HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-06-14; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: June 14,1993 Place of Meeting: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Commissioner Chereskin called the Regular Meeting to order at 5:06 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Aharoni, Chereskin, Jones, and Wanamaker Absent : Ex-officio Commissioner Savary Staff Present: Patricia Cratty, Senior Management Analyst Eric Munoz, Associate Planner COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: There were no requests to address the Board. Commissioner Chereskin thanked outgoing Chairperson Howard-Jones and Commissioner Gallegos and presented them each with a plaque commemorating their service on the Commission. Commissioner Aharoni arrived at 5:12 p.m. Commissioner Chereskin turned the gavel over to Commissioner Aharoni, as senior member of the Commission, to conduct the remainder of the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Patricia Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, advised the new Commissioners, Jones and Wanamaker, that they would have to abstain from voting on the minutes. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Chereskin, and duly seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 30, 1993, as submitted. Acting Chair Aharoni and Commissioner Chereskin VOTE: 2-0-2 AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioners Jones and Wanamaker ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Chereskin, and duly seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 12, 1993, as submitted. Acting Chair Aharoni and Commissioner Chereskin VOTE: 2-0-2 AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioners Jones and Wanamaker ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Chereskin, and duly seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 3, 1993, as submitted. Acting Chair Aharoni and Commissioner Chereskin VOTE: 2-0-2 AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: Commissioners Jones and Wanamaker HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION June 14,1993 PAGE 2 COMMISSION ORGANIZATION: 1. Introduction of New Members Acting Chair Aharoni introduced the new Commissioners and each was given an opportunity to discuss their background for the benefit of those in attendance. Commissioner John L. Jones is a retired electrical contractor who has lived in this area since 1935. He is very interested in historical preservation and looks forward to working on the Commission. Commissioner Allan J. Wanamaker has lived in Carlsbad for two years, having moved here from Honolulu where he lived for 25 years. While residing in Honolulu, he was very involved with historic preservation and has a lot of experience dealing with personal property issues. He looks forward to this opportunity to serve the community. 2. Election of Chair and Vice Chair Acting Chair Aharoni led a discussion on whether or not the election of a Chair and Vice Chair should be deferred for a couple of months to give the Commissioners a better opportunity to get acquainted with each other and give the Council some additional time to fill the remaining vacancy on the Commission. ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner Chereskin, and duly seconded, to postpone the election to a date uncertain. Acting Chair Aharoni, Commissioners Chereskin, Jones and Wanamaker VOTE: 4-0 AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None OLD BUSINESS: 3. Carrillo Ranch Subcommittee ReDort Acting Chair Aharoni reviewed the historic issues in the subcommittee report. He was disappointed that the Planning Commission did not understand the historical significance of the Carrillo Ranch and the importance of the Commission's recommendation to provide a main entrance to the Ranch from Carrillo Way. Patricia Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, reported that the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan will be going to the City Council on July 6, 1993 as a public hearing. Commissioner Aharoni will attend that meeting and urged other Commissioners to attend also. Ms. Cratty will invite Keith Beverly to the July meeting to discuss Parks & Recreation's goals for the Ranch. She will also try to arrange a tour of the Ranch for the new Commissioners. 4. Environmental ImDact Rewrts Eric Munoz, Associate Planner, gave an update on the status of the EIR's being prepared that could impact historic resources. Acting Chair Aharoni requested staff to see if former Commissioner Gallegos could make a 30-40 minute presentation at the July meeting regarding archeological and other sensitive issues which are included in EIR reports. Commissioner Jones inquired how the Williamson Act is being handled regarding the Carlsbad Ranch Specific Plan. Mr. Munoz will research this and report back to him. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION June 14,1993 PAGE 3 5. Leo Carrillo Ranch/Rancho Carrillo Master Plan Patricia Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, reported that Phase I of the stabilization has been completed but that grant funds have more or less dried up due to the economy and State budget constraints. Staff applied for ISTEA funding but was turned down by SANDAG because the Rancho Carrillo Master Plan does not involve a major transportation corridor. Staff is continuing to look for possible funding for the Phase II stabilization project. Commissioner Chereskin requested staff to provide him with a clear, decipherable copy of the Leo Carrillo Ranch which includes current and proposed streets. Ms. Cratty will send him a map. NEW BUSINESS: 6. Letter to ProDerty Owners Formerlv Listed on Cultural lnventorv Acting Chair Aharoni led a discussion regarding the need for a letter to be sent out to those property owners whose property had been listed on the Cultural Resources Inventory which the City Council deleted by Council action taken on May 18, 1993. Commissioner Jones volunteered to draft a letter and will submit it to staff for editing and dissemination to the Commissioners prior to mailing. 7. Modifications to the Historic Preservation Ordinance Acting Chair Aharoni suggested the possibility of a Workshop to discuss in detail the modifications which need to be made to the Historic Preservation Ordinance. The Commission settled on Monday, June 28th, as the date for the Workshop. Patricia Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, will investigate and determine a suitable location and advise the Commissioners. The Commission would also like to extend an invitation to the following: "Bud" Lewis Mayor of Carlsbad Ramona Finnila Bailey Noble Peggy Savary Planning Commissioner Member of the City Council Chairman of the Planning Commission Some of the items to be discussed at the Workshop will be: (1) the areas of conflict in the current ordinance; (2) methods to enhance the Commission's communications with the City Council and other Commissions; (3) CLG (Certified Local Government Funding) guidelines; and (4) staff support to the Historic Preservation Commission. 8. Commission Meetina Time Acting Chair Aharoni requested that this item be deferred to a later meeting. INFORMATIONAL: 9. Rewrt on SOHO Meetina (Save Our Heritaae Oraanization) Commissioners Chereskin and Jones attended a SOHO Meeting in Escondido recently. Both Commissioners gave a report on the meeting. Commissioner Jones filed a written report which is included with these minutes. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION June 14,1993 PAGE 4 10. Report on CPF Conference (California Preservation Foundation) Commissioners Chereskin and Jones attended the CPF Conference in Long Beach on June 3-5. Commissioner Jones gave a report on the Conference and filed a written report which is included with these minutes. 12. Julv Meetina and Anenda Patricia Cratty, Senior Management Analyst, reviewed items for the July agenda. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular meeting of June 14, 1993 was adjourned at 7:31 p.m. to the Workshop on June 28, 1993 and thence to the City Council Meeting on July 6, 1993. Respectfully submitted, PATRICIA CRATTY Senior Management Analyst 1 CKNER Minu@ Clerk