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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-03-08; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION
Time of Meeting: 5:OO P.M.
Date of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
March 8, 1993
Vice-chairman Dennis Gallegos called the Regular Meeting to order at 508 p.m.
Present : Vice-chairman Gallegos, Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin, McCann and
ex-off icio Savary
Absent: Chairperson Howard-Jones
Staff Present: Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst
Eric Munoz, Associate Planner
Bob Wojcik, Principal Civil Engineer
Martin Orenyak, Community Development Director
Allen Kindle, Carlsbad, representing the Friends of Carrillo Ranch, addressed the Commission and stated
that he had come to the meeting under the assumption that one of the agenda items would be a discussion
regarding funding for historic sites using ISTEA grant funds. Since he did not see it on the agenda, he
requested the Commission to call a vote to add it to the agenda for discussion.
As a final note, Mr. Kindle requested a correction to the minutes of February 8, 1993 on page 3, paragraph
5, Rancho Carrillo Master Plan, line 3, to clarify that the statement regarding parking on the school site
was made by him and not by Brian Hunter.
Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, requested that the minutes be corrected to reflect Mr. Kindle's
comment regarding parking at Rancho Carrillo. The revised sentence will read, "Allen Kindle, representing
the Friends of Carrillo Ranch, stated that parking on the school site...".
ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Aharoni, and duly seconded, to approve the Minutes of the
Regular Meeting of February 8,1993, as corrected.
Vice-chairman Gallegos, Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin, and McCann
VOTE: 4-0
NOES: None
Motion was made by Vice-chairman Gallegos, and duly seconded, to add an agenda
item to discuss the possibility of ISTEA funding for historic preservation at Carrillo
Vice-chairman Gallegos, Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin, and McCann
Allen Kindle, Carlsbad, representing the Friends of Carrillo Ranch, addressed the Commission and stated
that he understands that $200 million of ISTEA funds will be awarded over the next six years. The funds
are administered by Cal Trans and Carrillo Ranch should qualify because of the proposed Citywide trail
segment which runs alongside the Ranch. The first award will be approximately $38 million, of which San
Diego County is due to receive $4 million. The second funding is $50 million and the cutoff date for project
submittal is August 1, 1993. Although he is aware that there will be fierce competition for the funds in San
Diego County, he would like to see some Carrillo Ranch projects submitted for consideration on April 1st.
Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, reported that Pat Cratty is currently working to determine if
there are any projects which might be applicable to ISTEA funding. The deadline to submit projects for the
first funding is April 1, 1993, which means that a project must be all ready to go.
ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner McCann, and duly seconded, to support an application for ISTEA funding of any Carrillo Ranch project which may be available.
Vice-Chairman Gallegos, Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin, and McCann
VOTE: 4-0
NOES: None
1. Environmental ImDact ReDorts
Eric Munoz, Associate Planner, gave an update on the status of the EIR's being prepared that could impact
historic resources. He stated that the draft EIR for Shelley Carlsbad is now available for public review. He
presented a copy of the draft EIR to the Commission for their review and comment.
Ex-officio Member Commissioner Savary advised the Commission that copies of the General Plan Update
are also available for public review and that staff will be making a presentation to the City Council at their
meeting tomorrow night. She urged Commissioners to attend the Council meeting, if at all possible, to
learn more about the General Plan Update which will affect all citizens of Carlsbad. Cynthia Haas, Senior
Management Analyst, will bring copies of the update document for each Commissioner to the next Historic
Preservation meeting.
2. Cultural Resources Inventory
Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, reported that staff had received a letter from Patricia
Dresselhaus requesting removal of the historic designation on her property located at 2359 Pi0 Pic0 Drive.
Vice-chairman Gallegos led a discussion about the necessity of having structures rated 3 or 4 tagged for
review by the Historic Preservation Commission. The general consensus was that the current policy
should be refined to preserve only those structures which are unique and of historical significance. If a
property owner requests his property be exempt from the Commission's review, and it is not a unique
property with historical significance, his request should be granted.
Also discussed were the types of permits that could possibly be issued without a review and
recommendation by the Commission. Staff was requested to draft a list of improvements which might be
considered to be minor in nature and present them at the next meeting. A subcommittee consisting Of
Commissioners Aharoni and Chereskin will work with staff on this draft.
The old Kelly house was discussed. Cynthia Haas reported that the Deputy City Attorney had spoken to
the Kelly's regarding the historical significance of their home. It may not be possible to exempt the Kelly
house because it was identified by CEQA as a local point of interest.
Commissioner McCann reported that he had been to see Mr. and Mrs. Dresselhaus' home and that
significant changes had been made to the original structure. After reviewing the blueprints, he feels the
house is a very non-descriptive, eclectic design, with no historical significance. He would be in favor of removing the tag for future review by the Commission.
ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner McCann, and duly seconded, to leave the property located at 2359 Pi0 Pic0 Drive on the Cultural Resources Inventory but advise Planning
staff that no additional review needs to be made by the Historic Preservation
Commission, in the event a request is submitted for remodeling or demolition.
