HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-07-13; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: Time of Meeting: 500 P.M. Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: HlSTOR IC PRESERVATION COMMISSION July 13, 1992 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Howard-Jones called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:08 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairperson Howard-Jones, Commissioners Aharoni, McCann and ex-officio Savary Absent: Commissioner Gallegos Staff Present: Erin Letsch, Senior Management Analyst Eric Munoz, Associate Planner Pat Kelly, Acting Principal Building Inspector Chairperson Howard-Jones announced that Commissioner Zavala had resigned and the City Clerk is accepting applications for the seat which he vacated. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: There were no requests to address the Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Gallegos Motion by Commissioner McCann, and duly seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 8, 1992, as submitted. Chairperson Howard-Jones, Commissioners Aharoni and McCann OLD BUSINESS: 1. Environmental ImDact Reports Eric Munoz, Associate Planner, gave an update on the status of the ElRs being prepared that could impact historic resources. He provided a copy of the ElRs for Shelley Carlsbad, Carlsbad Ranch, and Rancho Carrillo and stated that comments are requested at the next meeting. Erin Letsch, Senior Management Analyst, reported on the status of archaeological testing at SDM-W-181. She passed out a letter dated July 9, 1992 from RECON which states that the site lacked cultural integrity and was therefore determined to be not significant as defined by the Carlsbad Resource Guidelines and CEQA. A copy of the RECON letter is on file in the Planning Department. 2. Incentives for Preservina Historic Resources Erin Letsch, Senior Management Analyst, presented a letter dated July 8, 1992 from Martin Orenyak, Carlsbad Community Development Director, which states that staff is currently in the process of surveying other California cities who have seismic ordinances, to identify and analyze financial assistance programs. -1 - HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION July 13, 1992 PAGE 2 Ms. Letsch reported that there used to be a program in Carlsbad which utilized CDBG funds to restore facades of commercial structures; however, those funds are no longer available. She also stated that the City of Oceanside has a program for renewing commercial facades but it does not specifically pertain to seismic retrofit. Ms. Letsch reported on the subcommittee's ideas for incentives to preserve historic resources and loan funds/programs for the identified unreinforced masonry buildings. Pat Kelly, Acting Principal Building Inspector, stated that seismic retrofit was discussed at the June 23, 1992 City Council meeting and Mr. Orenyak requested 60 days to compile the survey information. The cities of Long Beach, Fullerton, Torrance, Upland, and Santa Barbara have indicated that they have an ordinance already in place. Commissioner Aharoni stated that he hopes there is a way to create an incentive program in Carlsbad which will combine seismic retrofit and facade preservation. When the subcommittee's work was presented to the City Attorney, several questions were raised and they would like more specific information before making a determination on whether the programs would be feasible. A meeting will be held between the departments in Community Development to resolve the questions. The Commission would like to see a public workshop held after Labor Day. They feel that a topical questionnaire should to be sent out to property owners whose property has been identified as historic. This will help in developing the workshop discussion items. Commissioner Aharoni will assist staff in creating the questionnaire. 3. Ramsav House Erin Letsch, Senior Management Analyst, reported that the Ramsay House is scheduled to be auctioned on July 22, 1992. The code enforcement officer tried, without success, to contact the property owner. The Commission requested that the auctioneer be advised that the property has been designated as historic. 4. Leo Carrillo Ranch Subcommittee Commissioner Aharoni reported that the scheduled meeting of the subcommittee had not been held. Another meeting is scheduled for the end of August and he will report after that meeting. He stated that many recommendations have been received regarding Carrillo Ranch and the subcommittee is sorting them out. 5. Founder's Day Erin Letsch, Senior Management Analyst, reported that the Founder's Day festivities honoring Carlsbad's 40th birthday will be held on Tuesday, July 14, 1992, in the courtyard at 5:OO p.m. There will be a message from the Mayor and refreshments will be served. 6. Plaque for Culver Mevers Cam House Chairperson Howard-Jones reported that she had met with the property owners and was advised that the plaque would probably be in place by the August meeting. 7. Pine Street School Pediment Commissioner Aharoni reported that he and Chairperson Howard-Jones had visited the school site and there appears to be no structural problems. Chairperson Howard-Jones stated that James M. Gaiser of Carlsbad has graciously offered to raise $7,500 for the restoration and mounting of the pediment. She will send a letter to Mr. Gaiser accepting his offer. -2- HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION July 13, 1992 PAGE 3 8. Kellv Barn Chairperson Howard-Jones reported on the video which will be made of the Kelly Barn. She turned some photographs of the barn over to Erin Letsch, Senior Management Analyst, which she would like returned. INFORMATIONAL: 9. Summaries of meetings were included in the Commissioner packets and briefly discussed. Summaries of Various Boards. Committees, and Commissions 10. Auaust Aaenda The Commission identified items to be placed on the agenda for the August meeting. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular meeting of July 13, 1992 was adjourned at 6:29 p.m. to the Founder's Day festivities. ResDectfullv submitted, fiw N LETSCH Senior Management Analyst BETTY BUCKNER Minutes Clerk -3-