HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-01-11; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: January 1 1, 1993 Place of Meeting: CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Howard-Jones called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:07 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Chairperson Howard-Jones, Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin, Gallegos, and McCann Absent: Ex-off icio Commissioner Savary Staff Present: Pat Cratty, Senior Management Analyst Karen Sauer, Management Analyst Robert Green, Principal Planner Eric Munoz, Associate Planner Keith Beverly, Senior Management Analyst COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: There were no requests to address the Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ACTION: VOTE: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: Motion by Chairperson Howard-Jones and duly seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 14, 1993, as submitted. Chairperson Howard-Jones, Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin, Gallegos and McCann None None 5-0 Chairperson Howard-Jones announced that Agenda item #6 would be heard first, followed by Agenda item #5. NEW BUSINESS: 6. Fish House Vera Crut RedeveloPment Permit #417 - Carlsbad Villaae Drive - Inventon Listing Karen Sauer, Management Analyst, reviewed the background of the request and stated that the application was received over one year ago, prior to adoption of the City’s historic inventory. The application is to dismantle the existing building and reconstruct a new building with similar footage. The project will be a seafood restaurant with an accompanying retail fish market. There is a Grade 3 historic structure located on the property which resembles some type of barn. The barn predates 1925 and is in very poor shape. A condition has been placed on the project requiring mitigation for the loss of the historic structure. Staff requested the Historic Preservation Commission to determine the appropriate mitigation. Commissioners discussed the architectural styles of the original and proposed buildings, and whether Or not it would be possible to leave a portion of the historic barn in the parking lot and integrate it into the project. There was some concern about the architectural style of the new building and how it would look compared to the building next door, which houses a bicycle shop. Chairperson Howard-Jones noted that demolition of the building was scheduled for the following day, January 12, 1993. Several Commissioners HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION January 11,1993 PAGE 2 expressed a desire to have the barn examined by a historian, prior to it being demolished, to determine whether or not there is historical significance. In any event, the Commissioners conceded that the barn should be documented for the record. Chairperson Howard-Jones opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. Neil Krenzel, 20325 Rancho Villa Road, Ramona, applicant, addressed the Commission and stated that he is concerned about the economic impact of further delays to his project. He urged the Commission to determine the mitigation as soon as possible so that his project could proceed. Rex Butler, 30050 Anthony Road, Valley Center, co-applicant, addressed the Commission and stated that the site was purchased with the intent to remodel it. However, as they got into the project, it became evident that it would be more cost effective to entirely dismantle the structure and rebuild it. Although the existing building is styled differently, they wish to redo it in the "Old California" style, to match their other restaurants. They would not be interested in creating a Cape Cod effect. There being no other persons desiring to address the Commission on this topic, Chairperson Howard-Jones declared the public testimony closed. ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner Gallegos, and duly seconded, for the applicant to engage the services of a historian, prior to demolition, in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), to determine whether or not the building has historic significance. If the building is determined to have historic significance, then mitigation shall be determined by the Historic Preservation Commission at the February 1993 meeting. Chairperson Howard-Jones, Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin, Gallegos and McCann VOTE: 5-0 AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Once photographs and the report of the historian are completed, Chairperson Howard-Jones stated that a special meeting of the Commission could be called, if necessary, to assist the applicant in keeping to his schedule. 5. Rancho Carrillo Master Plan Pat Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, introduced a representative of the property owners of the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan to discuss planned improvements within the Carrillo Ranch historic site. Bob Wilkinson, Director of Design, Rick Engineering, 1959 Palomar Oaks Way, Carlsbad, addressed the Commission and stated that he represents four property Owners that are in the process of amending the current Master Plan for Rancho Carrillo. He described the changes being proposed for the 700 acre site and explained the options available for drainage in the event of a 100 year storm. He invited the Commissioners to visit the site so that they can better see the drainage situation and how it will affect development of the site. Commissioner Gallegos advised Mr. Wilkinson that the Historic Preservation Commission's response to the EIR is that they believe the historic entrance to the Ranch should be preserved. Mr. Wilkinson replied that the entrance to the site depends on many factors, including the drainage situation and whether or not a school will be built. Chairperson Howard-Jones opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION January 1 1,1993 PAGE 3 Allen Kindle, representing Friends of the Carrillo Ranch, addressed the Commission and stated that the Friends vigorously oppose having the entrance to the Ranch off a residential road. They strongly believe that the primary entrance should continue to be Carrillo Way. The Friends are also concerned about having the wier complex on City property and are fearful that restoration funding for the Ranch will be left to outside sources. He stated that the bridge is historic and urged the Commission to take a strong position to preserve it. There being no other persons desiring to address the Commission on this topic, Chairperson Howard-Jones declared the public testimony closed. Commissioner Aharoni is concerned that the Commission's