Vice-chairman Gallegos, Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin, and McCann
VOTE: 4-0
Leo Carrillo Ranch
Kindle, representing the Friends of Carrillo Ranch, addressed the Commission and stated that he has
heard the Carrillo Ranch-Master Plan will be on the Planning Commission's agenda on April 8, 1993. He
believes that the Planning Commission and the City Council would like to know what the Historic
Preservation Commission thinks about the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan. Assuming that the bridge and
weir complex will be saved, the remaining two concerns of the Friends of Carrillo Ranch are:
* Security for the 10.5 acre historic structure zone now on the National Register. The Friends tried to get
the Parks & Recreation Commission to discuss this issue at their recent meeting but they declined.
Absence of an access off Carrillo Way and the alternate access which has been proposed. If the
Historic Preservation Commission has a position on the access issue, Mr. Kindle urged them to go on
record with it so that staff can pass that information on to the Planning Commission and the City
Vice-chairman Gallegos led a discussion regarding the Carrillo Ranch issues. Commissioner Aharoni
reiterated for the record that the Historic Preservation Commission took a position on several issues in
response to the EIR, as follows:
Retain the current bridge and the weir complex;
Access to the Ranch needs to be from Carrillo Way; and Some type of permanent fencing, such as a block or adobe wall, is needed to protect the historic
structures and it should be installed prior to construction.
Motion was made by Vice-chairman Gallegos, and duly seconded, to go on record that
the Historic Preservation Commission is opposed to both drainage alternatives that have
been presented for the Carrillo Ranch Master Plan. However, while neither alternative is
ideal, the Commission believes that directing drainage to the north, avoiding the weir, is
the better of the two alternatives.
Vice-chairman Gallegos, Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin, and McCann
3. Santa Fe Demt
Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, reported'that Pat Cratty is still looking into the land issue
which was identified by NCTD because they are concerned about being able to add an additional rail track
at some future date.
4. SOH0 WorkshoD
Chairman Marge Howard-Jones attended the recent workshop and gleaned many ideas from other cities
represented at the meeting. The ideas were compiled and submitted to Commissioners in their agenda
packets. This agenda item will be repeated in April so that she may review the ideas during that meeting.
6. Redevelooment Master Plan
Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, provided copies of the preliminary Master Plan for general
reading. Phases I and II look at the Village vision and the development potential in the redevelopment
area. The historic element is not addressed until Phase Ill. Commissioner Aharoni suggested that the
Commission compile a list of their concerns about the Plan, for submittal to Debbie Fountain of the
Housing & Redevelopment Department.
Paul Normandin, representing the Normandin family who owns the Carlsbad Theatre on State Street,
addressed the Commission and requested that the Commission advise him, in writing, what is needed in
order to demolish the theatre. He also requested the names of those persons having final authority over
the decision. He stated that recent decisions by the City have "killed" the theatre operation. Mr. Normandin
left the meeting without waiting for the Commission's discussion.
Carlsbad Theatre - Demolition of 2822 State Street
Martin Orenyak, Community Development Director, gave some background on Mr. Normandin's comments
and stated that SB 547 was passed several years ago which requires that all unreinforced masonry
buildings must provide a plan for seismic reinforcement. The applicable property owners in Carlsbad were
given one year to hire an engineer and identify what their retrofit would be. Mr. Normandin declined to
participate. In addition to being an unreinforced masonry building, staff believes the theatre shares
common walls with the adjacent property owners, thus posing a problem for demolition. Mr. Orenyak
stated that if Mr. Normandin wishes to demolish the theatre structure, reinforcement of the common walls and
compliance with whatever mitigation the Commission feels is necessary, would be required.
After discussion, the Commissioners determined that they would like to tour the theatre to determine
mitigation requirements. Prior to the tour, staff will provide each Commissioner with a copy of the Wayne
Donaldson Theatre Feasibility Study so they will have sufficient information to evaluate the structure.
Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, will arrange for the tour and, in order to comply with the
Brown Act, will post a public notice of the tour date on the Council Chambers bulletin board at least 72
hours in advance.
8. Certified Local Government (CLG) Grants
The possibility of requesting CLG funds for seismic testing in the redevelopment area was discussed.
Since the submittal deadline for this year is April 30th, it was decided to place this topic on the September
1993 agenda for a possible submittal in 1994.
Vice-chairman Gallegos would like staff to explore the possibility of submitting an application for training
funds for Commissioners. Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, indicated that matching funds are
required. However, due to the current City policy on travel, matching funds may not be available.
Vice-chairman Gallegos requested staff to investigate the City's policy and, if possible, prepare the
9. Historic Societv Reauest - Maaee House
Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, reported that the Historical Society has received additional
space in the Magee House to accommodate the researcher who formerly worked out of the Santa Fe
Depot. The oak table which was at the Santa Fe Depot was moved to the Granary. The vacated space in
the Depot will now be used by various groups for storage, since acoustics make it inadequate for a
conference room.
12. ADril Aaenda
Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, reviewed items for the April agenda.
By proper motion, the Regular meeting of March 8, 1993 was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. to a special meeting,
if necessary, to tour the Carlsbad Theatre. The date of the special meeting will be posted for public notice
on the Council Chambers bulletin board at least 72 hours in advance.
Respectfully submitted,
Senior Management Analyst
Minds Clerk