HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-06-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: JUNE 8, 1992 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chairperson Gallegos called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:05 pm. ROLL CALL: Present : Commissioners Aharoni, Gallegos, McCann, and ex-officio Savary Absent : Chairperson Howard-Jones and Commissioner Zavala Staff Present: Erin Letsch, Senior Management Analyst Eric Munoz, Associate Planner COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: There were no requests to address the Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Aharoni, and duly seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 13, 1992, as submitted. AYES: Commissioners Aharoni, Gallegos, and McCann NOES: None ABSENT: Chairperson Howard-Jones and Commissioner Zavala NEW BUSINESS: 1. New Ex-officio Member Vice Chairperson Gallegos introduced Planning Commissioner Savary as the new ex-officio member of the Historic Preservation Commission. 2. Environmental lmmct Remrts Eric Munoz, Associate Planner, gave an update on the status of the ElRs being prepared that could impact historic resources. Mr. Munoz stated that staff has been advised by RECON that some burial sites, thought to be 5,000 to 7,000 years old, have been discovered on the north shore of Batiquitos Lagoon in the Aviara Master Plan area. RECON will submit a written report to staff by June 18, 1992. 3. Criteria for Evaluatino Historic Resourcg Erin Letsch, Senior Management Analyst, reported on the meeting of the subcommittee to establish incentives for preservation of historic resources. A letter has been written to the City attorney requesting formal direction on the correct method to proceed. This response will be reported at the next meeting. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION June 8, 1992 PAGE 2 4. Ben Kouns, 1340 Las Flores Drive, Carlsbad, addressed the Commission and stated that he resides next door to the Ramsay House. He noted that some exterior painting has been done as well as some minor interior work but it was all of a low-budget nature. The yard is still full of dry overgrown weeds. He is concerned that the property is being left unlocked to allow access by prospective buyers; however, there are many children which play on the property after school. He feels there is a potential safety problem with the children playing on the property. He is also concerned that the dry overgrown weeds could be a fire hazard. He also stated that several large advertising signs are posted on the property and they exceed the sign size allowed by the ordinance. He has also heard the realtor tell people that the house could be converted to a duplex. Commissioner McCann stated that the property is currently in foreclosure and he believes the redemption period has expired. He advised Mr. Kouns that the property is not zoned for a duplex. Erin Letsch, Senior Management Analyst, will contact the Code Enforcement Officer to inquire if there are any code violations on the property. 5. Leo Carrillo Ranch Stabilization Erin Letsch, Senior Management Analyst, distributed the cost estimate document prepared by the engineering staff, in response to a citizen's request, which defines a phasing scenario for the Carrillo Ranch construction. However, she noted that the construction is contingent upon availability of funds and the plan does not represent the Master Plan or Council directives for construction. The cost estimate groups the construction into $300,000 increments which includes seismic strengthening. 6. Seismic Retrofit for Cultural Resources Commissioner Aharoni reported on the Commercial Facade Program used by the City of Oceanside and stated that loans, with lower interest rates, can be funded through Capital Bank of Carlsbad if Federal grant money is not available. He noted that Carlsbad used to have a program to restore facades on historical structures but it was discontinued, possibly for lack of interest. Erin Letsch, Senior Management Analyst, will look into the discontinued program and report at the next meeting. 7. Founders' Day Erin Letsch, Senior Management Analyst, distributed a FAX which had been received from Chairperson Howard-Jones regarding her recommendations for a reception to be held on Founders' Day (July 14, 1992) prior to the City Council meeting. Erin will work with Chairperson Howard-Jones on the Founders' Day reception. 8. Plaque for Culver Mevers Cam House Erin Letsch, Senior Management Analyst, reported that the plaque for the Culver Meyers Capp House has been received and the Commission should begin thinking about where it should be placed. Discussion On this item will be continued to the next meeting. 9. Pine Street School Pediment Vice Chairperson Gallegos reported that a letter has been received which indicates there may be a structural problem with installing the Pine Street School Pediment over a doorway at the school. The letter HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION June a, 1992 PAGE 3 quotes a cost of $500 to evaluate the situation. CotnmiSSiOner Aharoni has a business associate which may perform the evaluation gratis. He will follow and report at the next meeting. Vice Chairperson Gallegos stated that a group of citizens plan to raise $7,500 to pay for the pediment which will be cast using artifacts from the original school. The $7,500 figure includes the cost of installation. INFORMATION ITEM: 1. Vice Chairperson Gallegos stated that there was nothing to report. 2. July Aaenda The Commission identified items to be placed on the agenda for the July meeting. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular meeting of June 8, 1992 was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Summaries of Various Boards. Committees. and Commissions Respectfully submitted, ERIN LETSCH Senior Management Analyst BETTY BUCKNER Minutes Clerk