request to retain the historic entrance to the Ranch may be ignored. ACTION: AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None Motion was made by Commissioner Aharoni, and duly seconded, that the proposals presented to the Historic Preservation Commission by the developer are not acceptable. Chairperson Howard-Jones, Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin, Gallegos and McCann VOTE: 5-0 Arrangements were made for the Commissioners to visit the Carrillo Ranch site on Friday, January 15, 1993, at 3:OO p.m. OLD BUSINESS: 3. Santa Fe DeDot Usaae Pat Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, advised the Commission that the application for placement of the Depot on the National Historic Register had been returned. The State has advised the City that the site cannot be placed on the National Register unless it includes the land, which is currently owned by North County Transit District (NCTD), even though the land is held in a leasehold agreement. She stated that she has talked to NCTD and they are concerned about the need to add tracks at a future date. The Commission unanimously agreed that Ms. Cratty should contact NCTD to see if they would agree to selling or deeding the Depot site to the City so that the application for historic significance can be resubmitted. If this can be accomplished, the State hearing (previously scheduled for February) would be held later in the year. Ms. Cratty will also check with the keeper of the National Register to determine if land needs to be included. The Commission discussed the existing lease between the City and the Chamber of Commerce, which dates back to 1970 and has been renewed annually. Chairperson Howard-Jones opened the public testimony and issued the invitation to speak. Elaine Lyttleton, 421 0 Sunnyhill, Carlsbad, current President of the Chamber of Commerce, addressed the Commission and stated that the downtown merchants are very much in favor of the continued Depot usage by the Convention and Visitor's Bureau (ConVis). If it would be helpful, they would be willing to provide some wall space for historical photographs inside the Depot. In addition, if the Historical Society could put something together, she felt that ConVis would be willing to hand out a brochure about the history of the Depot to anyone who might be requesting information. She is aware that the HUD grant requires using the freight room as a meeting room for low and moderatsincome residents. However, since it is so ill-suited for a meeting room because of acoustics, lighting and noise, she suggested the possibility of using the freight room as a storage area by non-profit groups, which might also meet the HUD requirement. She HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION January 1 1,1993 PAGE 4 also inquired if it might be possible to relocate the Historical Society research person from the Depot to the Magee House. There being no other persons desiring to address the Commission on this topic, Chairperson Howard-Jones declared the public testimony closed. ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner McCann, and duly seconded, that the Commission make no recommendations for changes to the existing lease. Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin and McCann VOTE: 3-2 AYES: NOES: Chairperson Howard-Jones, Commissioner Gallegos ABSTAIN: None ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner Gallegos, and duly seconded, to continue the existing lease without changes at this time, but reserving the right for the Historic Preservation Commission to recommend changes prior to the date the lease renews. Chairperson Howard-Jones, Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin and Gallegos. VOTE: 4-1 AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioner McCann 1. Environmental Impact Re~orts Eric Munoz, Associate Planner, gave an update on the status of the EIR's being prepared that could impact historic resources. Commissioner Gallegos is concerned that the Commission's request to retain the historic entrance to the Carrillo Ranch may be ignored. Mr. Munoz replied that once final comments to the EIR are in, this issue can be protested at the public hearing. The Commission requested the project planner, Brian Hunter, to attend the February meeting and give a project update as well as review the final comments which have been received. Commissioner Gallegos referred to the Fish House Vera Cruz project and stated that whenever there is a proposal to tamper with a historic structure, it should raise a flag to staff that a historian needs to determine whether or not there is something significant to document. He would like this to be a automatic gesture by staff so that applicants are not faced with unexpected delays and expense. 2. Incentives for Historic Preservation Pat Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, stated that homeowners of historic inventory structures have been invited to the February meeting. The details of the meeting and possible handouts were discussed. NEW BUSINESS: 7. Certified Loca I Government CLG) ProDosals This item was tabled until the next meeting due to time constraints. 8. This item was tabled until the next meeting due to time constraints. Sites for Historic Plaaue Markea HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION January 1 1, 1993 PAGE 5 INFORMATIONAL: 9. Save Our Heritaae Oraanization (SOH01 WorkshoD This item was tabled until the next meeting due to time constraints. Ms. Cratty will reserve one seat at the workshop by telephone. 10. Term ExDiration Dates for Members Chairperson Howard-Jones stated that Commissioner Gallegos appointment to the Commission will expire in April 1993. She requested Commissioners to be alert to anyone who may be interested in sewing on the Commission. Interested parties should contact Mayor Lewis. 11. Summaries of other meetings were not discussed. Summaries of Various Boards, Committees. and Commissions 12. Pat Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, reviewed items for the February agenda. Chairman Howard-Jones requested that the agenda include a determination on the feasibility of (1) relocating the Historical Society research person from the Santa Fe Depot to the Magee House, and (2) using the Santa Fe Depot freight room for storage rather than meetings. Februarv 8,1993 Meetina and Aaenda ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular meeting of January 11, 1993 was adjourned at 7:47 p.m. to the tour of Carrillo Rancho on January 15, 1993, at 3:OO p.m., and then to a special meeting, if necessary, to discuss the Fish House Vera Cruz. Respectfully submitted, 3% PAT CIACRA Senior Management Analyst BETTY BUCKNER Minutes Clerk