goals and objectives into the Conservation Element The Commission agreed wrth the update and wrth the addrtion of 'Trees" to the list of historic resources The Commission also agreed to include Historic Preservation under the Conservation Element as long as R is not diluted and is a complete section of the Conservation Element 7. National Preservation Week: Ms. Letsch stated that National Preservation Week would be observed May 10-16, 1992, and the theme would be Preservation Brings History to Life. She informed the Commission that Chairperson HowardJones had recommended using the three minute success stories. It was the general consensus of the Cornmission to use the three minute success stories. 8. Ms. Letsch stated that the administrative task application deadline had passed and that it was on the record that the Commission had approved staff to execute the application. She informed the Commission that the Commission could change its vote having evaluated the pros and cons of the application. CLG (Certified Local Governmentl Grant Application: ACTION: AYES: NOES: Commissioner Aharoni ABSENT: Chairperson HowardJones Motion by Commissioner Gallegos, second by Commissioner McCann, to rescind the motion requesting the CLG (Certified Local Government) Grant Application. Commissioners Gallegos, McCann, and Zavala 9. California Preservation Conference: Ms. Letsch informed the Commission of the City's policy of no unessential travel. The City might approve attendance at a conference if it was in town, depending on the total amount of the registration. INFORMATION ITEM: Concern was expressed by Commission members regarding the method being used to restore the Ramsay House. Ms. Letsch suggested that she could send information on the proper way to restore historic structures. 14. Letter from Council on Historic Preservation: Commissioner Gallegos distributed copies of a letter he had written to Jeff Gibson, Associate Planner, regarding the Commission's review of the Archaeological Testing Program and Data Recovery Plan for Santa Fe Highlands (The Rice Property). Historic Preservation Commission -4- ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting of April 13, 1992, was adjourned at 7:s p.m. Respectfully submitted, 7& - -I Trin Letsch Senior Management Analyst n Ji!&&P& Isabelle Paulsen Minutes Clerk April 13, 1992