HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-09-14; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 500 P.M. Date of Meeting: September 14, 1992 Place of Meeting: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Howard-Jones called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairperson Howard-Jones, Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin, Gallegos, and McCann Absent: Ex-officio Commissioner Savary Staff Present: Pat Cratty, Senior Management Analyst Eric Munoz, Associate Planner Brian Hunter, Senior Planner Chairman Howard-Jones introduced the new Commissioner, Mr. Sam Chereskin, a local architect. He took a few moments to brief the Commission on his background and interest in local historic matters. COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: There were no requests to address the Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Aharoni requested a change to the first sentence of paragraph 6, page 2, to replace the word "architect" with "engineer." ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Chereskin Motion by Chairperson Howard-Jones and duly seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 10, 1992, as amended. Chairperson Howard-Jones, Commissioners Aharoni, Gallegos and McCann NEW BUSINESS: Chairperson Howard-Jones stated that Agenda item #5 would be moved to the head of the agenda. 5. Leo Carrillo Ranch Subcommittee Brian Hunter, Senior Planner, updated the Commission on the status of the Leo Carrillo Ranch Master Plan. He stated that the draft EIR will be issued shortly, after which the citizens will have an opportunity to review the EIR and provide public input. Development of the park is being handled by the Parks & Recreation Department. The EIR addresses development around the park and how it will impact the park. The EIR will require special design standards for development around the park site. The school location has been changed and is now proposed to be located north of the park, across the creek. Some mitigation will be required on the school site. Mike Howes, Hofman & Associates, stated that the affected property owners were unaware that this item was on tonight's agenda. Many of the property owners are interested in attending any public meetings being held regarding the Carrillo Ranch. He was advised that the Leo Carrillo Ranch will probably be a regular item on the Historic Preservation Commission agenda until the issues have been resolved. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION September 14, 1992 PAGE 2 1. Environmental ImDact ReDorts Eric Munoz, Associate Planner, gave an update on the status of the EIR's being prepared that could impact historic resources. 2. Incentives for Historic Preservation Pat Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, reported that the revised brochure is at the printers and a letter has been drafted to property owners of property on the Cultural Resource Inventory. The letter and brochure should be mailed by the end of the week. She also reported that the plaque for the Culver-Myers-Capp house may have to be recast due to a spelling error in the name. Apparently the name "Myers" was spelled several different ways throughout the years. The correct spelling is "Myers" and the plaque is spelled "Meyers." Ms. Cratty reported that the photographs taken of the house at 1475 Pine Street were very poor. After discussion, the Commission determined that some guidelines should be developed on taking photographs of historic landmarks. For the time being, Commissioner Aharoni volunteered to take before and after photographs of any homes which are scheduled for restoration. Staff would need to contact the owner and schedule a photo opportunity. 3. Pine Street School Pediment Commissioner Howard-Jones updated the Commission on the status of the pediment. Mr. Gaiser and his committee have begun the fundraising. Commissioner Aharoni reported that the sculptor has been sent a copy of the contract which he will complete with the required information and return. He expects to have it back by the end of the week. Once received, the City Attorney's office will need to review the scope of work and proposed contract before it is awarded. Pat Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, stated that contracts in excess of $5,000 usually require a full contractual agreement. 4. Ramsav House Chairman Howard-Jones reported that three people have expressed an interest in the Ramsay House. One was interested in turning it into a wedding chapel, another would be interested in using it for a Montessori School, and the third would like to restore it and use it as a private residence. However, no action has been taken because HomeFed Bank is currently having it appraised before they set a price. The sale of the property will be handled by Triad realtors, who have an exclusive listing. NEW BUSINESS: 6. Cultural Resource WorkshoD Chairperson Howard-Jones reported that Sam Chereskin would be attending the Cultural Resource Workshop in Long Beach on September 26, 1992. Attendance at conferences is currently restricted because of the State budget impact to the City, however, because he is new to the Commission, it is felt that he needs to attend for orientation purposes. 7. Santa Fe DeDot Pat Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, reported that the consultant, Roth & Associates, has completed the application for placement of the Depot on the National Register. The application has been forwarded to the State Office of Historic Preservation, who will be meeting in Sacramento in November 1992 in Riverside in February 1993. The Commission requested that the item be scheduled for November in case the consultant needs to make changes. If it is delayed, it could then go to February 1993. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION September 14,1992 PAGE 3 Chairperson Howard-Jones commented that she has received feedback from various persons regarding the poor acoustics in the Freight Room of the Depot, which is being used as a conference room. After discussion, it was decided to hold the October meeting there and invite representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and Historical Society to attend and discuss how the Depot facilities can be better utilized. 8. Goals WorkshoD Pat Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, suggested holding a workshop to review last years goals and set goals for the coming year. After discussion, it was decided to hold the Goals Workshop on Wednesday, November 16, 1992, from 4:OO to 6:OO p.m. in the Council Conference Room, if it is available. Ms. Cratty will confirm the room availability and see that Sam Chereskin receives a copy of the current goals so that he can review them prior to the meeting. 9. Historical Society Events Chairperson Howard-Jones reported that there will be a Historical Society dinner on October 16, 1992 at the Senior Center. The keynote speaker will be Wayne Donaldsori, who will speak on Carlsbad's historical heritage. She also reported that there will be an "oldtimers" picnic at Magee Park on October 26, 1992. Jim Gaiser will have a table there for the Pine Street School Pediment fundraising. 10. Savina Place Chairperson Howard-Jones passed around a book entitled "Saving Place" which discusses ways to preserve a community's character. Pat Cratty will try to get a copy of the book for each Commissioner. INFORMATIONAL: 11. ODeratina Budaet Pat Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, reported that the City's annual budget will be reduced by $2.8 million as a result of the State's budget action which has reduced funds available to the City. This translates to a 7% reduction for each department. However, since the Historic Preservation budget is so small, she does not think it will be impacted significantly. Commissioner Aharoni suggested the City Council be made aware of the fiscal advantages of the Mills Act. He will put together the pros and cons and Ms. Cratty will translate it into agenda bill format and forward it to Council. 12. Summaries of Various Boards, Committees and Commissions Information item; no discussion. 13. News Articles Chairperson Howard-Jones reported that there were several news articles on the Leo Carrillo Ranch, however the Historic Preservation Commission was not acknowledged for their efforts in obtaining two large grants. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION September 14, 1992 PAGE 4 14. October Meetina and Aaenda Pat Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, reviewed the items for the October agenda. Due to the holiday on Monday, October 12th, the meeting will be moved to Wednesday, October 14th, at 5:OO p.m. at the Santa Fe Depot. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular meeting of September 14, 1992 was adjourned at 7:02 p.m. to the Santa Fe Depot on October 14,1992. Respectfully submitted, PAT CRATTY Senior Management Analyst b- BETT BUG NER Minut& Clerk