HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-09-13; Historic Preservation Commission; MinutesMinutes of: HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Time of Meeting: 5:OO P.M. Date of Meeting: September 13, 1993 Place of Meeting: CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER: Acting Chairperson Aharoni called the Regular Meeting to order at 506 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Acting Chairperson Aharoni, Commissioners Jones, Wanamaker, and ex-officio Noble Absent: Commissioner Chereskin Staff Present: Ramona Finnila, City Council Member Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst Eric Munoz, Associate Planner COMMENTS FROM THE AUDIENCE ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA: There were no requests to address the Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Acting Chairperson Aharoni commented that it was Commissioner Wanamaker who had discovered the misspelling of Gary Nessim's name when the Minutes of July 12, 1993 were approved at the last meeting. ACTION: Motion by Commissioner Jones, and duly seconded, to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 9, 1993, as corrected. Acting Chairperson Aharoni, Commissioners Jones, and Wanamaker VOTE: 3-0 AYES: NOES: None ABSTAIN: None OLD BUSINESS: 1. Carrillo Ranch Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, stated that she had received a request from Joan Kindle to continue this item to the next meeting. The Commission accepted the continuance. 2. Environmental Impact ReDorts Eric Munoz, Associate Planner, gave an update on the status of the ElRs being prepared that could impact historic resources. He stated that the Batiquitos Lagoon Educational Park had a Master Plan approved in 1985 but it is now under new ownership. The new owners will be amending the Master Plan to eliminate educational uses. Since a full EIR was done in 1984, and full recovery of archaeological remains was completed, a Mitigated Negative Declaration will be done with the revised Master Plan. Mr. Munoz presented a draft of the Open Space and Conservation Element of the General Plan and explained that the Historic Preservation and Open SpaceEonservation Elements were consolidated. The Commission discussed the possibility of creating a map for the public delineating archaeological sites in the City. Acting Chairman Aharoni is concerned that local residents have little or no access to HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION September 13, 1993 PAGE 2 information about archaeological finds within Carlsbad because there is no local place for the artifacts to be displayed. As a result, many artifacts have been shipped to the San Diego Museum of Man but they do not have adequate space to display all artifacts sent to them. Mr. Munoz reported that Carlsbad's long range plans include construction of a museum which could be used to house the artifacts locally. He stated that a map of archaeological sites would be infeasible because the sites are confidential and a map could open the areas to vandalism and looters. Mr. Munoz suggested the possibility of a pamphlet describing various finds and where the public may view the various artifacts. NEW BUSINESS: 3. Rancho Aaua Hedionda Adobe & Carrillo Ranch Historical Information Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, stated that Pat and Karen Kelly are putting together a presentation which will be made at the next meeting of the Commission. 4. Carlsbad by the SeaLutheran Home Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, stated that Mr. Lloyd Rochambleau has agreed to lead a tour of the Lutheran Home for members of the Commission. Commissioners discussed times for a tour and decided on Wednesday, September 22, 1993, at 11 :00 a.m. if this is okay with Mr. Rochambleau. Staff will notify Commissioners should it be necessary to change this date or time. 5. Proiect List for Grant Fundinq Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, presented a list of 1993 HPF Grant Recipients. Ms. Haas reminded Commissioners that CLG grants require the City to provide matching funds. Several possible projects for Carlsbad were discussed. CONTINUED ITEMS: 6. Historic Preservation Commission Amointments Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, stated that Historic Preservation Commission appointments are on the City Council agenda bill for the meeting of September 14, 1993. 7. Revisions to the Historic Preservation Ordinance Cynthia Haas, Senior Management Analyst, led an in-depth review of Chapter 22.06 of the Historic Preservation Ordinance. Commissioners suggested various revisions which will be incorporated and presented at the next meeting. INFORMATIONAL: 8. October Meetina and Aaenda The Commission reviewed items for the October agenda. However, due to the holiday which falls on the regularly scheduled meeting date, it was decided to cancel the meeting in favor of a workshop to be held October 18, 1993 at 5:OO p.m. at the Las Palrnas facility. The workshop is being held to complete revisions to the Historic Preservation Ordinance. HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION September 13, 1993 PAGE 3 ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Regular meeting of September 13, 1993 was adjourned at 7:22 p.m. to September 22, 1993, for a tour of the Lutheran Home, and then to the workshop at 5:OO p.m. on October 18, 1993 at Las Palmas. Respectfully submitted, CYN~HIA HAAS Senior Management Analyst BETTY BUCKNER Minutes Clerk