HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-11-09; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: ' HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: Place of Meeting: November 9, 1992 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Howard-Jones called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairperson Howard-Jones, Commissioners Aharoni, Gallegos, McCann and ex-officio Savary Absent: Commissioner Chereskin Staff Present : Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst Eric Munoz, Associate Planner COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: There were no requests to address the Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chairperson Howard-Jones requested a change to the minutes of October 14,1992 on page 2, paragraph 3, to read "Kay Christensen and Amelia Itvine, representing the Carlsbad Historical Society, gave some information...". ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner Aharoni Motion by Commissioner McCann, and duly seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 14, 1992, as corrected. Chairperson Howard-Jones and Commissioner McCann Commissioner Gallegos arrived at 510 p.m. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Environmental Impact/Aeports Eric Munoz, Associate Planner, gave an update on the status of the EIRs being prepared that could impact historic resources. Commissioner Gallegos reviewed a report on ancient burials and explained the process of carbon dating burial remains of Native Americans. 2. Incentives for Historic Preservation Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, reported that staff had sent out 31 6 surveys to owners of property on the Cultural Resource Inventory; however, 13-1 5 of the surveys were returned with bad addresses. In addition, several people have called the Planning Department to state mat they are no longer living in the original homes. Staff has received 20 responses to the survey and approximately 31 persons have indicated a desire to attend a workshop. Chairperson Howard-Jones will assist Staff in sending out thank you letters to the respondents and a follow-up letter to those who did not respond. Possible dates for the workshop were mentioned; a firm date will be established at the Goals Workshop on November 16th. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION November 9, i 992 PAGE 2 Commissioner Aharoni reported that the City of Vista recently granted $28,000 to a local furniture store as an incentive for historic preservation. 3. Pine Street School Pediment Chairperson Howard-Jones reported that the fundraising committee has already raised $2,400 with their first round of letters. This is approximately one-third of the amount needed for the pediment. The Committee will be sending out a second letter to those who have not yet responded. Commissioner Aharoni requested that a thank you letter be sent to the engineer who evaluated the pediment site. 4. Ramsav House Chairperson Howard-Jones reported that the Ramsay House is in escrow but she has not been able to find out who the buyer is or any of the details regarding the sale. She also mentioned that Julie Nygaard of the City Council had told her that she would like to see the City purchase the Ramsay House because of its historical significance. 5. Leo Carrillo Ranch Commissioner Aharoni reported that he had reviewed the Carrillo Ranch EIR and that it seems to address most of the concerns of the Commission. Everyone seems to agree that the Ranch is an important asset which needs to be protected; however, Commissioner Aharoni is concerned that the EIA does not attach much importance to retaining the north entrance. The north entrance has always been the primary entrance to the Ranch. He also noted that the EIR did not specify criteria for plant species to be used. Commissioner Aharoni would like to see an overlay of development planned within view of the Carrillo Ranch House because he believes that the proposed architecture should be compatible with the architecture of the Ranch House. Commissioner Gallegos commented that he would like to see the school site relocated and the north entrance preserved. Commissioners Aharoni and Gallegos will work up a letter to address what they see as the problem areas of the EIR and have it ready for inclusion in the next meeting packet. Public comments on the EIR can be made after December 14,1992. NEW BUSINESS: 6. Historic Preservation Goals Workshop Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, reported that the Goals Workshop will be held on November 16, 1992 from 4:OO to 6:OO p.m. in the Council Conference Room. Piua will be Sefved. 7. Alta Mira Park Dave Bradstreet, Parks & Recreation Director, has requested recommendations for a name for the Alta Mira Park. After discussion, the Commission agreed that "Linda Flores" should be submitted as a possible name for the park. Translated, the name means "beautiful flowers" which the Commission deems appropriate due to the proximity of the park to the flower fields. Commissioner Aharoni left at 6:30 p.m. INFORMATIONAL: 8. Chairman Howard-Jones reported that a grant for $2,147.00 was given to Mike Canizaro for his video "1 926 Revisited." Chairperson Howard-Jones will contact Mr. Canizaro for more details on the video and report at the next meeting. Summaries of Various Boards, Committees a nd Commissions HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION November 9, 1992 PAGE 3 9. Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, reported that a letter had been sent to the Parks & Recreation Department agreeing to placement of the plaque at Heritage Hall if it is paid for by their department. No answer has been received yet. Identification Plaaue for Heritaae Hall 10. j Chairperson Howard-Jones reported on Wayne Donaldson’s excellent presentation at the Carlsbad Historical Society Dinner on October 16, 1992. She stated that he was very critical of locating a transportation depot in the downtown area because it would eliminate the Eauer Lumber Company, a historic structure in the downtown area. He believes that most of the businesses downtown are geared toward tourists and that there needs to be something left intact for long-time residents. She stated that Mr. Donaldson was also vocal about reopening the Leo Carrillo Ranch to the public in the near future or he feels we will lose it. 11. Recent Articles Chairperson Howard-Jones reported that she had visited Mesa College in San Diego and picked up articles regarding the “Americanization School“ and the “Green Dragon Colony” both of which discuss San Diego historical landmarks. She made copies of the articles available to the Commissioners. 12. California Preservation Foundation Conference Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, passed out copies of the conference brochure which will be addressing ADA compliance and handicapped access. 13. December Meetina and Aaenda Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, reviewed the items for the December agenda. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion at 6% p.m., the Regular meeting of November 9, 1992 was adjourned to November 16, 1992 in the City Council Conference Room for the Goals Workshop. Respectfully submitted, CYNTAIA HAAS Senior Management Analyst BElTY BUCKNER Minutes Clerk