HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-10-14; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 500 P.M. Date of Meeting: October 14, 1992 Place of Meeting: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Howard-Jones called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:Ol p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairperson Howard-Jones, Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin, Gallegos, and McCann Absent: Staff Present: Ex-officio Commissioner Savary Pat Cratty, Senior Management Analyst Eric Munoz, Associate Planner Debbie Fountain, Senior Management Analyst Evan Becker, Housing & Redevelopment Director COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: Pat Cratty announced that an item of urgency needed to be added to the agenda for the demolition of a structure located at 902 Laguna Street. This structure is listed on the Historic Resources Inventory but had already received Planning Commission approval prior to the inventory. The structure is a small bungalow-type residence of the late 1920s-early 1940s era which does not exhibit any architectural importance in its design elements. The developer, stated that the structure was scheduled for demolition and would be replaced by eight single family homes to be constructed on this and an adjoining lot. Photographs of the structure have been taken and will remain on file as a historical record. LCTION: Motion was made by Commissioner Aharoni, and duly seconded, to approve the demolition as proposed. AYES: Chairperson Howardllones, Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin, Gallegos and McCann NOES: None ABSENT: Ex-officio Commissioner Savary APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chairperson Howard-Jones requested a change to the second sentence of paragraph 4, page 3, to replace the word "historical" with "architectural." ACTION: Motion by Commissioner McCann, and duly seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 14, 1992, as amended. AYES: Chairperson Howard-Jones, Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin, Gallegos and McCann NOES: None ABSENT: Ex-officio Commissioner Savary OLD BUSINESS: 1. Environmental ImDacVRewrts Eric Munoz, Associate Planner, gave an update on the status of the EIR's being prepared that could impact historic resources. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION - CORRECTED October 14,1992 PAGE 2 NEW BUSINESS: 6. Santa Fe Owt Chairman Howard-Jones led a discussion on the current uses of the Santa Fe Depot which is currently being shared by the Convention & Visitor's Bureau (ConVis) and the Carlsbad Historical Society. However, with the receipt of federal and state grants to restore the interior of the Depot, there is a requirement that a portion of the Depot be used for activities that directly benefit low and moderate income persons. Debbie Fountain, Senior Management Analyst, provided a list of possible uses for consideration. If a portion of the Depot is used as a conference room, available to all citizens, it would satisfy the requirement. However, the only conference table is currently located in the former freight room, which is unfit as a meeting place due to the acoustics and a lack of heatingiair conditioning. Furthermore, the freight room is poorly sealed off from the elements and there are large, gaping holes where the door closes. Commissioner Aharoni left at 5:40 p.m. Kay Christensen and Amelia Irvine, representing the Carlsbad Historical Society, gave some information on the history of the Depot for the benefit of the Commissioners. Currently, ConVis uses the majority of the space in the Depot for offices and they are reluctant to share the facility. However, they do provide an office for Keith Kennedy, who is an independent contractor responsible for the annual Carlsbad Faire. The Carlsbad Faire is the annual fundraiser for the Chamber of Commerce. Ms. Fountain stated that when the Chamber moved out of the Depot several years ago, an agreement was drawn up but was never signed because ConVis and the Society could never come to terms. The Commission would like to see the verbiage in the original agreement that was never signed. A decision on the Depot will be made at the next meeting. OLD BUSINESS (continued): 2. Incentives for Historic Preservation Pat Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, reported that the brochure and letter had been mailed to 325 owners of property on the Cultural Resource Inventory. Staff has received 13 positive responses from persons desiring to attend a workshop. Possible dates for the workshop were discussed and it was determined that a date in January would allow sufficient planning. ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner McCann, and duly seconded, to hold the workshop in January 1993, time and place to be announced later. AYES: Chairperson Howard-Jones, Commissioners Chereskin, Gallegos and McCann NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Aharoni and Ex-off icio Savary Commissioner Chereskin commented that he currently teaches a remodeling class at Mira Costa Community College and that, possibly, some of his material could be adapted for the workshop. At the request of Chairperson Howard-Jones, Commissioner McCann will take copies of the new brochure to the realty board offices in Carlsbad and Oceanside to be placed in the realtor mail slots. He will advise Ms. Cratty how many brochures will be needed. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION October 14,1992 PAGE 3 3. Pine Street School Pediment Pat Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, advised the Comission that she had received the architectural contract from Commissioner Aharoni. Because the building where the pediment will be placed is jointly used by the Senior Center and the Carlsbad Unified School District, it has been determined that the Senior Commission should also approve placement of the pediment. The next meeting of the Senior Commission is Thursday, November 5, 1992 at 1 :00 p.m. at the Senior Center. Commissioner Aharoni will make the presentation, if he is available. Commissioner Chereskin volunteered to be his backup, should Commissioner Aharoni be unable to attend. Chairman Howard-Jones distributed a letter from Jim Gaiser and his fundraising committee which was sent out to all alumni of the Pine Street School. He has requested a donation of at $50 or more from each alumnus. 4. Ramsav House Chairman Howard-Jones reported that she had received a call from Triad Properties, who is handling the REO sale of the Ramsay House for HomeFed Bank. They have a potential buyer who wants to use the home as a private residence. Triad was advised to tell their client that changes may be made to the interior of the home, but the exterior architecture must remain reasonably intact due to its historical significance. 5. Leo Carrillo Ranch Subcommittee Chairman Howard-Jones gave the subcommittee report for Commissioner Aharoni, because he had to leave early. The subcommittee feels that the EIR is not strong enough with regards to primary access to the park off Carrillo Way. They are preparing a list of items for consideration when the Master Plan comes under review; however, none of the items will affect developers. The next meeting of the Carrillo Ranch Subcommittee will be held on Friday, November 13, 1992 at 9:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers. If Commissioner Aharoni cannot attend, Commissioner Chereskin will take his place. Joan Kindle, Curator for Carrillo Ranch, advised the Commission that there will be a film festival, featuring Cisco Kid videos, in the Cultural Arts Center on April 24-25, 1993. She has received inquiries from Sunset Magazine about the historical significance of the videos and may do an article in an upcoming issue. A newspaper article about the videos ran in the Blade-Citizen on September 22, 1992. NEW BUSINESS (continued): 7. Identification Plaaue for Heritaae Hall Pat Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, reported that the Commission has received a request from Parks & Recreation for an identification plaque to be mounted on the exterior wall of the Heritage Hall building. After discussion, it was determined that the Commission agrees to placement of the plaque but that the Parks & Recreation Department should pay for it. The Historic Preservation Commission has not paid for appreciation plaques which were placed at the Granary and Gazebo. INFORMATIONAL: 8. Summaries of Various Boards, Committees and Commissions Commissioner Chereskin reported on his attendance at the Cultural Resource Workshop in Long Beach on September 26, 1992. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION October 14,1992 PAGE4 ’ 9. November Meetina and Aaenda Pat Craw, Senior Management Analyst, reviewed the items for the November agenda. She also reminded Commissioners of the Goals Workshop to be held Monday, November 16, 1992, from 4:OO to 6:OO p.m. in the Council Conference Room. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular meeting of October 14, 1992 was adjourned at 6143 p.m. Respectfully submitted, A PATCRAlTY fl Syior Manayement Analyst Minut Clerk 4